Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 383 Kill me, devour my martial soul, and stay by your side forever...

The girl burst into tears, unable to believe the fact that her heart was constantly being torn apart, and it became very painful, very painful.

The darkness seemed to spread from her heart, trying to swallow her soul and everything.

There is a voice in my heart that keeps calling, talking to her like a nightmare.

【Look, it really is so. From the beginning to the end, you are just a tool to be used, and no one has ever given you love...】

【Your mother gave birth to you just to be able to break through to Title Douluo and give you a deeper shackle. She deserves to die! ! ! 】

[She never thought of bringing you love, your father was not yours in the first place, he was Tong Hang's father in the first place, you were never his daughter...]

[Then who are you hating? What are you angry about? 】

[The tragic and dirty memories are all caused by them. If you want to hate, hate fate, hate this so-called world! ! Destroy everything, hahahaha! ! ! ! 】

"Yingmeng, Yingmeng, are you okay, what's wrong with you, wake up!!"

The body was shaken by someone, as if there was a voice calling to him, who is it?

【Ah, it doesn't matter who she is, she has lost everything, who is she? Where is she? Everything she thought she had was gone...]

[No one will come to pity her, everything in the end, let's end like this...]

"Go away!!!"

Tong Yingmeng raised her head, a ferocious aura erupted from her body, Ming Tian was taken aback by her appearance, he had never seen such a blackened Tong Yingmeng, cold, sick, with empty eyes, as if she had changed A person, like a stranger.


The momentum of repulsion erupted from Tong Yingmeng, and Ming Tian couldn't react at once, and was bounced away.

The so-called father and daughter looked at each other, Tong Gefei only had bitterness in his eyes, Tong Yingmeng seemed to have lost his soul, in front of him, he didn't know what to do.

"Meng'er, don't resent your mother, she has no other choice..."

"If you want to blame everything, blame me."

"No matter what, everything should be over..."

"It's over?"

"I didn't feel any sorrow at the moment my mother died, hehe, do you really think I don't know anything..."

"The year when the martial soul was awakened at the age of six,

I just knew that you don't love each other..."

"When you awakened the descendants of the moon god, the deep disappointment in your eyes, I caught the slightest disdain in the disappointment, but I didn't understand anything at that time. The night I ran into your quarrel, I started to follow you secretly gone."

"Speaking of which, you let Chen Feiyuan accompany me, but the idea of ​​watching and monitoring me is really stupid."

"As long as you use that little bit of beauty and sacrifice that little body, Chen Feiyuan will tell you everything he knows."

"About your woman outside, and your son."

"It's a pity that I didn't investigate this secret, otherwise Long Suwu wouldn't have allowed her to die so cheaply."

"Is that woman the original partner? So I am the other child you raised. In order not to be suspected, you really took great pains. You have endured for so many years before giving birth to Tong Hang."

"It's him, right?"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Tong Hang was absorbed from the ground and caught in Tong Yingmeng's hand. Seeing Tong Hang being caught by Tong Yingmeng, Tong Gefei suddenly became nervous.


"Yingmeng, why is Hang'er in your hands, don't be impulsive!!!"

"Hehe, don't be impulsive? If it weren't for me, your good son would have been killed by Chen Feiyuan long ago, and Chen Feiyuan deserved to die. He should have died a long time ago, but some accidents made him live for a few more months."

"Next is him, and you, I will kill them one by one with my own hands..."

"Don't!!! Let Tong Hang go!! Aren't you going to kill me? I give you my life, let Hang'er go, be obedient, let him go..."

Tong Gefei yelled, completely losing his original calm expression, his hands trembling and stretching out.


"Hahahaha, this is the incomparably great Qilin Douluo, the head of the Five Elements Army, who can sacrifice everything for your son..."

"so good……"

Tong Yingmeng raised her head, looked at Tong Gefei, two lines of tears flowed from her eyes, and shouted at him:

"Why don't I have one!!! That's great! You all love this child, you can sacrifice everything for him, even your life... It's really enviable..."

"But why didn't I have it? If it was me, would someone do it for me?"

"Great, noble, Qilin Douluo!!! Chief of the Five Elements Legion!!!"

"My father—

Tong Gefei, would you do this for me? "

"Heh, heh, will you?"

