Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 457 Murder in the Absolute Secret Room

Recalling the day when the poisonous soul made a big disturbance at Xingluo Royal Academy, Mingtian did vaguely see someone sneaking into the central teaching building, but he only had a vague look, and he could only be sure that it was a man's figure. At that time, it was too far away, and the vision was blurred, and Ming Tian didn't see the whole thing.

"It must be unmistakable. His Majesty Lingxie also analyzed that it was that time that the information was leaked. In addition, Ming Tian saw someone sneaking in. It must be that person."

"In this case, is it possible that the murderer of this murder is related to that undercover agent, or they are the same person."

Xue Huangji boldly guessed in this regard, and felt that he had almost sensed the truth.

"Dean Tong, please check the people Wan Huachuan and Yang Chengzhai met before leaving the academy and their backgrounds. I heard Ming Tian said that they seem to have a story, and it is necessary to investigate clearly."

"Okay, I'll send someone to investigate."

This time Ming Tian also brought Tong Gefei a very favorable information, at least they can infer now that the murderer is a man, which is better than having no clues.


There was a knock on the door, Jiang Ke entered, and said to the three of them:

"Dean, I have news. Although you were not on campus that night, there were still teachers on duty in the academy."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Teacher Kun Yinhan..."

"Xueliang's mother?? That's right! Senior Kun Yinhan has been cultivating in her own space inside the central teaching building. The key is that she is still a soul master of the spiritual department, so it is impossible for her to have no perception!!"

Everyone who realized this suddenly got up and found a glimmer of light.

"Go! Go to the central teaching building!!"

At this time, inside the central teaching building, there was the soul guide space where Kong Yinhan practiced.

Kong Yinhan of the Ice Konghou Martial Soul quietly closed her eyes. She is still the same as before, basically never leaving here, cultivating her own soul power. She has reached the eighty-nine level, and she will soon enter the Title Douluo level , because of cultivating mental power and paying attention to control, her soul power progressed slowly.

"Come out, since you're here, what are you doing sneakily?"

With her keen perception, Kong Yinhan had already noticed the aura sneaking into her place, and a figure appeared in the dark, her whole body wrapped in darkness, without a face.

"Hey, you really have a keen perception, nothing can escape your spiritual detection."

"Although I have never entered the level of Title Douluo, my spiritual power has reached a state of being tangible and intangible. Since the first day you came to this academy, I have noticed you. You have restrained your soul power in the past four years. , I am naturally aware of what I did secretly at the Star Luo Royal Academy."

"Oh? I noticed it when I first came here, so why haven't you said it? Is it for your lover's sake?"


"I didn't want to kill you, but your existence will affect my plan, so I have to reunite you with your lover."

"As Qianxibai's number one confidant and the leader of the life-observing team, this step of yours can be said to be foolish. Killing me will only expose your identity faster, and make Wuhundian's arrangement in Xingluo go to waste."

"I don't care about so much anymore. Lord Qianxibai's revenge has to be avenged. Creating troubles for the Xingluo Royal Academy during the competition will bring more benefits to the Spirit Hall. Everything I do is for the Spirit Hall! ! Die!!"


A huge bang came from the central teaching building, and the whole ground shook. The three people who were heading to the central teaching building all paused, and then a bad feeling rose from their hearts.

"No way..."

"Five elements unicorn!!"

Tong Gefei directly released his martial soul, exuding a powerful coercion, leaving the two of them to rush towards the central teaching building, and the two of Ming Tian also quickened their pace.

"Senior Kun Yinhan!!!"

Soon they arrived at the exclusive soul guidance space where Kun Yinhan was located in the central teaching building, and called Kun Yinhan's name, but no one responded.

"How to get in!!"

"This is a space specially created by Kun Yinhan combined with his own comprehension.

It is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter, and if something happens inside, the people inside will not be able to get out! "

"That means the murderer is still inside?"

"Most likely!"

"But we have no way to enter, is there no other way??!"

"Unless there is a second ice harp!"

Understanding what Tong Gefei meant, the two looked at each other and shouted at Jiang Ke who was following:

"Hurry up and find Kong Xueliang!!!"

Jiang Ke just ran to follow in a hurry, and after receiving orders from several people, he went to find Kong Yinhan's daughter Kong Xueliang again.

"Why is there no movement after the movement just now? Your Majesty, are you sure the murderer is still inside?"

"Ah, it should be, I will be ready to take down that murderer later, ready to fight at any time!!"


"Come on, come on, ouch, my legs and feet are exhausted."

After about five minutes, Jiang Ke took Kong Xueliang, and even noticed that some other people here rushed over to see what happened.

"Mom, what happened to her, Mom?"

The well-behaved Kong Xueliang looked terrified, and her eyes were wide open.

"Son, don't be afraid, mom is fine, you know how to enter your mom's exclusive space, can you open it for us?"


Kong Xueliang nodded, and the ice harp of Wuhun was released, tremblingly connecting with Kong Yinhan's space. The next moment, a gust of cold air radiated from Kong Yinhan's space, and all the onlookers , All saw a horrible scene.


The dead Kong Yinhan fell to the ground, bloodstains all around, and the whole space was empty, how could there be any murderer?

Some are just a dead body.

Kong Xueliang fainted when she saw this scene.

"Senior Kun Yinhan!!!"

Xue Huangji and Ming Tian stepped forward in an instant, tested Kong Yinhan's breathing, and confirmed that Kong Yinhan was indeed dead, a look of disbelief flashed in their eyes, and they both shook their heads.

"Don't come here!! Senior Kong Yinhan is already dead, in this cultivation space opened by herself, outsiders can't enter without the Ice Konghou Martial Soul, and the people inside can't get out, which means..."

"This is an absolute secret room murder, and the murderer disappeared under our noses in just a few minutes."

Looking at the crowd, Xue Huangji said solemnly, this cast an atmosphere of panic on the Xingluo Royal Academy that was already shrouded in a cloud of clouds.

"Block the news! Close the scene! Everyone go back to the dormitory! From now on, no one is allowed to come out without my order!!"

Tong Gefei reacted and said.

Immediately, someone organized the evacuation of the onlookers, and Jiang Ke took care of Kong Xueliang who had fainted. This poor child did not expect to lose his mother.

"Is it really possible? First Prince, murder in the absolute secret room..."

Looking at the body of Kong Yinhan who just died, Ming Tian asked with a trembling voice.

"There has never been a perfect crime in the world, any crime will leave flaws, even the absolute secret room is no exception."

"But how did the murderer do it? He killed Senior Kun Yinhan in a short time in the space, and then disappeared completely from here, without attracting our attention outside the space. This person..."

"The strength is at least above the Super Douluo's strength, and the cultivation of spiritual power can't be weaker than Kong Yinhan. We should know her, otherwise, he can't enter this space. To enter this space, he must have the Ice Konghou Martial Soul or Kong Yinhan permission."

"In other words, senior Kun Yinhan knew the murderer, let him in, and said something to him, and then their conversation collapsed, the murderer killed her, and we surrounded her, and then used some impossible means , disappeared from under our noses."

"Ah, it should be like this, that's right. If we use space-traversing soul bones, we can't detect the soul skills. If it's an invisibility soul skill, we can go out after we come in, but it doesn't make sense. The one who releases the soul skill There should be fluctuations in the soul power for a moment, if he stays here, he will not be able to escape with the perception and pressure of Qilin at that time."

"How did you disappear from this inaccessible space..."

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