Xue Huangji came over and said, the two sides have already decided the winner, one wins and one loses, it is enough for the match to be just right, and winning Cao Zhao in a heads-up will let him understand how big the gap between himself and the contestants is, so that he will be more competitive , and the group that lost to seven people gave them more confidence in order to deal with the next game.

Hearing that the in-house cook, Xue He, was cooking the food himself, the seven of them also looked forward to it. It seemed that Xue He's cooking skills were really good.

"Stay and eat before leaving. There are still seven days before the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition starts, and there is still plenty of time to prepare."

Ming Tian glanced at Xue Huangji, he didn't particularly care about winning or losing, it was just a training guide for him just now.

"Okay, then I'll eat before leaving..."



In the main hall of the quiet Douluo Hall, the angel sculpture is still in the center of the hall, with the appearance of opening its arms forward and forgiving the sinner, but for some reason, when I saw the same angel sculpture as before, I felt that the sculpture on its face was particularly sad. As if about to cry.

The same expression and atmosphere are also on the faces of everyone in the hall. There are a few empty seats on both sides of the originally long Qianjia table. It is not as lively as before. It is empty, and everyone's heart has also become empty and lonely. frustrated.

Because the people who originally belonged to the seat will no longer sit here, discussing matters in a hurry as before, and can change the situation of the world just by talking and laughing.

An old man sat quietly at the head of the seat, he looked much older, his eyebrows no longer looked the same as before, his beard and hair were all white, on one side of him, a woman with blue-green hair knelt on the ground apologetically, not kneeling on him, Instead, he knelt on the two spirit cards behind him, kneeling the ancestors of the Qian family.

"Zaoyou has a heavy trust, and it is my sin to let Baibai and Shengyue fall..."

The kneeling woman is Qian Zaoyou, on her side. A little girl also knelt with her, her eyes looked clear and clean, she didn't understand anything, she just looked at the lifelike angel sculpture as if she didn't care about the world.


The sigh fell, so heavy, like thick dust, two lines of tears flowed from Qian Daoliu's eyes. Touching each vacant seat lightly, he said as if recalling:

"Since the crusade against the Holy Spirit, the Qian Family has successively damaged Shuoning, Longyuan, Weiyin, Meibai, Shengyue, Yaoqing, Yaoning..."

"I don't feel pain when I lose my beloved son or brother, but my sister died in vain. It's like breaking my arm!!"

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Yibai's spirit card, and cried out loudly, and the rest of the Qian family all showed sadness.

"I am sorry for Meibai, and I am sad for Meibai. I think that when Meibai was very young, he was often tortured by his perverted mother. He suffered a lot for this. He was weak and sick since he was a child, and his life was short-lived. Plan, help me to gain a foothold in the mainland of Wuhundian, I haven't had time to see this kid for the last time, why did he die!!"

"Woo woo woo..."

"Brother, Meibai told me something before he died. He said that he must kill the eldest prince of Tiandou, Xue Huangji. If it is removed, I am afraid it will be a serious problem for my thousand families, and it will be the biggest resistance to the Wuhun Palace's unification of the mainland!"

"Prince Tiandou, Xue Huangji?"

"It's him! It's him who saw through Meibai's tricks this time! This person's tricks are not inferior to Meibai, and he must be eliminated!"

"Where is this person now?!"

"A spies from the investigation team came to report. He turned into a servant next to Prince Xue Xing, and stayed in Xingluo City with Prince Xue Xing and the Tiandou Royal Academy team to participate in the future All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition."

"Xingluo City? News from the life detection team?"


Although Meibai died, his seven members of the order detection team are still there, and they are still carrying out their undercover plan. One of them gave me the news before that. "

"Do you know who it is?"

Qian Zaoyou, who didn't know it, shook his head and said:

"The seven life-observing team members are all Meibai's absolute confidantes. Their identities are only known to Meibai himself, and nothing else is known."

"Although Meibai died, the mission entrusted to them by Meibai is still there. If they don't get news of Meibai, they will always be undercover agents, and they will avenge Meibai in their own way!"

"It's hard work for them. By the way, there are still Hua Jiao's remaining relatives. Treat them well, this time their family is also full of loyalty."

"Understood! Brother, regarding the assassination of Xue Huangji, Meibai also left a last plan saying that in twenty years' time, he can set up Tiandou and control the Tiandou Empire."

"What's the plan? This kid, Meibai, is going to do the math. He must have already deduced what happened many years later, but that's it, the more you spy on the secrets of heaven, the more you will suffer from heaven's jealousy."

"Brother, please hold back for now, Xunji and Bibi Dongmian will stay behind. This matter is too confidential and involves the century-old foundation of my Spirit Hall."

"Understood, you all go out first."

With a wave of his hand, some of the Qian family's disciples left, only Bibi Dong and Qian Xunji were left, looking suspiciously at Qian Zaoyou, wondering what the trick was.

"You two, when I came back, I heard that Bibi Dongmian had given birth to a daughter. I haven't congratulated you yet, so here are my congratulations."


