Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 278 The Flowing Sand River

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Only by finding the river in the valley can one get close to the secrets inside the Misty Grand Canyon. Ming Tian and others suddenly realized that it seems that the Misty Grand Canyon is really not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Follow the river in the valley to find the valley in the valley. I will wait for you at the entrance of Sun Valley."

As Ubimon said, it whistled towards the sky, and a goshawk swooped down from the sky. It jumped on the goshawk's back, and it was carried by the goshawk to nowhere.

The rest of Ming Tian and the others had serious expressions on their faces.

"It seems that if we want to find the other two teams, we must first find the so-called secret treasure before they can catch Sun Chuanting and let him explain everything."

"It's not too late, everyone, we have no retreat, let's act."

Ming Tian turned his head and said to everyone, as if he had become the team leader, even Suyue Douluo Long Suwu had a certain degree of obedience and appreciation for Ming Tian, ​​and nodded towards him.

As Mingxue, the captain of the team appointed at the beginning, she did not show any dissatisfaction at this time, nor did she say that she did not obey Mingtian's command. On the contrary, she looked at Mingtian with interest, wanting to see if Mingtian could How far can the leaders go, Mingxue thought in her heart, does he really have leadership skills, and remembered that Mingtian said that he had a younger sister named Mingxue. Could it be that there is such a coincidence in the world? Could it be that she and him really have a wonderful fate?

Then they walked, they didn't refer to the map again, Mingtian proposed a new method.

"Walking in the valley is particularly easy to get lost, you can't find the place, and the speed is slow. Why don't we go up into the air and look down from a high altitude? If there is a river, we can see it."

"It makes sense, I think it's feasible."

"Wanhuachuan, please release Queen Qiongdie, and take the rest of us with me, so I can fly by myself."

"Okay! Understood!"

The butterfly queen with huge wings appeared, carrying Yang Chengzhai, Tang Fengke, Daviela, and Mingxue, flapped their wings, and flew high into the sky. Mingtian displayed his eight wings. The titled Douluo also knew how to fly in the air. Just like that, a group of people flew up to the sky and looked down from the sky. They were all ravines and canyons. The ground was rugged and rugged, and it seemed to stretch for thousands of miles. , Surface, where can you see the existence of blue rivers?

"Strange, isn't it? Whether it's the writing on the rock wall or the words of Ubimon,

It can be inferred that there are rivers inside the Mizong Grand Canyon. Why do we still see landforms from a high altitude? "

Tang Fengke wondered, in this team, he, Mingtian and Mingxue are responsible for the IQ, and the remaining four, Long En and Daviela have a thin sense of existence, basically belonging to the type of thugs, Yang Chengzhai and Wan Huachuan are just one Playing the role of a driver, a timid person who always thinks of running away.

"A river within a river, a valley within a valley..."

"If it is said that the Sun Valley is hidden inside the Lost Canyon, does it mean that the river we are looking for is hidden in some other river? For example, an underground river? A dark river?"

"You mean the river we're looking for is underground? Not the one visible to the naked eye?"

"Just like the tungsten steel hole, there is a reason why there is a tungsten steel solution that we can't see."

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome. How can we find the underground river? We can't go deep underground."

Mingtian and Mingxue had dignified expressions on their faces as they talked. If the high-altitude bird's-eye view doesn't work, they can only fight on the ground, but searching like that is extremely slow.

"If it's an underground river, then the river should be very close to the ground. Let me try."

Thinking of something, Ming Tian flew down a little.

The eight-winged dragon whale martial soul appeared, Tianchuan Ge was in hand, Ming Tian just raised Tianchuan Ge, with the tip of the Ge facing the ground, a long beam of blue light lit up.

"Tianchuan Explosive Tribulation!!"


The long blue light fell into the ground. Ming Tian originally imagined that the ground would be smashed to pieces, exposing the underground river, which did not happen.

On the contrary, the strange thing is that the land on the ground is like a swamp. Tianchuan Bolangjie fell into the ground, as if falling into the water, forming only a vortex, the vortex in the shape of sand, but it was gone, and the ground was not damaged in any way.


Seeing this scene, Mingtian felt that something was wrong, and several people also felt that something was wrong. The butterfly queen flew a little lower. In order to verify his guess, Mingtian shattered a huge boulder and threw it to the ground. The ground was like a soft mud , the boulder sank into it, like sinking into the ground.

"Sand River!! This is a flowing river of sand!!"

When everyone saw this scene, they understood what it was. The river is not necessarily water, it may also be a river of sand. The sand is wrapped in stones and bones, moving slowly in the canyon of the earth. If you look at it with the naked eye , I can't see anything at all. If an unsuspecting person steps into the Shahe River, he will be swallowed by the huge suction force of the Shahe River immediately, turning into bones under the sand.


The cry of soul beasts came from the bottom of the flowing sand river. The shapeless, flowing sand turned into the appearance of soul beasts and surged up from the inside of the river.

"Silve beasts, spirit beasts without a specific shape, their color is the standard for judging their age, brown silt beasts are a hundred years, gray-brown silt beasts are a thousand years, brown silt beasts are ten thousand years!"

"Meet the enemy! Don't fall into the sand, or you won't be able to escape!"

Ming Tian reminded, saying that his flying height had increased a little, his right arm was shining, and with the Snow Blade in his hand, a layer of ice crystal flying edge was slashing towards the sand beast.

"Yuki Yuya Ice Dance!!"

"Crack, click——"

The sand beast was instantly frozen. It looks like a very artistic ice sculpture.


Ming Tian was overjoyed, but the next scene changed in an instant. In the sand river, whale-like guys gushed out. They looked like they were made of sand. The sand whale crashed into the frozen sand beast , the ice cubes on the Silt Beast shattered.

"Rock whales, earth-type cetacean soul beasts, live exclusively in muddy rivers, Mingtian, we have angered an ecosystem!"

Tang Fengke exclaimed, sure enough, there are not only sand beasts and rock whales in this flowing sand river.

Groups of small flying fish jumped out of the sandy river. They opened their very large mouths, and their triangular-shaped fish teeth were extremely sharp, capable of crushing anything!

"Crack, click, click!!"

"Steel-tooth flying fish, this kind of soul beast has extremely hard teeth. Stones, steel, and anything can be crushed by them. The race level is low, around the young slave level, but it is better than the large number. Once bitten by them , don’t try to get rid of it.”

"My god, why is there everything in this sand river, a ten-thousand-year soul beast will not come out in the next step!!"

Yang Chengzhai shouted.


Countless flying stones flew out from the inside of the Sand River, attacking them on the back of the Butterfly Queen. The Queen quickly flew high to dodge, and they saw a pair of nostrils floating on the surface of the Sand River!

Those flying stones flew out of the nostrils, one pair after another emerged, and then they saw clearly what these guys were, hippopotamuses with huge nostrils!

"Sand hippopotamus, an earth-type soul beast, also has a water-type. The attack just now came from their nostrils, and their nostrils are the way they attack. The blow just now is called flying sand!"

"Ming Tian, ​​look at you! What's wrong with you, you have offended all the soul beasts in the entire Shahe River, and you will die!"

"How do I know this is a flowing sand river? Is it time to pass the buck? I'm sure this sand river is the so-called river of rivers, and it will be related to the river we are looking for."

"Related? How is it related? Is it under the sand river?"

"It's not impossible, we need to get rid of these soul beasts and try it out."

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