Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 373 Kinnaro (I can't get the event...)

The angry Jidi bell bird looked at Ming, and flapped its wings without saying a word. Countless colorful feathers fell from under the wings, attacking Xiang Ming like feather arrows.

"Damn it, it doesn't work anymore. I don't want to fight you. I'm asking for trouble. If you have the skills, you might as well go after Zuo Jishan. Maybe you can save the life of the Eight-clawed Fox Lord. How many times will you fight me here?" mean?"

"Human beings, the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable was beaten to death by you, do you think it can still live?! It's dead, and I want all of you to be buried with it!!!"

A more intense attack bombarded Xiang Ming, and Jidi Suzuko seemed to have made up his mind to kill Ming.

"Are all the soul beasts in the Panlong Forest so low in IQ??? Are they determined to attack me?"

"Bastard, I'm not the one you want to kill! I'm willing to kill you!!"

The extremely angry soul of Mingwu appeared, afraid of the previous sickle wind god itachi, and did not use Congyun, Chuan Ge danced, and four blood-colored hundred thousand year soul rings appeared, and the eight-winged dragon whale appeared, which was to meet Xiangji Emperor bell bird!


In the other part of the Panlong Forest, Qin Xiaoyi and Yi Fang are fleeing for their lives. The current situation is beyond their control. More and more giants and strong people are participating. It is good that they can save their lives.

Fleeing abroad, they are criminals who have been on the run all the time. They are used to the life of hiding and hiding. Now that they have no backbone and their companions are dead, it is meaningless to stay any longer. What's more, this time Qi Yuanqiu gave each of them a soul bone in order to buy them off. This time he came to the Panlong Great Forest, and he was sure to make a profit.

"Wei Ben didn't come after him. It seems that something happened over there. I don't know if Qi Yuanqiu is still alive or dead."

Yi Fang looked back at the direction they were leaving, and found that there were no pursuers, so he turned towards Qin Xiaoyi.

"We can't control Qi Yuanqiu any more. Let him seek his own blessings. He ran out directly to the outside of the Panlong Great Forest and left while taking advantage of the chaos. Now that the mud bodhisattva is crossing the river, we can't protect ourselves. How can we control others?"

Right in Qin Xiaoyi's room, there was a person blocking the way in front of them, and several figures flashed out. The leader was wearing the costume of the Panlong Great Forest Five Elements Legion. He looked like a high-ranking officer with an upright face.

This person is exactly Song Ceming who followed the mark left behind by Tong Yingmeng and searched all the way.

Two of Tong Gefei's five personal guard commanders have died. Hao Sixing was shot, Chen Feiyuan was killed by Tong Yingmeng, and Song Ceming was left alone. Search for Zuo Jishan's whereabouts, and prepare to arrest him and bring him to justice to prevent this accident.

"Hey, isn't this Qin Xiaoyi and Yi Fang on the arrest list? The 15th and 17th guys are in such a panic, where are they going?"

Song Ceming saw the two talking, a smug smile appeared on his face.

Originally, he led people wandering around in the forest, but he didn't find anyone's whereabouts, and he didn't get any credit for it. He thought that this time he would return in vain, but he didn't expect to meet Qin Xiaoyi and the two who fled in a hurry.

"Song Ceming of the Five Elements Legion?!"

The two are no strangers to the members of the Five Elements Legion, and Tong Gefei's five guard commanders all know each other.

"I advise you not to block the way, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!!"

The martial soul was released, and the skeleton general and the three-headed sword-skull dragon yelled at Song Ceming angrily, seeming to be ready to fight.

"It's a big tone, let's save your lives today!"


The soul power surged out, and Song Ceming completed the martial soul possession. A tiger jumped out with a roar, and blazing scorching flames ignited all over its body.

The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth correspond to the respective attributes of the five major guards. Chen Feiyuan's Wufeng ink sword belongs to gold, Hao Sixing's xiezhi belongs to wood, Song Ceming's Yanxi belongs to fire,

The remaining two correspond to water and soil.

With eight soul rings, Song Ceming exuded a high-spirited righteousness all over his body. Looking at the two of them, Yan Xi threw out the Flame Shadow Fist. Facing two Soul Douluo, he actually wanted to hit two with one.

"Looking for death, let's go together, I don't believe it, I can't solve him!!"

Facing Yanxi, the three-headed sword-headed dragon grew its wings, and it seemed that it used some kind of flying soul skill. The skeleton general held the bone sword and attacked Song Ceming from left to right.


The wind and the water collided. With the power of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, Dayakemaru stabilized the Kale Fengshen Itachi, and his own strength and life span were already higher than the Kamafeng Itachi, so he was not afraid at all.

Fighting in the air is the advantage of Kamikaze Itachi. In the air, Kamaze Itachi is the master. In order to deal with Dayake Maru, it has already used its own talent field first. When the wind blows, in the wind field, all the winds in the world, every time The wind in one place can be driven by the weasel, the god of sickle wind, in the wind, it is the emperor! !

Suzuka Gozen pressed the sword on her waist and watched the battle in the air. Otakemaru's performance satisfied her, so there was no need to worry at all.

