Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 332 The whole story

Endless star lines, star lines are connected to form constellations one after another, floating in the deep cosmic universe, like a mysterious destiny of nothingness.

The star girl seems to be integrated with this star dome, the stars are the skirt, and the universe is the dress.

Somewhat restrained in front of Xingnuo, Tong Yingmeng still looks out from time to time, outside Pu Xia and the people from the Qi family have been looking everywhere, she understands that these people are probably looking for her after so much trouble.

If she goes out, she will definitely be caught. She is not the opponent of these guys, so she can only hide here with the star girl, but she doesn't know what kind of attitude the star girl has towards her. It seems that she brought her just because The sign in her hand is the Bright Moon Star card.

The Huiyue star card floated in front of Xingnuo, and Xingnuo had been exploring the Huiyue star card, as if she was perceiving something through this signboard.

One star after another surrounded the star girl, she didn't speak, and soon a few stars flew out of the Huiyue star card and fell into the star girl's hands. on the ground.

"Through everything recorded in the card, I know a lot..."

Raising her head and looking at Tong Yingmeng, the star girl said.

Sure enough, does that sign record everything they experienced? Just now, the star girl was investigating through the Huiyue star card?

"Tong Yingmeng, you must have a lot of questions, why did you come here, why did the descendants of the Moon God end up in the Douluo Continent, and why all of this happened."

Why did all this happen? Isn't it fate? It seems that for some reason, everyone's fate is linked together, coming here, getting involved in something. She hated this damn fate.

"Fate is just an excuse made up for all the encounters and partings. Some things are already doomed."

"The three powers of the star, the moon, and the sun were created to form the supreme and admirable power. All the powers of Gao Tianyuan come from three or three, and they are called the star god, the moon god, and the sun god."

"First, there is the power of nature, and then life is born. The lord of all things is the dragon god. The dragon god is born after bathing in the blessings of the sun and the moon, so it is said that the sun and moon gods restrain the dragon god."

"However, the power of the Dragon God gradually became stronger later on. The Sun and Moon gods exuded a fairy spirit, creating the universe and major galaxies. The Dragon God created his own God Realm, and created his own planet, Douluo Star."

"All kinds of powerful soul beasts began to be born one after another. The dragon god created nine sons, the space-time dragon, the emerald dragon king, the mountain dragon king... the mountain dragon king gave birth to mountains, rivers and swamps, and the natural environment began to form."

"Dragon God created a new God Realm for Douluo God Realm, which was separated from the jurisdiction of Gao Tianyuan God Realm. Gao Tianyuan questioned Dragon God, and Dragon God relied on his own power to repel the gods of Gao Tianyuan, and since then he has gained a foothold in the universe."

"The planes began to expand, the small planes were swallowed by the big planes, and various creatures began to fight each other, the abyss plane, the golden Beamon, the ancient beasts..."

"At that time, there were no human beings, and human soul masters had not yet been born. It was the great soul beasts that ruled the universe and the stars. The soul beasts began to compete with each other, but this was not a solution, so the Lord of the Sky was proposed. The title, the various soul beasts compete with each other, compete with each other, the winner is the master of the sky, commanding the beasts, and being the master of the soul beasts."

"The powerful Dragon God overwhelmed all the beasts, ascended to the Lord of Chasing the Sky, and has been elected for ten consecutive times. The Douluo God Realm and Douluo Star where the Dragon God resides gradually began to have a lofty status. The gods of other God Realms joined, just like the Great Dragon God. The higher planes devoured the smaller ones, the larger god realms also began to devour the smaller ones, the Douluo God Realm swallowed up some god realms, and some gods came in the name of the Dragon God, among them the Seven Sins God, the God of Life, etc. God, God of Destruction, Shura, Rakshasa..."

"During the period, the Dragon God was the king of gods, and there were countless gods under his command,

There are countless dragon kings, who used the Dragon Slaying Saber as a weapon, and separated their own ribs to create the Golden Dragon Spear and the Silver Dragon Spear. The Silver Dragon King controls the elemental power of the Dragon God and controls the wisdom side. mood. "

"Although the Dragon God Realm has expanded rapidly, the God Realm is still headed by Gao Tian's original world God Realm, and they all bow their heads to Gao Tianyuan, just like a country, there are countless duke countries and viscount countries, not just countries, planets, and God Realm In the middle too."

"Takamahara was founded by Izanami and Izanagi. The sun, moon, and stars, the two powers of the sun and the moon are inherited from Izanagi, and the stars are inherited from Izanami."

"Later, Izanami was murdered by his son Susanoo because of giving birth to a child. Izanagi exiled Susanoo to Yueyuan, and Izanami died. The power of the star god she represented began to disappear, so part of the power Distributed to other galaxies, some of the power of the star gods came to the Douluo Continent, which is also the most original power of the star gods. God's will."

