Remember in a second【】

"Buzz buzz!!!"

There was a buzzing, and the swarms of poisonous king bees rushed towards the purple thunder bear in anger, preparing to teach this guy who dared to covet their honey. Among them, the big stinging queen bee has a huge stinging tail and very large wings , enough to have a body size of nearly two meters, compared to some birds and beasts, it is not much better.

"Big stinging poisonous queen bee, poison type, flying insect type, the leader of poisonous queen bee, look at this big stinging poisonous queen bee, the strength should be very good, compared with Flanders spirit, it is more appropriate, and , Flender, if you obtain the soul ring of this big stinging poisonous queen bee, you should be able to add a poison-type skill, the proposal of the second dragon is okay, do you want to consider it?"

Yu Xiaogang also turned his head and said to Flender.

Flender, however, looked disgusted, waved his hands, and said:

"My sixth spirit ring was the five or sixty thousand year old corpse dancer crow emperor. My seventh spirit ring can only be stronger than the last one. I don't like this big stinging poisonous queen bee."

A few people have been looking for it in the Star Dou Forest for a while, and it is extremely difficult to come across a soul beast suitable for Flender. This big stinging poisonous queen bee can be said to be a middle-class soul beast, and the soul ring that can be produced is also very rare. It was good enough to be around the upper middle class, but even so, Flender was not satisfied.

"Guys with high eyesight and low hands, what if we can't meet someone better than this in the future? Don't blame us for not reminding you, it's too late to regret it."

"I don't regret it. I, Flender, have always had good luck. I believe in my luck. Let's continue walking to the interior of the Star Dou Forest."

Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other helplessly, it seemed that they could not persuade Flender well, and could only continue walking towards the core mixed area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

The more you walk in the Star Dou Great Forest, the more powerful the soul beasts you encounter will be. At the same time, some soul beasts cannot be dealt with by human soul masters. With a little luck, it is not impossible to meet a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Soul beasts are not all ferocious, violent, there are also milder and less belligerent spirit beasts, such as Bi Ji, Bone Charm Rabbit, and Blue Silver Emperor, which are often human soul masters, especially those who break through. When it comes to Title Douluo, human soul masters who lack the ninth soul ring will specifically pick this kind of soul beast to attack.

In the core area, a tall mountain-like giant ape lowered its head, put its mouth on the lake in front of it as if lying on its stomach, and drank the water in the small lake in front of it. The lake is under a big tree. It exudes a strong breath of life, like a green emerald inlaid on the ground.

Under the deep lake, a spirit beast with a python body and a bull head quietly closed its eyes, as if it was resting.

Strings of air bubbles floated out of its mouth and burst upon reaching the surface of the lake.


The giant ape titan raised his head after drinking the water from the lake, and looked at the sky in the distance. There, there seemed to be the aura of some ferocious beast coming towards the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Tian Qing, a strange guy has come over, I don't know if it's a friend or an enemy."

A faint ferocious aura came out, and the Titan Giant Ape said in a deep voice.

The surface of the lake fluctuated for a while, and the ripples swayed away, only one head was exposed, and the soul beast called Tianqing said:

"Should have come to look for Di Tian, ​​Di Tian is not here, go and ask Bi Ji."...

"Did it come from the sky again? When you come to our Star Dou Great Forest, no matter what kind of beast it is, you should abide by our Star Dou Great Forest's hospitality, hehe."

The giant ape titan laughed in a low voice, as if he was thinking of some bad idea.

"Go, don't do too much."

"Understood, brother, then I'll go..."

Stepping high, the titan giant ape walked towards a certain place in the forest, and towards the place where the breath came, let out a loud roar like a demonstration.


An angry roar spread throughout the Star Dou Great Forest. Some weak spirit beasts were frightened, and hurriedly avoided. A cold wind blew up, and the sky became a little darker.

The roar echoed clearly in the Star Dou Great Forest, from the core to the edge of the forest, not only the soul beasts, but also the soul masters in the forest heard it.

"Oh my god, what is it? It's such a cold breath! I always feel that something is wrong."

Startled by the roar, Flender became a little timid.

"Fierce beast! It should be the breath of a 100,000-year-level soul beast. It should be intimidating. I don't know what it is intimidating."

Yu Dao who judged at once.

