Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 349 Tang Hao, the Capital of Slaughter.


Iron-gray building, full of simple architectural style, a giant hammer sculpture is placed in the center of a square, the giant hammer represents the first martial soul in the mainland, the Clear Sky Hammer!

At this time, the Haotian School has not yet retreated, and the sect was established on a mountain alone, which symbolizes the most powerful sect of the previous three sects. The children of the four subordinate clans under its jurisdiction are also inside the Haotian School on weekdays. My disciple, release the martial soul of the sharp-tailed swift to hover at low altitude, patrolling.

The disciples of the Poyi clan who were in charge of drug research were transporting various materials to the sect, and the disciples of the Fangzhi clan who were in charge of construction were releasing their Wuhun iron giant rhinoceros to build something.

Strong and majestic soul power emanates from the sect. This kind of soul power makes people feel that most of it is masculine and full of strength. On weekdays, under the supervision of the seven elders, the disciples of the Haotian School have been working hard Cultivation is extremely hard, and because of this, the Clear Sky School has a lot of senior soul masters, and their overall strength far exceeds that of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family who are also the top three schools.

The Haotian School standing majestically in the world of soul masters is like a big mountain. Whenever Haotian School is mentioned, soul masters will feel fear and reverence.

A few people came to the gate of the Haotian School, their faces looked extremely ugly, and they were very angry. Those who didn't know thought they were here to smash the door. Who would dare to come to the gate of the Haotian School to break the ground?

The disciples in front of the sect's doorkeeper saw the person coming, their expressions turned serious, and they stepped forward and asked:

"Patriarch of the Titans? Who made you so angry?"

"Oh! Stop talking! Get out of the way, out of the way!!"

These few people were exactly the Tai Tan group who had to return after failing to chase Zao Wou-ki.

He went to chase and kill Zao Wou-ki, but instead of winning, he was rescued by a flying soul master of the Owl Wuhun on the way. Tai Tan felt so bad luck! How does this get him a foothold? How to establish the prestige of the Power Clan? It can be said that most of the reputation of the Li Zhi Clan was ruined because of Zhao Wuji's incident. If those old guys like Tai Tan knew about it, they would have to laugh at him.

Blame them for not being able to fly! Looking up and seeing the Minzhi Clan children patrolling in the sky, he was even more angry and didn't fight out.

The giant hand grabbed the air, and the gravity control was used again. A child of the Minzhi clan who was flying in the air tilted his body, and fell from the air and fell to the ground, a big somersault.

"Hey, Titan, you are sick! Shoot me as soon as you come back!!"

"Bai He, next time I go out, you are with me, it's irritating! It's so irritating! You can't fly if you bully us!"

"What's the matter? Who provoked you again? Didn't you go after the Zhao Wuji who provoked you?"

Pat the dust off your body,

Bai He, who was full of immortal demeanor, asked strangely.

"Don't mention it, I finally caught him, and I was saved by a flying soul master halfway, a stinky owl!!"

"Owl Wuhun? No wonder, hehe, the next time I go out with you, if I meet a flying soul master again, I will definitely catch you!"

The white crane with a complacent face said with a smile.

"Does the suzerain have any other orders? Seeing that you are all quite leisurely, Mr. Hao hasn't come back yet?"

"Young Master Xiao is back, Tang Hao is naughty, not yet."

"Tang Xiao is back? I'm going to meet him!"

"The two patriarchs, the suzerain has an invitation."

Tai Tan was about to find Tang Xiao, when a clan disciple came over and said to them.

"The suzerain is looking for us?"

The two looked at each other, something happened just after they came back, what could it be?

A little confused came to the meeting hall, and found that Niu Gao of the Fangzhi Clan, Yang Wudi of the Pozhi Clan, and the Seven Elders were all there.

What exactly happened that alarmed the four major affiliated patriarchs?

"I have seen the suzerain!!"

Tai Tan and Bai He who came to the conference hall said in unison.

Tang Ao, the current patriarch of the Haotian Sect, son of Tang Chen, father of Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, nodded towards the two of them, motioning them to sit aside, Tang Xiao saluted them behind Tang Ao.

"Since everyone is here, I have something to tell you. This involves sect secrecy. I hope you will keep it secret after you know it. Don't let it out and shake the faith of the sect's disciples."

"What the hell happened?!"

The few people below asked curiously. The atmosphere in the conference hall was surprisingly dignified. Tang Ao frowned into a Sichuan shape, and said with some concern:

"A few days ago, I discovered that the weak blood connection between me and my father had disappeared. I suspect..."

Tang Ao hesitated to speak, and didn't say much, but everyone who understood understood it, and the few people below all showed disbelief.

"Sovereign, what do you mean..."

"Ah, there is only one possibility, although I don't want to think in that direction."

"My father, he is dead..."

When Tang Ao said this sentence, everyone gasped.

How can it be? The first suzerain of the Clear Sky School, the famous Limit Douluo on the mainland, died? ?

"Impossible!! How could the old suzerain die!! How could someone kill him?"

Tai Tan got up angrily first, and shouted loudly.

"Yeah, how is this possible, suzerain, is there something wrong with your blood connection?"

"It's impossible to go wrong, and I don't want to think in that direction, but I just can't get in touch with my father."

Tang Ao shook his head and sighed.

"Could it be, Spirit Hall..."

Yang Wudi uttered a direction that no one dared to imagine.

Only Wuhundian, and only Qian Daoliu, who is also a Limit Douluo, can defeat Tang Chen, but Tang Chen seems to be even stronger than Qian Daoliu!

"Wuhundian is even more impossible. If it is Wuhundian, it is impossible to make no noise. Their strong men are basically under the watchful eyes of the world, and their every move is clear. Zongmen scouts come to report. These few days One day, a large number of people from Wuhundian sneaked into the Star Luo Empire, including Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Qianjia Qiancheng Yue, Qianxibai, and Qian Daoliu. Accompanying him day and night, there is no sign of leaving the Spirit Hall."

"Why are so many of them going to Xingluo?!"

"The All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition was arranged by the Spirit Hall to be held in Xingluo City. Now Xingluo City is already full of soul masters from all over the continent. There are only three months left before the start of the competition. Besides, it seems There is an evil soul master organization in the Star Luo Empire, which makes them very concerned..."

"So, Spirit Hall's attention is all on the Star Luo Empire, let alone attacking the old suzerain."

"Could it be the Soul Beast Realm?"

"Father's spirit ring and spirit bone have long been top-grade configurations, there is no reason to cause trouble with spirit beasts."

"When was the last time you felt the blood connection of the old suzerain?"

"It seems to be the day of the eclipse on the mainland."

Tang Ao said solemnly, when it comes to the solar eclipse, they all know that the solar eclipse means that there will be big troubles in the mainland soon, but they did not expect it to be related to Tang Chen's disappearance.

"Where is the location?"

"In the southeast direction, it seems to be... the killing capital."




Scarlet lightning strikes down from the cloud-covered sky, and an evil atmosphere surrounds a city that resembles a ghost domain.

This place is full of killing and blood, and only those with blood on their hands can survive here.

A young man came here with a sledgehammer in hand, looked at the sprite bloody area, a strange smile appeared on his face, and walked inside.

"Boss, have a Bloody Mary!"

Soon, a glass of wine that looked like blood was handed to the young man, and the young man drank it down without hesitation.

"Happy, may I ask how to get to Hell Road? I'm going to get the Killing God Realm."

"Go to Hell Road? Not everyone can go there."

"Haha, don't you recognize the hammer in my hand? Next, Haotianzong, Tang Hao!"

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