When mentioning their child Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong's expression was not good. That child was the product of Chihiro Ji's rape of her. For her, Bibi Dong hated her as much as her father.

"It seems that Her Majesty Bibi Dong doesn't like this child..."

"No, no, aunt, you're joking..."

Qian Xun Ji at the side quickly hugged Bibi Dong and said.

"Originally, if I gave birth to the child of the person who raped me, I would hate her and even kill her."

Ignoring Qian Xunji's expression, Qian Zaoyou stood by Bibi Dong's side and said.

"What do you mean?"

The most taboo part of Bibi Dong's heart was provoked by Qian Zaoyou, she became angry, and invisible pressure radiated out, instantly filling the entire hall, several people exclaimed at the same time:

"Limited Douluo?!"

"After giving birth to that evil seed, I let go of the grudge in my heart and broke through, can't I?"

Bibi Dong, already a Limit Douluo, said.

Surprised, several people looked delighted, Bibidong's breakthrough to Limit Douluo was only a good thing for them, it meant that the Spirit Hall had another limit fighting power, and it was a limit Douluo with twin spirits, It's not just an ordinary Limit Douluo, after the death of Qian Chengyue and Qian Yibai, the high-level combat power is scarce, and Bibi Dong's breakthrough at this time just made up for the vacancy of the two, and even improved.

"Niezi? It seems that His Majesty Bibi Dongmian doesn't like this child, so why not take her as a bet?"


"According to reliable information, the Heaven Dou imperial family has just given birth to a child, the third son of Emperor Xue Ye. In order to hope that this child will be as wise as their ancestor Xue Chuhe, Xue Ye named Xue Qinghe."

"Could it be..."

"Civet cat for prince?!"

"No! Let my daughter do this! I don't agree!"

Chihiro rushed to shoot the case and said.

"Swap Qian Renxue and Xue Qinghe, and then kill Xue Qinghe, and then assassinate Xue Huangji, then among the remaining children, only Ren Xue pretending to be Xue Qinghe, and then poison Xue Ye and let Ren Xue ascend machine, then my Spirit Hall can take down the Heaven Dou Empire without any effort!"

"Anyway, you don't like this child Bibi Dongmian, why don't you use it for this purpose?"

Qian Zaoyou didn't ask Qian Xunji for advice, but looked at Bibi Dong and said.

For some reason, when she wanted to send this child out for such a purpose, Bibi Dong felt a little nervous in her heart. In her heart, she didn't want this child to do that kind of thing.

But her face showed an indifferent look, and said:

"Oh? So that's the case? It's a good plan. Even if Qian Meibai is dead, I will arrange such a big show."

"I don't agree! The two genders are not the same! Besides, if the child is sent to undercover at such a young age, who knows if he will be discovered and something will happen!"

Chihiro Ji raised the case again and retorted.

"Gender differences can be disguised. On the one hand, Meibai's Anzi on Tiandou will find a way. In terms of martial arts, as long as the six-year-old awakened is an angel martial soul, it will be easy. Swans and angels have similarities. .”

"It makes sense, but it's a little troublesome if you want to exchange without anyone noticing."

Agreeing with Qian Zaoyou's thoughts, Bibi Dong also said thoughtfully.

"No trouble at all, I don't know if you know Xuehe, the inner chef of Tiandou?"

"The first chef in the mainland?"

"In addition to being the number one cook in mainland China, this person is also Xue Qinghe's uncle."

"Wait! Xue Qinghe's father is Emperor Xue Ye, why is his mother also surnamed Xue? Intermarriage with the same surname! You are lying to ghosts!!"

Chihiro Ji charged again and roared.

"Ah, don't you know? Xue Ye did marry a cousin of his, but the blood relationship is not particularly deep, so it has been uploaded on the mainland for a while."

Bibi Dong retorted on the side.

"Although Xuehe is a member of Tiandou, he hates Tiandou's royal family very much. After all, his cousin was raped by Xue Ye."

"Qian Meibai plotted against him?"


"Understood, Xue Qinghe is not in the palace at this time?"

"It should be, Xue He should have brought him out secretly."

"And Xuehe should be in Xingluo at this time, and Xue Huangji is also in Xingluo..."

"Understood, it's a bit interesting to replace the civet cat with the prince..."

"This plan works..."

Qian Daoliu also said on the side.

"However, if you want to assassinate Xuehuangji, it's difficult to replace Xueqinghe secretly... It needs someone with strong strength to be able to complete it under the watchful eye of the expert who protects Xuehuangji..."

"Forget it, I will handle this matter myself, and I will also assassinate Xue Huangji. Just send me the titled Douluo in the palace who majors in spiritual power. What is it called?"

"Xue Hanming."


With Bibi Dong, the Ultimate Douluo, personally taking action, he must have assassinated Xue Huangji, and secretly replacing Xue Qinghe should be a matter of his grasp.

"Hey, hey!!! Have you ever considered my father's feelings!! Ask me for my opinion!!".

Chihiro Ji took the case again.

"Father's opinion is not important! Dismiss the meeting!"

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