Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 299 Men, no entry allowed.

Gradually fly close to Yuedao, only to see the whole picture of Yuedao near the huge full moon. Yuedao is in the center of Feiying Sea. There are palaces and houses on the island. A radiant palace in the center of the island is more conspicuous. The palace is made of porcelain white. It was built on a moonstone, and the top was built of gilded rubble, like a place where gods and men lived in the sky. The four-winged flying moon feather rabbit was driven by someone, like soldiers on patrol, flying across the sky in twos and threes. .

Following the two sisters of the Lianyue family to the interior of the Yuedao Shrine, Mingxue was even more surprised when she saw the layout and style here.

"When we arrive, Master Yueji will test you. We are just leading the way."


"Equivalent to the level of priests in your mainland God Realm, with strength at level 100."

A hundred-level soul master? !

On the mainland, the strength of the Ultimate Douluo level is already standing proudly among the heroes, becoming a god is everyone's dream, but the continent has been formed for tens of millions of years, and human beings have appeared for millions of years. There are very few soul masters who have become gods, and no one knows about them at all.

A hundred-level soul master, Mingxue carries the dream and lifelong hope of the soul beast giant who sacrificed for her. The hundred-level is also her goal. I don’t know how far she is from the hundred-level. Are soul masters fighting each other? I really want to know how big and to what extent the gap between her and a hundred-level soul master is.

Be vigilant in her heart, Mingxue found that Si Qingrong who was on the side didn't seem so surprised to hear a hundred-level soul master, as if a hundred-level soul master was in her eyes, and she didn't even bother to look at it.

Si Qingrong still hasn't released her martial soul and showed her strength, but Mingxue faintly feels that the other party's soul power is much higher than hers. The whole picture, but once shot, it is absolutely deadly and poisonous.

"Did you bring any guests? Qianyu, Wuling, you have worked hard, go and change defenses to pick up the guard."

A faint woman's voice came, and in the moonlight, a woman dressed in white silk satin came in gracefully, her movements were elegant, her temples were piled up, and she was pulled into a bun, with a few strands of hair falling down from both sides, her head The back hair spreads down like a hanging vine.

"Yes, Lord Yueji, I'm going to retreat."

Qianyu, Wu Ling saw the woman coming, she bowed slightly and said respectfully, she just rode the Flying Moon Feather Rabbit and went into the interior of the island.

The two women are rare and beautiful in the world, and their appearance is not inferior even to Yue Ji. Ordinary beauties would feel ashamed to see Yue Ji's face at this time.

"The guests who have broken into Yuetianyuan for so many years, you are the most special ones I have ever seen. It seems that you are related to us and have some kind of connection with us."

Looking at Mingxue, Yueji said meaningfully, the two women looked at each other, and each had their own thoughts under their calm faces.

"I also want to know what I can gain from coming to the legendary Moon Palace this time."

"It will be as you expected, so it's up to you, my test for you is..."

"Let's take a bath first, the Yuehua Qingquan in Yuedao is very famous."



Sending away Mingxue and Si Qingrong to Tsukishima Shrine, Takimuro Tsukishe left with some displeasure. It was obvious that the woman named Mingxue was lying to her earlier. It would be better for them to die directly in Tsukishima Shrine. Don't come out, or you will meet her again,

She definitely won't let her take it easy.

The rebel who came back has not been found yet, and the people patrolling their periphery will probably not be free, so let's switch defenses and take a rest now.

They don't have to patrol the periphery of Yuetianyuan all day long. The Moon God Seven God Soldiers, the seven guards guard the outer families, the Linyueji family is at the Yuedao Shrine, and the Moon-covering Shield is at the Treasury of Yuezang, guarding the most On the periphery are people from three families, namely the Takimuro family of Shooting Moon Bow, the Urushi family of Oni Yuesha, and the Youzhi family of Moon Touch Pen.

Three families, three defenses. After the Takimuro family changed defenses, it was Oni Yuesha's paint family.

