Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 295 All Disappeared...


The completely darkened solar eclipse did not last for a long time, but for the people under the solar eclipse, it was a long time. It was like returning to the ancient prehistoric age without the sun, no fire, no light, Life lives in the dark, only deep loneliness, cold desolation, people who are used to living in the sun will feel afraid.

A little light began to shine from the corner of the sun, at first it was only a small point, and then it gradually expanded, like dispelling the darkness, like swallowing cold and loneliness, and the world was bathed in sunlight again and became warmer.

Some people who are not used to put their hands on their foreheads, and barely half-open their eyes. When the light comes again, people realize that there is the sun, and the days with light are so good. You can hold hands with the person you like in the sun, or hug, or flee...

But some people, in this short moment, disappeared, gone forever...

"Your Majesty Suyue, Your Majesty Suyue!!!"

Some cold corpses fell on the ground, lying in a pool of blood, with fatal wounds on their necks, but they closed their eyes permanently, and the people around surrounded them. Hao Xiao, as the chief, leader, and backbone, first Coming to Long Suwu's side, he tried Long Suwu's breath in fear, then raised his head and shook his head.

"how so……"

Despair and grief surged in the hearts of the people around. The mighty Titled Douluo just died here, at the hands of who knows.

"Where's Yingmeng? Where's Mingtian?"

"And Mingxue, they are all gone!"

Davila said, the disappearance of three people at once has something to do with the Moon Tianyuan that appeared during the solar eclipse?

The ghost child king in the sky watched all this coldly, and it was also looking for the suddenly missing Shengyawang...

"Where did that Holy Tooth guy go?"

The fallen ghost came to the ghost boy king and asked.

"I don't know, it's not like it's dead, it's like during a solar eclipse, it was taken away by other time and space, or it was frozen to a certain moment, whether it was time or space, it was frozen on it, so that It's missing..."

Reaching the million-year level, he is very sensitive to both time and space. The Ghost Child King frowned slightly. At the moment when the solar eclipse was fully formed, it felt that time and space were disordered, as if the world line that was going on as usual was interrupted. upset.

Could it be that the disappearance of King Shengya is also related to Yue Tianyuan? Accident? Or did someone do it on purpose?

"Let's go, there is nothing we want here..."

Shaking his head, Ghost Child King said.

They landed, and a sedan chair waited underground.

"Where do we go next?"

"Insect Realm, find the Zerg Concubine. Or, go to Lingshan Island, find Mirage Ji..."


Like a palace hidden in the sky, Qionglouyuge, eaves flying around, faint clouds, a toad moon hangs high in the sky forever, dotted with sporadic stars, all the colors are lavender, like The legendary moon palace that exists in nothingness.

It is beautiful, it seems that this place should only exist in the sky, and ordinary people cannot covet it.

For Mingxue, it was like teleporting, she and Long Jinyue opened the door of Yuetianyuan through the solar eclipse and came here, and saw everything around them.

Everything in the Moon Palace was reflected in Mingxue's eyes, her pupils lit up, and she was surprised and delighted to see all this, showing a very interested look.

"Jinyue, you are home, is this your home?"

She asked, Long Jinyue was only excited when she came here, she felt the calling from somewhere, and felt a sense of intimacy.

"This is the holy land of my family..."

"It is also an untouchable existence,

Only in heaven. "

"It doesn't look like there's anyone around."

Mingxue turned around and looked around, there were empty buildings all around, not like a place where people lived, the clouds were hazy, they seemed to be standing in a cloud.


A black shadow flashed away in Mingxue's sight, as if someone passed by just now?

"Since we are here, how do we look for it, and how do we find the existence you mentioned?"

"I have my own way of doing this."

Long Jinyue released the Martial Soul of the Moon God, and eight soul rings surrounded her, three purple and five black. When the Martial Soul of the Moon God was released, a lavender light shot out from a certain direction, shining on Long Jinyue, Like a guide to something.

"That direction, let's go."


The two walked towards the place where the light shone just now. Long Jinyue thought of something and said:

"Sovereign, this time here, there are powerful and rare soul beasts here, as well as many members of my tribe. We can ask them if they are willing to follow us back to the mainland."

"Wuhundian has already set their eyes on us. Those two titled Douluo, Ghost and Chrysanthemum, seem to be..."

When Ghost Douluo was mentioned, Mingxue became angry, clenched her hands into fists, and said:

"Ghost Douluo, I will never forgive him. He is the one who killed my family and my everything!!"

"I understand the resentment in your heart, but we are no longer the time when we were still developing. We are slowly surfacing and exposing our strength. This is extremely detrimental to us."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"I think that the people in the Hall of Spirits cannot know that you still have strength, otherwise the Hall of Spirits will only speed up the pace of destroying us. We need to act weak to make them think that we are no threat."

"You're right, but what do you do?"

"Find a fake Mingxue, fake death, let Wuhundian think you are dead, and then we will go underground and develop secretly."

"It's interesting. Looking for a substitute? A fake Mingxue, but where can I find it?"

Mingxue thought, lost in thought, find someone with the same name? It seems to be a bit difficult to find one that looks the same.


While the two were talking and walking, an arrow shot towards the two of them, as if shot out from the clouds, Ming Xue and Long Jinyue hurriedly dodged sideways, and saw someone pointing a bow and arrow at them.

"Outsiders, how did you come here? Get out of here!!"

The person pulling the bow is a girl with short lavender hair and lavender eyes, and a lavender fringe tied around her hair.

"We are not outsiders, the descendants of the moon god, the owner of the martial soul, Long Jinyue."

Release the martial soul, Long Jinyue said. .

"What about her? She shouldn't be from here. It's not allowed to bring outsiders in."


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