"The Xingluo Xu family of Douluo inherits the power of the stars and the blood of the star gods. Later, Izanagi went to the kingdom of the underworld, looking for the method of Izanami's resurrection, came to the Dragon God, and brought Huiyue Ji and me together. The created star card is handed over to the Dragon God, and the Dragon God is handed over to the Xingluo Xu family for safekeeping."

"Izanagi, who represents the two powers of the sun and the moon, was divided into two children, Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu, and suppressed their younger brother, Susanoo."

"The sun god is the life of Amaterasu, the moon god is the life of the moon, the moon god creates seven magic weapons, and the continuation of the descendants is the moon shooting seven magic weapons."

"At the same time, Susanoo created three evil spirit beasts in the exile of Yueyuan, Tamazamae, Yamata no Orochi, and Wenche Yaoji."

"During this period, the Dragon God died and was killed by the foreign God Alliance. The Golden Dragon King was sealed in the God Realm, the Silver Dragon King was exiled in the Douluo Continent, and the dragon clan entered the Dragon Valley to form a plane of its own."

"The Lord of Chasing Heaven, who has been in office for ten consecutive times, died, and the world of souls and beasts began to reshuffle. For this reason, Yaqi Orochi, Tamazamae, and Wenche Yaoji, under the orders of Susanoo, led the monsters to break through the seal. , Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu suppressed, and because of a mistake, Amaterasu caused Tsukiyomi to be seriously injured. At the critical moment, Izanagi came back and suppressed the three monsters with three artifacts. The first generation of Tsukiyomi, but could not To cure death, Amaterasu Ming knew his mistake, went to Tsukishima Shrine by himself, and would never be born again. Acquired Amaterasu Ming called himself Tsukihime. Tsukiyomi Ming needed to be re-elected, so he was elected from seven families. Izanagi was suppressed He also died, and handed over the solution, "Book of Exile" to Yunshang."

"Among the three monsters that were suppressed, Wenche Yaoji was the most intelligent, and it was she who took the initiative to show weakness to Izanagi. She seduced Si Qingrong, the mysterious moon girl companion at that time, and Si Qingrong was bewitched by Wenche Yaoji. Wenche Yaoji instigated the relationship between the two, and Miu Yue was about to obtain Yueyue's life, which was stolen by Si Qingrong. It was all planned by Wen Che Yaoji, Si Qingrong returned Yue Duming to Wei Miao Yue, Wei Miao Yue was the third generation Yue Du Ming, and Si Qingrong was the second generation."

"The second Yueyuan Rebellion almost invaded the entire Gaotianyuan, and they were suppressed after paying a high price. God Inari found seven demon swords through Yunshang, and with the help of the demon swords, the Yueyuan riot was suppressed. .”

"Afterwards, the trial division confessed to Wei Miyue's guilt, and discussed whether to open the "Book of Exile" to completely solve Yueyuan, and they were divided into two factions. Ling Chanyue supported opening the "Book of Exile", but Yunshang opposed it. The storyteller's method is too cruel, she proposed to exile Si Qingrong to Yueyuan with seven demon knives and kill him."

"Wildly Yue refused to accept it and made troubles among the gods. She wanted to save Si Qingrong, but Si Qingrong knew that it was her own fault. She was killed by seven demon knives, and her body was thrown into Exile Yueyuan. Weirdyue saw it with her own eyes. Seeing that she was expelled from Gaotianyuan after making a fuss, she probably knew that the way to come back would be the Bright Moon Star Card, so she must have gone to Douluo Continent."

"Later, when Yun Shang saw Ling Chanyue, he gave the other party the book of exile. Ling Chanyue saw the content of the book of exile, and then realized that Yun Shang had good intentions, and the two reconciled."

"At that time, the two had already given birth to a daughter, who was raised by the God Inari, Yu Yanjin, until now."

"The dragon god was born bathed in the essence of the sun and the moon. Before he fell, he specified the rules for becoming a god. To become a god, you must cultivate the sun and moon dual soul cores. Cultivating the sun and moon dual soul cores is the first step of the limit, and it is also the first step of success." God's first step, this is the rule of becoming a god in the Douluo God Realm."

"Amaterasu's life is still there, but Yueyue's life is divided into four parts because of the death of the moon god, and a lot of divine power is scattered. Among them, there is not much time between the fall of the dragon god and the fall of the moon god. A trace of the power of the moon god is contaminated by the dragon god. The power is passed down in the Douluo Continent, and the surname is Long, mostly female."

"Okay, here is the whole content of Gao Tianyuan since its establishment, what else do you want to know?"

Hearing the cause and effect, Tong Yingmeng was shocked for a long time. .

After a long silence, she asked a key question:

"What exactly is in the "Book of Exile"? Is the disaster still going on..."

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