Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 430 Siren Empire

There was a flash of light in Jin Naluo's green eyes, and his heart had already become astonished, for no other reason than Ji Mirage's aura.

At the time of the seventh generation of Chasing the Sky Judgment, it competed with Mirage Ji for the final throne of Chasing the Sky. It's so powerful that even it can't be penetrated, how is this possible? !

"Hey, itachi, the sickle wind god, is here. You two masters of deception are together. What are you going to do when you come to my Baihai Island? Are you just here to visit an old friend from the past?"

Mirage Ji smiled, she didn't seem to be afraid of them at all, her demeanor was calm, and she also exuded her own natural charm.

"Hmph, that's not true. Your Baihai Island is well-run. It hasn't become so prosperous in many years..."

Looking at Baihai Island, which is like a human state system, Kinnara said intentionally or unintentionally:

"I must have paid a lot for this..."

"Heck, where, thank you Lord Kinnaro for your compliment, it's just a few krakens sacrificed and piled up with bones."

Speaking easily, Mirage Ji never seemed to take those sea monsters seriously, she rolled her eyes and said:

"Letting guests out is not the way I treat guests in Baihai Island. Let's go into the hall and tell, or do you dare not come?"

Turning around and walking into the hall, Tian Mirage turned her head and said provocatively.

On the side, itachi Kamikaze wanted to stop Kinnara for something, but Kinnara didn't care.

"Why don't you dare, I'm afraid you didn't entertain well and neglected."

"Come on, it won't do anything to me, don't pull at the corner of my clothes."

Said to Kamikaze Itachi in a low voice with some dissatisfaction, Kamikaze Itachi had no choice but to withdraw his hand, gave up with a somewhat unsightly face, and entered the Tianlun Temple with Kinnara.

The siren maidservant who left early arranged seats for the two, and also offered Shanghai specialties. Kinnara glanced at Mirage Ji, and asked:

"I'm not beating around the bush, I just want to ask you about the conquest of the other three islands today."

"Before I came, I met Suzuka Gozen and Dayake Maru of Suzuka Island. They told me about your conquest of the other three islands, making them displaced, without their homes, and displaced countless sea spirit beasts. What are you doing?"

Faced with such a direct question, looking at Jinnara's sharp and responsible eyes, Mirage Ji just smiled dumbly:

"No wonder I couldn't find those guys from Suzuka Gozen. So I met you. What's there to say? Whoever wins will survive, and whoever loses will have to leave, Suzuka Gozen If it can't defend Lingshan Island, it's just its incompetence, and it has nothing to do with me."

"It's irrelevant! Could it be that you caused the sea spirit beasts to be displaced, lost their homes, and ruled by violent means?"

Unexpectedly, Mirage Ji didn't realize her mistake at all, and she was so arrogant and arrogant, which made Jinnara angry and extremely angry.

"What does this have to do with you? You can't control it that much, so reach out to me, or do you think this is what you should control?"

One sentence made Kinnaruo speechless. Indeed, it has nothing to do with Haiguo, nor can it intervene in Haiguo's affairs, so it is meddling in its own business.

"But as a strong man, you lead the sea monster soldiers and horses to bully the weak, isn't that right? Isn't this something only villains would do?!"

"Please, Kinnara, figure out what is good and what is evil?"

"What is good in my opinion is evil in your opinion, and what is evil in my opinion is good in your opinion. There is no absolute good or evil in this world, only the ruler, Only then will they do things that punish evil and promote good.

Helping the weak is what you do, isn't that what it is? "


"Complete the unification of the sea kingdom, there will be no war under my rule, all sea monsters will act under my rule, they can have faith, conquer all continents under my rule, and have a better life , I am saving them. In the future, I will take them to crusade against the human continent to seize human treasures and wealth. At that time, they will only be grateful to me, and I will be the master of this plane and this planet .”

"Delusion! It is absolutely impossible for me to let you realize such a wolfish ambition!!"

Kinnara, who advocates pacifism, cannot agree with and understand Mirage Ji's approach. This is like a carnivore and a vegetarian who both think that the other party is wrong.

