Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 345 Worldly affairs are endless reincarnation...

The abyss-like space is surrounded by black and purple mixed with each other. A huge nine-tailed demon fox flies here with its feet. Behind her is a girl.

The girl didn't seem to have a physical appearance, just a faint phantom outline, her face looked very plain, and she followed the huge demon fox to the depths of the darkness.

Looking around, she asked the demon fox in front of her, this guy who claimed to be Tamamo-mae.

"Is this the space in the jade? The space in the jade of the four souls, the jade has not been completely broken and sealed."

"No, this is Exile Yueyuan, it has always been, it's just that Exile Yueyuan was sealed in jade."

"The jade is just broken, but the broken jade still retains the characteristics of the past. A piece of broken jade also has power, or filth, or holiness."

"The good ones have jade, and they are straight spirits, and the evil ones have jade, and they are straight spirits."

"Susano and Wenche Yaoji didn't really die, they're still here..."


The empty sound reverberated in the surrounding space. Mingxue was in front of Yuzao and saw the scene in front of him. He was a baby-like guy with wine red hair and closed eyes. He had eight pairs of wings and sixteen wings on his body. The wings are either open or closed.

"Is he Susanoo?"

"It still looks like a baby..."

"He was sealed and exiled when he was born, so he has always been like this."

"Come out for me!"

As if sensing something, Yuzao poked out her front and rear tails, and rolled up an equally powerful phantom, that is, Wenche Yaoji! !

"Wen Che, you lost."

Looking at the now weak Wenche Yaoji with a mocking smile, Wenche Yaoji only has one soul left, and she is no longer her opponent.

The trouble Wenche Yaoji caused it before, and the debt it bullied, can finally be recovered now. Yu Zaoqian is a very vengeful guy, and now he has the opportunity to deal with Wenche Yaoji, how can he let it go?

"Don't be so rampant!! Tamamo-mae! We haven't lost yet!! We still have the last hole card, don't think that we can rest easy after destroying the jade of the four souls! We will get it back sooner or later! In the name of Izanami-sama !!"


Seeing Wenche Yaoji's arrogant appearance, I'm afraid they really have backhands. Tamazama looked at Susanoo who seemed to have fallen asleep. On his body, a strange bug seemed to come out of a chrysalis. Red round eyes flanked by small vibrating wings.

"That is, Qu Ling..."

"From Izanami's ability, the creation worm, has it been carried in Susanoo's body since the birth of Susanoo? It is it that gave Susanoo the ability to create powerful monsters and attract evil spirit beasts .”

The eyes of Yu Zaoqian narrowed, and his expression gradually became dignified. The appearance of Qu Ling meant that there was an evil person outside who was contaminated with the jade of the four souls. Who was it?

"The appearance of Qu Ling means that someone unexpected knows the secret of the Jade of the Four Souls. Who is it?"

"Mingxue, this guy is given to you, she is worthless, absorb her as a martial soul and soul ring, I will go and deal with this guy in front of me, otherwise, not only will the matter not end, but it will get worse. "

Handing the soul of Wenche Yaoji to Mingxue, Mingxue saw the weak soul of Wenche Yaoji without hesitation. After all, this is also the master of a generation, and the age has reached the level of tens of millions of years.

"Absorb her, I'll help you!"

"Seven Demon Knife! Seal!!"

"No! I am the Sky Chaser Lord of the Soul Beast Realm, how can I allow you..."

Wenche Yaoji hasn't finished speaking yet,

The seven demon knives stuck in Mingxue's back pierced through the soul of Wenche Yaoji, and the dark blue and silver grass swarmed out of her body, entangled in the soul of Wenche Yaoji.

Even in the exile of Yueyuan, Mingxue's ability can be used at will without limitation.



The prison dragon broke down, and there was a loud noise. Wei Wuyue did not resist, but she was not injured. Instead, it was Ming Tian who was injured. He was knocked aside by a sneak attack from behind. The battle between the two, but another accident happened.

"Fudu Yuhun, how is it possible, Susano is not dead yet?!"

