Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 420 Operation Soul Hunt: Reinforcement (35)

"Walking in? How is it possible?!"

Looking at Lordiala, Jiang Junmo was surprised. They have checked all the places inside the sect and sent soldiers to guard them. How could there be a way for them to enter? If it was a flying soul master, they would not Maybe I didn't find it!

"For the people of Wuhundian, there is nothing impossible, now just obediently grab it with nothing!"

"Catch him without a fight? Hmph, but he's just a Contra like me, so he's not ashamed to say anything."

"Give me death!!"

Stretching his hand towards Lordia, the soul ring on Jiang Junmo's body merged, and the purple scorpion shadow rushed towards Lordia.

"To be able to reach this level at such an age, the people of the Holy Spirit Sect are really terrifying. It seems that I have to give my best!"

Being forced to such a point by a child, Lordiala couldn't help but face Jiang Junmo as well.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The two fought and collided, and both sides erupted with violent fluctuations in soul power. Jiang Junmo's expression remained unchanged and he took a few steps back, while Lordiala coughed blood on his face, and the blood in his body surged. sentence.

"Damn boy, with my strength, I can't take him down for a while."

Lordiala, who always thought that he was still in the middle and upper reaches of Contra, suffered a huge blow in his heart, and had to admit that he was indeed inferior to this kid.

"Hmph, that's all. I thought it was some powerful guy who sneaked inside. Since he's here, let's save his life!"


At this time, Hua Jiao who hurried over pretended to be surprised, and looked at Lordiala with a dignified expression.

"Hua Jiao, you betrayed the Wuhun Palace, today I will clean up the Wuhun Palace! Die!!"

"Damn it, I'll fight you! I want to avenge my dead wife and daughter!!"

Both of them are acting school, one is better at acting than the other, and rushed towards both sides, Jiang Junmo no longer suspicious, shouted:

"You are not his opponent! Let me do it!!"

Jiang Junmo, who continued to attack, rushed towards Lordiala. He thought he and Hua Jiao attacked Lordiala together, but they were on the way. Hua Jiao deliberately lagged behind by a body, and suddenly changed his moves, attacking Jiang Junmo with Lordiala one after the other.


Jiang Junmo didn't expect Hua Jiao to change his tactics midway,

Attacking towards his back, his back fell into a gap, Hua Jiao's left arm became sharp, forming a cone-shaped spike, that was the left arm spirit bone! !

"Sharp your teeth!! Die for me!!"


Blood splattered, and Hua Jiao's left arm, which had turned into a bone spur, pierced Jiang Junmo's back, and Lordiala also hit Jiang Junmo hard on the head, knocking Jiang Junmo to the ground.

Jiang Junmo on the ground spat out blood, his pupils widened, and he asked intermittently:

"Ahem...traitor, so you..."

"There have never been traitors in Wuhundian, only undercover agents! Hua Jiao will always be a member of Wuhundian, or the same sentence, I will die as a ghost of Wuhundian, it's just a show to take you down! "

"Rest in peace now!!"


Another knife was added to Jiang Junmo's head, and Jiang Junmo died completely, under Hua Jiao's hands.

"There is one outside left, let's go."

"Brother, I'm sorry for you, you deserve the credit for destroying the Holy Spirit Sect!"

Patting Hua Jiao on the shoulder, Lordiala and Hua Jiao headed outside.

Not far from the former site of the Holy Spirit Sect, a man and a woman came towards here. The strong fighting atmosphere had already attracted all the nearby soul masters, and some small soul beasts fled in all directions.

"It's such a strong fighting atmosphere. Is it the Spirit Hall and the Holy Spirit Sect over there?"

"It should be. I didn't expect the Holy Spirit Sect to get into trouble."

"Greedy bone, are you going to help fight against Wuhundian? Or go back the same way?"

Yun Xiangluo asked with a smile, the person who came over was the bone greedy Douluo Qi Yuanqiu and the baby girl Yun Xiangluo.

"Hehe, the old man has been fighting against the Spirit Hall all his life, and I'm afraid it will do something wrong. It would be a pity if the Holy Spirit Sect was destroyed like this."


With a gust of wind, Qi Yuanqiu and Yun Xiangluo galloped towards the former site of the Holy Spirit Sect.


"It's time to seal the king and pay homage to the prince! Kill!!"

In Xingxing City, the new site of the Holy Spirit Sect, Qian Yaoqing also brought a large number of elites from the Spirit Hall, and directly found the headquarters of the new site of the Holy Spirit Sect, and chose to rush in directly. Tan Shuning and Lan Xuguo, who were guarding the headquarters, were also surprised when they heard about it .

