Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 297 Cloud Reef Moon Island


A woman is worthy of this name, and her beauty is irrefutable. The other party is really rare and beautiful, but I don't know if this name is the other party's real name. It may be made up temporarily. Maybe it was someone who came to perfuse her, but Mingxue didn't care about it.

"Cooperation? Then how do you want me to help you, and what benefits can I get? I can definitely ask people to surround you right now, and get into trouble with people like you for no reason. I won't guarantee that you are cheating me and preparing to use I."

"Based on my current disguise, people in Yuetianyuan can't recognize me for a while. I just lack the identity of how to get here. I originally came here with the Huiyue star card, but I lost it. It should be If I fall into the hands of the people who came after me, there is no Huiyue star card, and I am alone, they will definitely interrogate me, I need to rely on your identities and backgrounds, let me appear here, there is a reason."

The clever Mingxue soon understood what the woman meant. She wanted Mingxue to take her with her, so that others would think that she came here with Mingxue, instead of coming here without a reason and a method.

From the other party's words, Mingxue also keenly captured a piece of information, Huiyue Xingpai. She knew that the Huiyue Star Card belonged to the Xingluo Xu family. Later, when the Xingluo Xu family fell, Xu Jingcong, the patriarch of the Xingluo Xu family, dedicated the Huiyue Star Card to the Xingluo royal family for the safety of the remaining clansmen. The Moon Star Card was auctioned at the Xingluo Royal Academy, and was obtained by Long Suwu, a member of Yuetianyuan at the same time.

After Mingxue got the news of the Huiyue Star Card, she also sent Lan Xuguo and Tan Shuning to auction it, but because Long Suwu sold it generously, and Xu Guo and the others were cautious, they gave up the Huiyue Star Card. I heard that many things happened after that auction, Mingxue has not sent anyone to inquire.

To come here, she and Long Jinyue used another method, and did not pass the Huiyue Star Card, and if the other party did not have a Huiyue Star Card, they would obviously be regarded as smuggled immigrants.

"Why did the Xingluo Xu family's Huiyue star card fall into your hands?"

"You don't need to know this, this is something that belongs to me."

"Hurry up, are you ready, is it convenient for you to take so long?"

The conversation between the two was interrupted by Takimuro Tsukishe's cry, and she walked towards Mingxue, wanting to see what Mingxue was doing.

While thinking about it, Mingxue had an idea and said:

"Deal, but don't try to play tricks in front of my eyes."


Before Si Qingrong could react, Mingxue grabbed her hand, pretended to be very happy, and ran towards Takishi Yueshe, Si Qingrong didn't realize what she was going to do for a while.

"Why so slow? Huh? Who is this person?!"

Takimuro Tsukishe asked sharply, how can I bring someone out for a while? Be vigilant immediately.

"Don't be nervous, she came here with us too, she is my good sister, she was separated when we came here, Jinyue and I haven't had time to find her, and I forgot to tell you, I just met her just now Well, it's okay, I almost couldn't find her, Qingrong, we didn't find you here, I'm really worried, the attitude of their people here is not very good, you haven't met anyone who makes things difficult for you, right? "

Holding Si Qingrong's arm, Ming Xue was very close to her and asked sweetly.

Si Qingrong had goosebumps all over her body, felt a little unwell, and a blush appeared on her face. She has always been a little cleanliness, and she has never been in such close contact with other people.

Although Mingxue is a girl, she still seems to be hugged by the opposite sex, besides feeling a little uncomfortable, there is also a little bit of shyness?

It has to be said that Mingxue is indeed an acting school, with quick reactions and quick speed, she has thought up a set of rhetoric, whether she can hide the truth or not, or another story.

Sure enough, Tsukishi Takimuro was not so easy to fool, a pair of eyes looked at the two of them sharply, the two of them looked beautiful together and looked pleasing to the eye, beautiful women should be with beautiful women! Even Takimuro felt jealous when he saw the appearance of the two.