"No, you won't, no one loves me, does it hurt to be robbed of my love? As long as I kill this child so lightly, I can take away everything you have done..."

It seemed that she was really hard-hearted, Tong Yingmeng clutched Tong Hang's small neck, Tong Hang struggled, almost unable to breathe.

"Stop!! Yingmeng! Don't, don't do this..."

"The Yingmeng I know is not like this. Let's take care of everything and let everyone untie their knots. Do you like it?"

Ming Tian came to Tong Yingmeng and persuaded him cautiously.

"Everyone is happy?"

"What are you talking about, what do you know? Mingtian, you don't understand me, my real appearance, the current me is my real appearance!!!"

"The hypocritical face, I don't want to wear a face anymore, I was born like this, selfish, hypocritical, and jealous!!! Everyone is like this, the most real side is always covered under the skin."

"Mingxue was killed by me. Back then in Gaotianyuan, we were hunted down. In order to get rid of the hunted down, I used her as a shield. Haha, it was really useful. I blocked her body in front of me, and was shot by an arrow and an axe." Killing, hahahaha..."

"Would you still like me like this? Would you still love? Would you still want to save me!!!!"

Asking Mingtian loudly, Mingtian only felt that his head exploded and buzzed.

"You don't understand at all, see every woman you come into contact with, only see what they show on the surface, what they want you to see, people are always the most complicated individuals."

Wei Miyue's original words echoed in his mind again. So, did he never really understand it?

The real Tong Yingmeng, so the appearance she showed in front of her before was all fake?

He never felt that Tongying's dream like that was false. The Tongying's dream at that time was real, and it is also now.

"It's really a grand drama of family ethics. Ms. Tong Yingmeng killed that child. My father and I will protect you and never let them hurt you."

Zuo Jishan said with a sinister smile.

"Shut up!! You will settle your account later!!"

Ming Tian said angrily towards Zuo Jishan.

"Yingmeng, the child is innocent, I know how you feel..."

"No!! You don't know!! You know shit!!"

"I want to kill..."

"Help me, cough, father, save me..."

"Child!! Don't hurt my child!!"

"The child is innocent, Yingmeng, we have something to talk about..."

The sound of pleading, the crying of the child, the world is in a noisy hustle and bustle, she is in a trance, not knowing what to do, looking at Tong Hang in her hand, Tong Gefei who is charging towards her with his martial soul, and Ming Tian... …

【It’s so painful, look, they will only say that the child is innocent, and they want you to be calm...】

【I can't be calm at all, no one will understand you and know your pain...】

【Everything is useless...】

【The only way to solve all this is...】

"Ming Tian, ​​I'll give you a chance! Either save this innocent child and kill me!! Or I'll kill him!!!!"

"Just a three-second chance! One!!

two! ! ! "

"No, don't do this!! Why do you have to die and live to solve it!!!"



"Prison Dragon Breaks!!!"


The hustle and bustle stopped, the world was clean...

It was blood red, and the boy's figure stumbled towards her, calling her name, and seemed to hug her up.

Did he cry? So salty tears, what is he talking about?

Intermittently, heart-piercingly...

Is it love?

Love, it seems to be, he is talking about loving her, can people like her also get love?

"Love, I love you, I'm sorry..."

"So you like me?"

"Yingmeng? Yingmeng? Can you hear me?"

"Yan Qingwan..."

"I know about you and Yan Qingwan, you will always have Yan Qingwan in your heart, let me be your second Yan Qingwan, let you always remember me like this..."

"Devour my martial soul, let me stay by your side forever..."

"Ahem, Mingxue may not be dead yet, you have to remember to find her..."

"Just now you said that I killed Mingxue, do you hate me? Otherwise, you wouldn't have attacked me..."

"Death in your hands, that's enough..."

"Tong Gefei, remember, my dead soul will forever curse the five-element unicorn soul master. A man will not get true love, and a woman will not get fatherly love..."


The last trace of the girl's breath was gone, and she completely died in Ming Tian's arms, and Ming Tian's mournful cry echoed over the entire Panlong Forest.

Later, the girl's curse really came true. Both Tong Yu and Tang Yuge were burdened with the curse and never stopped.

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