Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 271 Cave Exploration

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Hammerhead Dragon, as the name suggests, is a dragon with a head like a mallet, with a raised and downward arc at the back of the head. Short hands, strong hind feet, this is the whole appearance of the head hammer dragon.

Two purple soul rings light up, this martial spirit is not very strong, the head hammer dragon lowers its head, its head lights up, a head hammer energy attack wave rushes forward, attacking a tungsten steel dragon oncoming beast.



The tungsten steel dragon beast that was attacked let out a painful roar, but there was no fatal blow or injury. The tungsten steel dragon beast here eats tungsten steel every day and grows extremely fast. Most of the cultivation bases are at five thousand more than a year.

The tungsten steel dragon beast is also defensive, the hard tungsten steel body is cast, it is difficult to break through the defense of the body shell.

"Hey, it seems a little difficult to practice other spirits. The second spirit skill is head hammer shaking the ground!"

Mingtian said bitterly, the head of the Hammer Dragon instantly became a little bigger, and the body proportions were extremely uncoordinated. The huge head hit the ground, and when it hit the ground, the ground vibrated violently. Steady, the Dark Blue Silver Grass skill on Ming Tian's left arm has been activated long ago, and the Overlord's spear pierces through the bodies of several tungsten steel dragon beasts rapidly. .

One shot and three strings, three tungsten steel dragon beasts of about eight thousand years were instantly killed by Mingtian, and the three purple soul rings were pulled by Mingtian, and they were put on the dragon martial soul of his own head hammer, and the tungsten steel dragon beast His soul, turned into his own martial soul, began to devour and take shape.

It didn't take long, about half an hour or so, all the tungsten steel dragon beasts beside the tungsten steel vein were killed.

Various soul rings were scattered all over the place, as well as the corpse of the tungsten dragon beast.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of tungsten steel. If this is developed, it will definitely develop a rare metal vein!"

As the prince, Davila has a forward-looking vision, he said excitedly.

"It's not realistic. The Lost Grand Canyon is extremely dangerous and difficult to develop. What I'm more interested in is the tungsten steel cave."

Tang Fengke and Daviela went against each other. I don't know if it was intentional or if it was a real analysis.

In front of the pile of tungsten steel rocks of the crowd,

There is a deep tungsten steel hole, which seems to hide deeper secrets and more dangerous things.

"Want to go in and have a look?"

Yang Chengzhai thought hesitantly.

Here Mingxue is the captain, everything has to listen to Mingxue.

Is it directly passing by? Or go deep into the tungsten steel cave exploration?

"Let's vote. If you want to go in and have a look, raise your hand."

Mingxue said.

Between them, Davie raised his hand, Ming Tian and Long En looked at each other, and raised their hands too.

Three against four?

Looking at the few people, Mingxue raised her hand.

"It seems that there should be no objections. I suggest going in and taking a look."

Now that the captain has spoken, although Yang Chengzhai is cautious, he feels relieved when he thinks that Ming Tian is there.

Seven people solved the tungsten steel dragon nearby, and entered the tungsten steel cave one by one.

Ming Tian switched to an Earth Flame Dragon Martial Soul, which was also obtained in Dragon Valley. When the bright flame lit up, it lit up the pitch-black tungsten steel hole.

"It's really convenient to have this ability, can you conjure any martial spirit?"

Mingxue turned her head and asked Mingtian, this was the first time she took the initiative to talk to Mingtian.

"No, many of these martial spirits were obtained in a Dragon Valley experience. They are all dragon-like spirit beasts that have been around for thousands of years or ten thousand years. I haven't checked them much and used them. I testify."

Ming Tian explained that not everyone cares about it, but it is indeed a lot more convenient.

The echoes of their words reverberated in this tungsten steel cave. It was all made of tungsten steel. People couldn't help but wonder if it was formed naturally, or was there something deliberately made it like this?

"Be vigilant at any time, no one knows what's in it."


"I let the stinging insect explore the way."

As Tang Fengke said, he opened the Martial Soul of the Heavenly Book, and the stinging worm reappeared inside, crawling inside with its blade-like limbs moving rhythmically.

The summoned soul beast has a spiritual connection with Tang Fengke, and Tang Fengke can feed back what the stinging worm perceives.

"There is no problem ahead, let's go, it is best to follow closely and remember the positions of the people around you."

Now they have a good understanding of each other's abilities, and have cooperated a few times, and now they naturally have a tacit understanding.

There are stinging worms at the front to explore the way, and they fall behind. If there is a problem in the front, they will think of a way to make a decision in time, whether to retreat or continue forward.


There was a strange sound coming from the front, like the sound of falling water.

Just, how is this possible? How could there be water in this Lost Grand Canyon?

"Stop! There's a problem!"

"What's wrong? Feng Ke?"

"My stinging worm, it fell into the water."

"Falling into the water?"

"That's right, there is a puddle in front of it, or an underground river. I'm trying to get the stinging worm to climb up."

"Strange, how can there be water in such a place?"

Ming Tian raised his own question, which was also the question of their companions, water, how could there be water in such a place?

"Second Soul Skill, Moon Moth!"

The heavenly book was flipped, and a group of moths burning with flames flew out. The flames lit up little by little, and they could see the surroundings clearly.

"Be careful now."

They walked forward and walked a short distance. Led by the light of the moon moth, they finally saw what was ahead.

There is no way, what kind of puddle is there in front, the silver liquid is the scene ahead, twisting and shining under the firelight.

"Molten tungsten steel, these tungsten steels melted, and they became molten steel!!"

It's not impossible for them to melt steel into water, but they can do it so thoroughly, and melt so much tungsten steel into liquid, what kind of ability is needed.

"Shall we go on?"

Yang Chengzhai swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, he was naturally cautious, and felt that there must be something wrong with it.

"I tried to use the stinging worm to investigate. There seems to be something under the tungsten steel water."

At the bottom of the deep tungsten steel water, the stinging worm is floating. It can't swim, and it is groping in the dark. At the bottom of the silent water, a huge creature is lying on its stomach with its eyes closed, as if it is in a deep sleep.


The stinging worm turned over, turned upside down, and landed on the behemoth's nose. The guy at the bottom of the tungsten steel suddenly opened his eyes. Its pupils were erected, like dragon eyes.

"Not good! Everyone, retreat to the entrance of the cave!!"

Tang Fengke, who had a connection with the Netherworm, was the first to react, and shouted at the people around him that they had reacted and were about to run out of the cave when a vortex swirled on the surface of the tungsten steel water, and in front of their eyes, a long dragon Leaning out of the water, water droplets splashed, like a small shower.


The deep voice rolled, seeing what was in front of them, Ming Tian and the others felt an invisible pressure, this soul beast, I am afraid it is...

"The breath of nearly 100,000 years, we are not opponents, run!"

At the same time, an invisible high temperature rose, and the entire tungsten steel cave, including the tungsten steel veins, began to melt!

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