"What you said is true? How do I feel that you are lying to me? Do you really think I am a fool? Is it so easy to deceive?!"

Takimuro said angrily, and said:

"Hmph, no matter who you are, if you arrive at Tsukishima Shrine, if you fail the test, you will still leave here. The test is very cruel. Some people came here before to take the test in order to obtain the qualification to be here, and they died in the end. Where the test is, prepare yourselves for it!"

Throwing away such a sentence coldly, Takishi Tsukishe just walked forward, ignoring the two of them, Mingxue still held Si Qingrong's arm, but asked in a low voice:

"You should know about the test, do you want to go with me?"

"Tsukishima Shrine, it's still difficult. I'm even more familiar with the content of the test than anyone else. Don't worry."

"It seems that you are quite familiar with this place. I have to resist you a little bit. They say you are rebellious. Could it be that you were from here before?"

"You don't need to know."

"Now we are pretending to know each other, but good sister, you'd better cooperate with me. I don't care what your purpose is. If you have any wrong thoughts, I will confess you immediately."

"Then you are not afraid that I will kill you to silence you? Testing the dead is a common thing."

"If you have the ability, then come and try."

With such an intimate movement of holding arms, the two spoke like enemies, Mingxue smiled and said to Si Qingrong, looking harmless to humans and animals.

The clouds and mist are misty, and the original sky of Yuetian is a light purple and dark blue starry sky. The lifelines of star paths are connected with each other, like a deep universe.

A vermilion lacquered door stands in the emptiness of clouds and mists. It is tall and has a mysterious color. It is said to be a door, but in fact it is just a thing built by three logs. Two vertical logs, one horizontal on two The short log above the log is like a court plaque, with a half-moon decoration inlaid in the middle.

"This is……"

"Tsukishima Shrine?"

"It's just a simple door, it doesn't seem to be anything special."

"You will know when you enter the door, and I will have no control over your life and death."

Stopping on one side, Takimuro Tsukishe sneered, as if looking forward to their death inside.

"There is no other choice, I think we will pass the test."

"Let's go."

Confidently smiling at Takimuro Tsukishe, Mingxue took Si Qingrong's hand and walked slowly towards the door, walked slowly through the door, and entered the so-called Tsukishima Shrine.

There seemed to be another space on one side of the door. When they entered, the ripples spread like a vortex, and their figures did not appear behind the door.

"Shouldn't you need to wait here, go find Pu Xia and return to life."

Takimuro Tsuki shot away, and the vermilion lacquered door stood empty among the clouds and mist, under the stars, it seemed that no one had ever visited.

But the two who entered the door and fell into another space saw another scene in front of them.


The huge clear and bright full moon is in front of you, as if you are not in the sea. Before the full moon, there is a small island surrounded by dark water waves.

The guy flying over the full moon made a Yoyo sound. It was a rabbit with four long ears, and there were soft feather wings between its ribs. On the back of the rabbit, it seemed that someone was flying by on it.

Under the surface of the water, a whale that looked bigger than the island floated quietly, as if asleep.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful..."

A dreamy scene, such a place is a place where a girl will be amazed when she sees it, so be attracted to it.

"Yunjiao Moon Island, do you know? If the dark sky is regarded as an ocean, then the floating clouds are the reefs in the ocean, and the moon is the only island in the middle of the ocean."

"What a beautiful statement, is this the origin of Tsukishima Shrine?"

"Beautiful? After accepting the test later, I'm afraid you won't think so."

Si Qingrong said.

Far away at the seaside of the sky, it seemed that the people of Yuedao Shrine had noticed them, and several flying rabbits were flying towards them, similar to the rabbits that flew over the sky just now, only smaller.

"Outsiders, are you here to accept the test?"


"Hehe, that's interesting. It's been a long time since outsiders broke into Yuetianyuan. Let me see how capable you are."

A person on a flying moon feather rabbit smiled, holding a small and exquisite silver-white halberd, the blade of the halberd lit up with a moon-white light, and it was slashing towards Mingxue piece by piece.

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