Amaterasu Ming shouted in surprise, the smoke dispersed, and they saw the person holding the Budu Yuhun, it was a woman, the woman didn't look very familiar, but with their memory, they recognized the woman.

"Fengshou? You are from Fengshou's family? Why?"

"Unexpected? Surprised?"

A hoarse woman's voice sounded, and Feng Shou Yuewei grinned ferociously. Looking at them, she seemed to appreciate the surprised expressions on their faces. A small piece of jade of the four souls was stuck in her neck.

"Evil air, she inspired the song spirit of the jade of the four souls!"

"Damn it, how did she know about the Jade of the Four Souls?"

"I have an impression. I remembered that when I killed Yunshang and burned the Muhuan Pavilion, a fish that slipped through the net ran away. When I saw it, it was us who did it. It even ran into the Desolate Moon Palace. After that, I forgot to look for it. Come out and solve it, it should be her, does she have some kind of special connection with Yunshang?"

"Didn't you say something like this earlier?!"

On the side, Amaterasu complained, obviously this small mistake caused a lot of trouble.

"You killed Pavilion Master Yunshang, I want to avenge Pavilion Master Yunshang!! Not only you, but also the entire Gao Tianyuan, after Pavilion Master Yunshang died, none of you went to find the murderer and avenge Pavilion Master Yunshang , I only know that I am intriguing, what is so good about Gao Tianyuan like this?! Today, I want it to be destroyed!!"

"Give me death!!!"

"Budu Royal Soul!!"

"Heaven Feather Slash!!"

Amaterasu quickly used Tian Yu Yu Zhan again to block this blow, but for some reason, this blow was stronger than the previous one, even she was helpless.

"What's going on here? Star Girl, do you know how to deal with Qu Ling?"

Asked the star girl on the side of the last light whale, the star girl shook her head on the back of the last light whale and said:

"Qu Ling is immortal, unless he enters the Yuzhong space again and completely eliminates the soul of Susanoo inside!"

"Is there no other way?"

"Now how do we get to Yuzhong Space!!"

"I can use my last power to awaken the straight spirit side of the Jade of Four Souls to suppress Qu Ling. After all, I am the most direct power of Lord Izanami. At that time, you will directly use the original power of the entire Gao Tianyuan to sacrifice yourself For the price, sealing this guy, and then swallowing it by the Last Light Whale, this is the last way!!"

"Sacrifice yourself? Anyway, with the one you love, even if you sacrifice together, it's okay."

He and Si Qingrong looked at each other, and both of them had a look of final determination in their eyes. At the last moment, neither of them could die well.

"Master Star Girl, you..."

Seeing that the star girl wants to sacrifice herself to inspire Zhiling, Tong Yingmeng, who has a good impression of the star girl, looks at her with some reluctance.

"It's okay. After the matter is over, I'm afraid Gao Tianyuan will no longer exist. The space here has already begun to collapse and completely cracked. When the matter is completely over, I will open a space connecting your mainland, and you can go home. "

Touching Tong Yingmeng's head, the star girl turned into a purple-blue streamer, with a trace of Izanami's power in the streamer, rushing directly towards Fengshou Moon Curtain.

"Purify the jade fragments of the evil four souls in her neck, and awaken Zhiling."

Flowing light shines on the evil and filthy fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls, and the power of the Fengshou Moon Curtain is weakened a little.


In the Jade Space of the Four Souls, Yuzaoqian was slightly repelled by Qu Ling and Izanami's Creation Insect. It was not its opponent, and it had a lot of damage on its body.

"It's okay, Tamamo-mae!!"

Mingxue supported Yuzaoqian, and Yuzaoqian looked at Mingxue and said in surprise:

"Your breath..."

"Swallowing Wenche Yaoji has gained a lot, let's solve it together!"

"Seven Demon Sword, go!!!"

The seven demon swords were driven by Ming Xue to rush towards Qu Ling, Izanami's creation worm, and at the same time, the shadow of a huge woman appeared in Ming Xue.

"That is……"

"My devouring can turn the devoured soul beast into a martial soul mutation, raising a race level."

