Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 317 The Book of Nothing (Part 2)

Faced with Yunshang's invitation, Si Qingrong and Mingxue did not refuse, and it seemed that they were not afraid of Yunshang's petty tricks, or because they had a certain understanding of the other party, knowing that the other party's character would not do such villainous things .

This is not the first time she has come here. Si Qingrong looked at the inside of Mu Huan Pavilion. This place has never changed. The places where books are stored in the world, as long as they can be called books, will be recorded here. Extinct orphan copies, some are rubbings of more famous books, some books have no text, some books have no author, and some books are just a piece of paper or other things...

Mingxue, who came here for the first time, was attracted by the layout and grand specifications here. She looked around with interest in her eyes.

Observing Mingxue around her was captured by Yunshang from the corner of her eye, looking at her beautiful side face, she also sighed in her heart that there is such a beautiful woman in the world.

Looking at that appearance, it seems to be somewhat similar to someone, eh? It's a bit like Hades, Yunshang thought to himself.

"Sit down, I haven't been here for a long time, I didn't expect you to live with her face, Miao."

Speaking directly to Si Qingrong, Mingxue was attracted by this sentence, and thought to herself that Si Qingrong was indeed not her real name.

Miao, is it really her? The man she imagined guessing.

When her real name was called, Si Qingrong was a little angry. It seemed that Yunshang was dissatisfied with calling her original name in front of Mingxue. When Ling Chanyue called her by her original name in Chanyue Palace, her reaction was shocking. Not like this.

"Why would she believe you? Is there any secret between you? Or an agreement..."

"You've said it all, there is indeed a secret between us, but if the secret is told to you, can it still be a secret?"

"I don't have time to play dumb with you. Tell me everything that happened afterwards. How did everyone else handle it except me?"

Si Qingrong was obviously agitated, Yunshang poured a cup of tea for her, and also poured a cup for herself, as if caught in some distant memory, she said:

"You have also seen that because of you, Ling Chanyue will always be in the cold palace of Chanyue Palace, and no one cares about her anymore. She was going to die or be exiled. I persuaded Xia Tuyue to spare her life. Later, she will be there forever, and no one will visit her."

"As for her, she is still exiled in Yueyuan, her body is used to suppress those monsters in Yueyuan, and her soul is still fighting there."

"Because of you, Keyue's status has always been below Tuyue and Fuyue's. Her power has been completely emptied these years."

"What else do you want to know?"


These are not important, and..."

It seemed that there was something she wanted to know, but she didn't dare to ask, as if she understood what Si Qingrong wanted to ask, Yun Chang said:

"That child, she is not dead."

Si Qingrong had a calm face about all the previous incidents, but when she heard this sentence, her face changed drastically, and she got up and asked Yunshang excitedly:


"Where is An Er?"

"The God of Inari, Yuyatsu, has been raising her. Don't worry, she has Tsukiyomi's destiny on her body. Some people want her to die. Some people want her to live."

"It's been two or three days since you came back, haven't you gone to see her yet? That's right, everyone in Gao Tianyuan can guess that if you go, you're just throwing yourself into a trap."

"I've been at Yue Ji's place these days, yes, other things..."

As if feeling guilty, Si Qingrong lowered his head and said.

"Other things, is it because of this girl?"

Raising his head and looking at Mingxue, Yunshang smiled and said:

"It's really the beauty of the country, it's no worse than the tolerance."

Facing Yunshang's gaze, Mingxue frowned slightly, obviously, what she said was not the one in front of her eyes.

Si Qingrong looked a little agitated, and it seemed that it was no longer appropriate to talk about it. In order to change the subject, Mingxue asked:

"My lord, is the Muhuan Pavilion the Book Pavilion? I think there are many books here."

"Of course, all the books in the world are here, including rubbings and orphans. There are more than 70 million volumes in total."

More than 70 million volumes?

Mingxue frowned, can there be so many books here?

"Never look at what you see on the surface, find out the truth."

"Little girl, do you know what a book is? Is it because of paper that there are books? Or is it because of words that there are books? Or is it because people who can think can have books?"


Even with Mingxue's ingenuity, she couldn't answer for a while, is the pavilion master of feelings a philosopher?

"Don't pay attention to her, she's just like this, talking nonsense, looking like she's the one who knows the most in the world, an educated disgusting person all day long."

Si Qingrong said angrily, interrupting Yunshang's words.

"Ah, you can't say that. Knowledge is power. There is a golden house in the book. It's not all dead knowledge."

"Miao, do you remember? Master Yixie once told us about reincarnation and fatalism. Everyone is born in reincarnation and dies in reincarnation. Living in the world is a life, an independent destiny."

"The world line is not independent, it is parallel. In different world lines, everyone has a different destiny. Everyone's life is a thick book, and so are other creatures except human beings. Everything in this world, including the world we live in, is strange and can be called a book."

"The Book of Beginning, that's it, but the most common book in the world is the Book of Assuredness."

"The Book of Wuzhu?"

Mingxue said in surprise.

"Well, the book of Wusang, because the process of the birth of a book is not exciting, even lonely and plain, because if you compare a person's life to a book, then the so-called book of life will not be published until the person dies." It's done."

"There are so many people in the world, and how many people's lives are told in Yoyo's mouth like a book-like story. Most people live and die in a plain way. They die quietly without being known. Those who know will die in the end." Just one or two, the last person in the world who remembers you is dead, and that is the real death, without any waves, no book, no author, no readers, no words, or no carrier."

"People are like books, books are like people, how many people died without being known, so peaceful, how many books are completed without being known, it is only the magnificence of one person."

"The white horse chases the gray dog, but the river of the dead is not seen."

"The mayfly is smaller than the mayfly, how can we see the giant tree of life?"

"The greatest enemy in a person's life is time."

Time, Mingxue suddenly felt a sense of desolation gushing from the bottom of her heart, a little powerless, even if she went to a higher and higher place, she controlled everything, she could not control time, reincarnation, and fate In the end, a person will die alone...

God, how is she going to face the last bleak moment in her life, when there is no one around, only herself, and the unchanging world, recalling the past time alone, no one to tell, bear the kind of pain.

"Oh, I thought you were going to talk again. Isn't this what Master Yixie taught us back then? I still have the same answer as before."

"Reincarnation, fate, that's only for this world. How about creating another world by yourself? Like, this Gao Tianyuan created by Yi Xie."

Si Qingrong has no patience, and she doesn't want to listen to Yunshang's high-spirited talk anymore. Every time she listens to her high-spirited talk, she feels bored, as if Yi Xie is still chattering in her ears.

"You're still impatient, the same as before."

"Aya Chanyue also said this sentence."

"So she finally gave up and chose to settle down with me."

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you!!"

"Huan Huan Pavilion is one with me, how are you going to kill me?"

"It's very simple, just burn this place down. The weakness of the Muhuan Pavilion is obvious. It's all wood that can't be burned."

"Oh? Is the Thousand Crowns Shenmu also a wood that cannot be burned?"

"Thousand-crown sacred tree of Feathered Snake God, I know its power, but I have the ultimate fire here, the ultimate fire of the four elephant holy beasts."

"Mingxue, let go of the martial soul! Burn everything here."

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