Looking at the mainland, several tyrannical auras have already appeared from there. Lingxie Douluo Wu Yingbing has already arrived at the north coast. Looking at the ghost ship on the sea in the distance, Tong Gefei led troops to escort him there.

"Your Majesty the Evil Spirit!!"

"Uh... this is..."

Tong Gefei, who came here, quickly noticed Hao Sixing, who was shot and killed, one of his five personal guard commanders.

"Hao Sixing?! Why is he here? He's dead?"

"Should have been shot dead by someone from the other side. He was killed with one blow, so he should be buried richly."

Wu Yingbing's tone was a bit sad, and Tong Gefei also felt sad when he saw his fellow guards being killed like this.

"Give a good burial to General Hao."

Immediately afterwards, several soldiers came over, covered Hao Sixing with a white cloth, and brought his body down.

"Ahead is..."

"The battles between high-level soul beasts must be at least at the level of more than 100,000 years, and may even exceed this age limit."

Wu Yingbing said solemnly, Tong Gefei instantly understood what it meant, and exclaimed:

"A million years?! This is impossible!!"

"There are no millions of years on the mainland. The two soul beasts fighting in front of me should not belong to our mainland. With my ability to reach the limit, I should be able to fight with seven or eight hundred thousand years of souls, but the million years have already passed. Beyond what we know on the continent."

"Aren't you an opponent even my lord?"

The shocked Tong Gefei asked, he thought that he would be the peak combat power on the mainland when he reached level ninety-eight, but in front of the million-year-old soul beast giants, they are still not enough. , a mountain is always higher than a mountain! !

"Of course, I haven't played against each other, and I'm not good either."

Wu Ying, who has already become the limit, smiled. It has been many years since she reached the limit Douluo realm, and she hasn't fought anyone for a long time. Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition.

There are very few people who still remember her now, the first queen of the Star Luo Empire, the head of the dance family, Wu Yingbing! !


A roar resounded from the phantom image of the white tiger behind Wu Yingbing. The white tiger with different-color pupils had a third eye in the middle of his forehead, white hair, and a strong imposing manner.

Star Luo Empire's guardian martial soul, evil-eyed white tiger holy king! ! !

It was the one that appeared to suppress him when Du Hunsi made a big disturbance in Xingluo City.

Nine soul rings floated on Wu Yingbing's body, and the last touch was also bright red, and the extreme breath burst out, making the soul masters present feel like they wanted to worship, and lamented the power of this force, Limit Douluo, Chuan Chuan Today they are finally lucky enough to see the existence of

"So there are no million-year-level guys anymore? It's just a human being who hasn't become a god yet..."

Suzuka Gozen, who was still shy before, has no scruples at all. Compared with her, Wu Yingbing is still far behind.


He hooked his lips and sneered, and said to the people behind him:

"Coral, Hai Die Ji, watch over the ghost ship, I'll go meet that human being."

With that, Suzuka Gozen jumped up, his cold eyes and golden pupils were shining brightly, holding the dark bow in his hand, Chasing Shadow hit it again, and shot toward Wuying Bing with extreme speed! !

"It's coming, the ninth soul skill, the light of the evil eye!!"

"Wow woo woo!!!"

In the middle of the forehead of the roaring evil-eyed White Tiger Sacred King, the third eye opened, and a ray of nine-colored light shot towards Zhuying! !

The two major attacks are straight-line attacks, colliding directly on the sea surface, rushing toward each other.

"The ninth soul skill, the second skill, the Holy King's Blessing!!"

Wuying Bing yelled, forming a nine-color shield on herself, and the light of the evil eyes became stronger again, and attacked towards Suzuka Yuqian.


"Thousands of Hell Tribulation!!!"

"Pop, boom, boom!!!"

On the surface of the sea, the waves surged and rushed towards the edge of the continent. She is also a sea monster, so she will naturally use the ability of the sea.

"Tooth teeth, the dark light is broken!!!"

Pulled out another knife from behind, the knife looked slender and delicate, and was golden in color, Suzuka Gozen made another attack, towards Wuying ice.

"Uh, not good!!"

"Hold your heart!!"

Seeing the speed of the attack, Tong Gefei on one side had the idea of ​​rescue, but out of the instinct of fear of life and death, he hesitated, and at this moment of hesitation, Mingzhao broke through and approached.

Could it be that her Wuyingbing is going to perish here today?


Just when Wu Yingbing thought she was going to die, a melody sounded, surrounded by many feathered birds, a defensive barrier was to protect her, and several tyrannical auras came to them, all of them looked like soul beasts .

Was it the soul beast that saved her just now?

Wu Yingbing turned her head, and sure enough there were several big soul beasts by their side, among them was the Slayer Beast.

The one who saved her was a female soul beast, holding a light green guitar in her hand, her eyes were separated, her temperament was extremely elegant, exuding a sacred aura.

This aura is actually on par with Suzuka Gozen! !

"You, you are..."

"Human, you have nothing to do here. You are not enough to deal with her."

The female soul beast looked at Suzuka Gozen in the distance, and Suzuka Gozen felt a sense of fear.

"This guy, could it be..."

"Mysterious Elephant Pipa, you are..."

Suzuka Gozen looked at the pipa in the woman's hand, remembered something, and shouted:

"You are Kinnara!!!"

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