"She is no longer Wen Che Demon Fairy, but..."


"The sun reincarnates!!"

Himihu phantom with a golden sun wheel attacked Qu Ling, and at the same time, outside, Wei Miyue and Si Qingrong merged to become a complete Tsukuyomi, and together with Amaterasu Ming, they sealed Qu Ling with Fengshou Moon Curtain for the final time ! !


The Last Light Whale swallowed the Fengshou Moon Curtain in one gulp, and the surrounding space split apart, and the Last Light Whale shot a ray of light, opening a space channel.

"Let's go, go back to your world..."

"Then they..."

"Wonderful Moon will not die. She, Amaterasu, and Si Qingrong will seal this evil force forever. For them, this is also a good end."

"Is that the end?"

Seeing everything resolved, Ming Tian felt a little disappointed, Tong Yingmeng came to him and said softly:

"Ming Tian, ​​let's go, let's go back, I don't want to take revenge on my mother."


"It's time to leave..."

Turning around, looking at the fragmented Gaotianyuan, Mingtian will never forget the experience and gains of just a few days here.

"Let's go, go home, return to the mainland..."

Sinking into the space passage, they were sent back to the mainland.

"Okay, come out, they have already left, when are you going to hide?"

Mo Guangjing asked somewhere, somewhere safe, Long Jinyue came out with another Mingxue who should have died with the same name and possessed the Bianhua Martial Soul.

The whole time, they kept hiding in the dark and saw everything.

"Sovereign, is she really dead?"

Long Jinyue asked.

"Maybe not. It's very strange. When Qu Ling died, it seemed that someone in the inner space used the power of reincarnation to solve its main body. If I guessed correctly, it should be your suzerain."

"thank you."

"Go! Come back with me! When the suzerain is gone, you will take charge of the religion instead of the suzerain, as her substitute!!"

Long Jinyue grabbed Mingxue, the flower of the other side, and said, Mingxue didn't seem to resist, but nodded.

"I'm getting more and more curious about that Mingxue now, Tongying dreamed of hurting me, sooner or later I'll hide in the dark to take revenge!!"

"The Holy Spirit Sect seems to be a good home."

The two also walked towards the space passage, and when they reached the entrance of the cave, Mingxue suddenly turned around and asked the last light whale:

"Although Gao Tianyuan is gone, the Long Moon Island in the Tsukishima Shrine, Feiyinghai has always existed, and you have always been there. What level of soul beast are you? It seems to be earlier than Gao Tianyuan."

"You already have the answer in your heart, don't you? Why ask me, the end of the light, it means traveling in time at the end of time."

The Last Light Whale didn't answer them directly, but they already had the answer in their hearts.

Hundreds of millions of years, besides soul beasts of the hundred million years level, what other answers are there?

It turns out that this world really exists.

Watching Long Jinyue and Mingxue go back, the Doomlight Whale closed the space and plunged into the vast universe, as if to travel.

"The Supreme God Realm disappears. Presumably more God Realms will appear in the future and compete for Interstellar. I really want to know what will happen in the Interstellar era?"



"Let's get started, I'll make a sacrifice for you."

In Yuzhong Space, Yuzao looked at Mingxue and said, having two Heaven Chasing Lords as Wuhun at a time, if this is said, I am afraid it will scare others out of their teeth.

"Do you really want to do this?"

"I have a hunch that if I become your martial soul, I will mutate by a level, and then I can take you to break through the Yuzhong space and return to your world."

"Not only me, but also all the soul beasts in this Exiled Moon Abyss, you can absorb them all and become a Naraku body."


"You don't have a god, and there happens to be a god here, Susanoo's god, which is called the Emperor God."

"Let's get started, Mingxue, are you willing to accept this position?"

"I would."

With a soft voice echoing in the space, Yuzaoqian and countless monsters rushed into Mingxue's body, becoming the last god and the legendary Naraku. .

A tear quietly shed from the corner of Mingxue's eyes, and the last words of farewell sounded.

"Goodbye, Si Yuemiao or Wei Miaoyue..."

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