"Then shall we continue walking? It won't attract its attention."

"A powerful 100,000-year-old soul beast like this hasn't put us weak humans in its eyes yet. There should be soul masters or soul beasts stronger than us, so let it care."

"Next, be careful and continue to move forward with vigilance."

Yu Xiaogang suggested.

"Bi Ji, where is Ditian? A guest is here, hehe." Ranwen.ranwen521.

For the sake of convenience, the giant ape titan shrunk down and turned into a smaller ape, walking towards the emerald swan.

The emerald swan Brigitte still maintains her human form, she looks younger and stronger than before, her aura is completely restrained, and she can't see her true years of cultivation.

Beside her was a big pink rabbit, and beside the big rabbit was a little girl. She was lying in the soft down of the big rabbit, looking quite comfortable.

Seeing the Titan giant ape approaching, she laughed happily and rushed towards the giant ape.

"Er Ming! You're here!"

"Xiao Wu, hehe, didn't I scare you just now?"

"No, what's the matter? Out of

^0^ Remember in a second【】

What's up? "

"Someone of our kind has come over. I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend. Di Tian is not here. Tian Qing asked me to come to Bi Ji to make a decision."

"It turned out to be like this..."

"Perception of breath, is it coming from the sky?"

"That's right, it should be a flying 100,000-year-old soul beast."

"Then let Pecking Shadow go."

"Pecking Shadow? It's not yet 100,000 years old, and it has a rather violent temper and is warlike."

The titan great ape pondered and said.

"Let it go to show the 100,000-year-old soul beast to the outside world that our Star Dou Forest is still the number one forest on the mainland, and no matter what time it is, a 70,000-year-old soul beast is enough to be comparable to a 100,000-year-old soul beast." Than, moreover, Pecking might be able to comprehend something."

"I see. I'm going to find Pecking. The Star Dou Forest is still the Star Dou Forest..."

The Titan Giant Ape walked to find Pecking, and the inner circle of Star Dou Great Forest returned to calm. …

"It's almost there, is this the Star Dou Forest? I haven't been back for many years."

Above the sky, a three-headed red mastiff soul beast murmured while looking at the forest below.

The one who came to the Star Dou Great Forest was the three-headed red mastiff king from the Mizong Grand Canyon. The Mizong Grand Canyon has undergone tremendous changes, and everything that should go has gone. It has nowhere to go, so it thought of the Star Dou Great Forest. What happened was too weird and of great significance, so it thought about coming to the Star Dou Forest to inform Ditian of the situation.

Unexpectedly, the giant ape titan sensed it and regarded it as a provocation, and was going to give it a blow first.


Arriving at the sky above the Star Dou Great Forest, the three red mastiff kings let out three loud howls, and the hundred thousand year-level soul beasts emitted again, suppressing the underground soul beasts until they couldn't breathe.

The wind bursts, howling and roaring.

"Why is there another hundred thousand year soul beast, are we guilty of Tai Sui today?"

"Hide quickly!!"

Flender complained, and they quickly restrained their breath and hid under a big tree, looking at the 100,000-year-old soul beast in the sky, the three-headed red mastiff king!

"Three-headed Red Mastiff King!!"

"Xiao Gang, do you know this soul beast?"

"It was mentioned in the legend. It seems that it is a mutated soul beast. I didn't expect to see it here. It seems that it is a guardian of the ruins. I don't know why it appears here."

The three people hiding under the big tree looked at the three scarlet mastiff kings and said, a soul beast of the level of the three scarlet mastiff kings, not the two of them soul saints, a great soul master can beat them, only Tibetan, Tibetan If you can't help it, you can only run.


What responded to the three red mastiff kings was a shriek from the core of the Star Dou Great Forest, a large silver-white bird rushed out, flew up into the sky, and faced the three red mastiff kings with its wings spread.

With slender wings and long pointed beak, the wings of the whole body seem to be hard steel, and there are flying feathers behind the head, just like a mutated woodpecker!

"Shadowpecker Skybird!!!"

When Flender saw Yingying's eyes burst into light, the Yingying Skybird was a powerful woodpecker and was quite well-known among the birds and beasts.

"That's it! It looks like it's not yet 100,000 years old, but its appearance is 60,000 to 70,000 years old. It's very suitable for me! I want to get its soul ring for anything!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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