"If there is trouble in the future, it's not my business, it's Qi Tanxue's business. I hope today will be a peaceful day."

Sighing to herself, Takimuro Tsukishe gradually walked inside. She is now at level ninety-three soul power. Yuan, but still the weakest existence.


At the title Douluo level, she has extremely keen mental power, and faintly sensed that there was something wrong in the vicinity. It seemed that there were some strange fluctuations in soul power hidden. go.

The moon shooting bow was in his hand again, and nine spirit rings were lined up on one side. The strange thing was that there was an arrow floating in each spirit ring, and the spirit ring was like a quiver filled with arrows.

"Who is there!!"

"Sneaky, are you looking for death?"

Take out an arrow from the fourth soul ring among the nine soul rings, put it on the bow, gather the soul power, and shoot the arrow.

"call out!!"

The arrow pierced through the clouds and mist, drawing out a lavender light. fall to the ground.

In front of Takimuro Tsukishe was the face of a terrified girl, as if something had happened to her.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

It was just a little girl. The little girl looked like she had been greatly frightened. She looked very small and looked a little raw.

"Why have I never seen you before? Where are you from? Let me see if you release the martial spirit!"

"Don't, don't kill me, my martial spirit is the descendant of the Moon God..."

As the girl spoke, she released her Martial Soul, four purples, three blacks, and seven rings, the aura of descendants of the Moon God.

"Seven Rings? A descendant of the Moon God again? Are you from outside?!"

"I don't know, I don't know, I'm so scared, someone, someone is going to kill me, save me, save me..."

"I don't know how I got here, I have this brand."

Saying that, the girl took out a small jade token, seeing that token, Takimuro Tsukishe blurted out:

"Huiyue star card? Do you have a token? It will be much easier. You said someone is going to kill you? Did you meet someone?"

Walking towards the girl, Takimuro Tsukishe still did not relax his vigilance, holding the shooting bow in his right hand, squatting down, and stretched out his left hand towards the girl.

"Come on, can you still go? I'll pull you up."

"Thank you, thank you..."

The timid girl whispered, and tentatively pulled Takimuro Tsukishe's hand forward, just when Takimuro Tsukishe was trying to pull her up from the ground, the girl's sixth soul skill was suddenly released, and a moon blade slashed Shoot Takimurotsuki at the neck.

Facing the sudden attack, Takimuro Tsukishe didn't panic when he saw it, he shot the moon bow sideways, and used the bow to resist the blow, but at the same time, vines suddenly grew on both sides, and the other shore flower vine and the dark blue silver grass vine were released at the same time, A dark blue and a dark red respectively entangled Takimuro Tsukishe, and at the same time a dark purple light fell towards Takimuro Tsukishe.

The dark purple light was harmless, but when Takimuro Tsukishe felt the purple light enter her body, she couldn't move.

This is like a well-planned game, someone is waiting for her to take the bait!

The cold charm pink blade was pressed against the back of her neck, and there was a man behind her at some point, and the man said coldly:

"Don't move around, we have no malicious intentions and want to inquire about something."


Hearing this voice, Takimuro Luna wondered.

"What's wrong with the man? What do you mean?"

"Yuetianyuan does not allow men to enter, and there are no men in Yuetianyuan. This is where the matriarchal clan is located. Any male who comes here will die. You are so brave."

"Huh? And this rule?"

The man was surprised for a moment, thinking that he had strayed off topic, and asked:

"Sure enough, this is Yuetianyuan. I didn't expect that we really found this place."

"Human beings who came here today, you are not the first wave, can you tell me how you got in?".

"A solar eclipse, a solar eclipse happened, the sun was engulfed, we came here with the Bright Moon Star card, someone snatched our Bright Moon Star card and came here, we chased that person."

Mentioning that person, Tong Yingmeng's eyes revealed a trace of sadness and anger, that person killed her mother! !

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