"Wuhundian?! How did they find this place?"

"Is there an undercover agent among us?"

"I don't know, but it's better to solve them quickly."

As a couple, the two cooperated tacitly. Even if people from Wuhundian found their headquarters, they would not be afraid. The two were at the Contra level. Unless there was another Titled Douluo, their headquarters would still be solid.

The two sides fought hand to hand, and soon, Qian Yaoqing, who rushed over, also saw Tan Shuning and Lan Xuguo.

"You have been tricked, quickly disarm and surrender!!"

"Surrender? Just by you? With these people? It's just wishful thinking!!"

Tan Shuning's soul power exploded, and the martial spirit Guishu Mengtao was released, and the strength of the eight rings was fully displayed. At the same time, Lanxuguo on one side also released the soul infant fruit martial soul, and together with Tan Shuning against Qianyaoqing.

Qian Yaoqing, who is originally a soul sage, is far behind the two in terms of strength. She did not expect that there are two Contras guarding the sect of the Holy Spirit Sect. Not daring to be careless, the martial soul was released, and the fallen angel's martial soul directly possessed him.

"Then come! I will definitely take you down today!!"


"Drive!!! Drive!!!"

Wu Yuelu urged the soldiers to come towards the capital city, and on the way she received the news that Zhu Juling had left the city to stop Qian Shengyue, so she quickly changed lanes and went directly to meet Zhu Juling, unexpectedly she met Zhu Juling on the way The defeated army learned that Zhu Juling had died.

The death of the head of the Nether Army was a big blow. In order to find out the whole story, Wu Yuelu hurried to the battlefield in Fenxing City. As soon as she came here, she was caught by the battle of the two titled Douluo in the sky. I was deeply shocked.

Entropy Heaven Douluo Di Kunyu holding the Entropy Heaven Demon Knife has already suppressed Ling Tuluo Lin Xiangyue. As a Super Douluo, he has no problem against a junior Title Douluo, and Sky Hook Douluo Qian Shengyue is against Jinyue Douluo Long Jinyue also began to gradually suppress, and Long Jinyue barely competed with Qian Shengyue by relying on the ratio of the super soul ring.

This battle can be said to be fought in darkness, with no light on the sun and the moon.

"How is the soul ring ratio possible?? Why is that woman's aura somewhat familiar with Yingmeng's aura?"

Wu Yuelu looked at Long Jinyue in the sky and thought.

"Don't panic! All the weapons belong, don't panic! Xingluo is here to help!! I am the dancer Wu Yuelu!!"

"What happened? Can anyone tell me what happened?!"

After Zhu Juling's defeated army settled down, Wu Yuelu asked.

Qian Yaoning had already come down from the sky at this time, looked at Wu Yuelu, and said:

"I am Qian Yaoning of the Wuhun Palace! I am here to kill the Holy Spirit Sect! The people of the Holy Spirit Sect are so bold that they killed the head of the Zhu Juling Army!!"


Immediately Wu Yuelu heard it, and his expression was also horrified. Zhu Juling is dead? Died at the hands of Holy Spirit Sect?

"Also ask Xingluo to assist us in killing the Holy Spirit Sect!!"

The scene was chaotic for a while, and Wu Yuelu couldn't tell the truth from the fake, so he temporarily chose to believe in Qian Yaoning.

The Phantom Legion and the Underworld Legion brought together were attacking the people of the Holy Spirit Sect. These two legions were absolutely elite, and it was really difficult for the Holy Spirit Sect to stop them.

Among the chaotic army, Wu Yuelu killed everyone he met, venting the depression in his heart for the past few days, and met Mingxue of the Bianhua Wuhun.


"Dancing Moon Law?!!"

It was inconceivable that former classmates met in the midst of the chaos.

"You are not lost in the Grand Canyon..."

"So that's the case, Ming Tian and Tong Yingmeng are not dead, presumably you are also dead, I didn't expect you to join the Holy Spirit Sect."

"Why did you join the Holy Spirit Sect? The Underworld Legion has already been used by the Spirit Hall! They just want to watch us kill each other!!"

"Nonsense, the Holy Spirit Sect killed Zhu Juling's army commander, he should have died a long time ago!"

"This sect is not what you imagined! Yuelu! Can't you trust me? Where is Mingtian? Where is he? I have something important to tell him!"

"Ming Tian? What are you looking for him for?"

"Tong Yingmeng, let him be careful of Tong Yingmeng! She is..."

"Is it a disaster, right? Tong Yingmeng was already killed by Mingtian in the Panlong Forest."


Mingxue couldn't believe what she heard, what happened to her brief separation from them? !

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