"If you dare to do this, I will definitely stop you."

"Stop? Why do you stop? Did I do something wrong? No, you are just judging my right or wrong based on your moral judgment value. You are the stupidest one."

"The times have changed, Kinnara, what era do you think it is now? If our soul beasts don't rule over humans, then when humans grow stronger in the future, they will come to rule us and hunt and kill soul beasts greedily and without restraint. Get the soul ring, if we don't do this, it will be our soul beast that will be exchanged in the future. Do you still think that what I said is wrong?"

"Well, it does make sense."

Itachi, the sickle wind god, was also surrounded by Mirage Ji, and spoke for it in turn.

Sitting Kinnara stood up angrily and said:

"War rule is never an excuse for anything, do it yourself, let's go!"

"But violence is the best and most effective means of solving anything."

"If you want to leave, don't be in such a hurry, we haven't seen each other for many years. Why don't we have a new exchange?"

It was impossible to relax easily and leave. Mirage Ji narrowed her eyes, and the invisible pressure was released. In an instant, her spirit spread throughout the entire Baihai Island, as if controlling everything.


"How is it possible? You..."

"Now I have cultivated for 70 million years, what do you think?"

"It's you, it's been so many years. It's still about 30 million years old."

The arrogant Mirage Ji said, "I don't know if it's just for learning or to keep Kinnaruo, Kinnaruo is holding the Xuanxiang Pipa in his hand, a ball of green light burst out from his body, and the jade hand is twirling on the Xuanxiang Pipa, colorful light It is to attack Xiang Tianji Ji in conjunction with the five-color tone.

"Hmph, these tricks, I have already figured it out!"

"Sea of ​​Havoc!!"

"Zao Luo Ya!!"

There was a flash of blue light in Ji Mirage's hand, and there was a white bone tooth gun in her hand. The shape was quite peculiar, like coral, a bit like a trident. Pointy and long coral thorns grew out of the tooth gun shaft one by one, A sea-blue energy vortex appeared from the tip of Sora's teeth, and blasted towards Kinnara's back. At the same time, Mirage Ji's body emitted blue light, and her face became fierce.

"Five Laws! Mysterious Image Breaking!!"

"Baihai! Constant Sky Thorn!!"

The two beasts were old rivals, and soon they fought each other, and the energy rays collided and bombarded for a while.

"Oh, oh, it's troublesome for women to do it. What should I do? Do you want to help?"

Itachi sickle Fengshen said while complaining, which meant that he would not help after watching the show.

"Hey, why don't we fight each other?"

An insidious voice came from behind Kamikaze Itachi, Kamikaze Itachi was startled, and hurriedly looked back to find an old man.

The old man was carrying a tortoise shell on his back. He looked very old and was about to sink into the ground. The human form was not completely human, but half-animal and half-human, which looked particularly ugly.

"Tyrant!! It's you, Old Huangquan!"

Huangquan Baxia is also the peak soul beast of the water system, the ancestor level of race level, looks like a tortoise, is extremely old, and has tens of millions of years of cultivation.

"I've heard the name of Sickle Wind God Weasel for a long time, and Huang Quan asked for advice."

Huangquan Baxia directly shot at Kamikaze Itachi, Kamafeng Kakashi blew a strong wind and fled to the outside of the main hall. It didn't want to fight these old monsters here.

"Where are you going to escape, Kamakaze?"

Outside, it seemed that someone had already ambushed and waited, and two figures stopped him. Looking at the two breaths, they were also at the level of tens of millions of years! !

"Tiger Sturgeon Emperor!"

"Mourning the Bloody Black Flood Dragon!!".

"Good handwriting, good handwriting, in order to deal with us, three guys with a level of tens of millions were dispatched. Didn't you expect that Haiguo's background is already so deep?"

Tens of millions of year-level soul beasts are as scarce as god-level ones, and four million-year-old soul beasts suddenly appeared. No wonder the Sea Demon Empire can attack other islands so confidently.

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