Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 462 There is Only One Truth! (Down)

The news that the murder case that alarmed the Star Luo Royal Academy had been solved quickly spread throughout the entire Star Luo City. Everyone felt incredible when they heard the news. In just two days, the case could be solved?

The person who solved the case was called Xue Huangji, and Xingluo deliberately publicized Xue Huangji's identity, saying that he was the great prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and that he had great talent.

The news spread like wildfire, and quickly spread to every corner, but the person involved was sitting quietly in a restaurant in Star Luo City. Opposite, a man smiled, put down the tea in his hand, and said:

"Eldest Prince, your reputation has spread throughout the entire Star Luo City. Now everyone knows that you will conduct deduction in the afternoon to find the prisoner this time. Everyone is looking forward to it, and I am also looking forward to it, no If you know the eldest prince, can you reveal a little bit about it?"

Dedora was calm, smiling, and her eyes were sharp.

"Where is it, Xingluo has really flattered me. In order to promote me like this, I must have wasted a lot of energy. It really took great pains."

There seemed to be something in the words, and it was true that such an overt conspiracy could not be hidden from Xue Huangji at all.

"It should be done. You don't have to be so polite. I'm afraid it's not just as simple as drinking tea and water when you invite me here today."

"We want to know what is the relationship between you and Wan Huachuan! Don't hide it from us, we already know that you are Wan Huachuan's former fiancé, and she is your fiancée. A few days before Wan Huachuan left the academy, you still have Correspondence."

Ming Tian cut directly to the point.

As if she had expected it a long time ago, De Dora was not surprised. She took a sip of water and said with a smile:

"His Majesty Yuan Che is still so impatient, why are you doubting me?"

"It's not a suspicion. You must have a problem. When the Star Luo Royal Auction was still there, there was a problem with the auction you hosted, which allowed the undercover agent to take advantage of the chaos and steal the most precious information from the academy. How dare you say that? It has nothing to do with you? Only you know what role you play in it. "

"Hahahaha, I thought that you had come up with such a great piece of information. It turned out to be this. I thought your reasoning was rigorous and detailed, but I didn't expect it to be such a joke. I'm afraid the murderer you deduced is also fake."

With such ridicule, Ming Tian naturally couldn't suppress his anger, Xue Huangji held him down with one hand, and said with a smile:

"Ming Tian was joking just now, why take it seriously?"

"I have already investigated the cause of Wanhuachuan's death, and I can tell you that the thing that caused her death was the relic of her companion Xie Tianxin, the map of the Misty Grand Canyon, you have bought that map before, presumably you Haven't forgotten it."


Hearing the original map, Dedora's eyes flickered, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his pupils.

"Of course I remember that when the auction was auctioned by Sun Chuanting's father, they hid the real map and deceived you with a fake map when they went to the Lost Grand Canyon, trying to monopolize the secret treasure at the end, but they were discovered later and broke his Conspiracy, what's wrong?"

"That map has been in Xie Tianxin's hands since the end of Lost in the Grand Canyon. When she was sorting out Xie Tianxin's belongings, it was taken away by Wanhuachuan. This time she was attacked because of that map."

"In other words, the other party is not targeting Huachuan..."

Thinking of this layer, De Dora pointed her finger at the table, as if thinking about something.

"About you and Wanhuachuan, we want to know whether Wanhuachuan has your instruction, what is hidden in that map?"

It was obvious that Deidora was hiding something, but at this moment he let out a long sigh, and finally told the past between him and Wanhuachuan:

"When I was young, I was working in the royal family. At that time, my ideal and wish was to become the number one treasure appraiser in the mainland and search for all kinds of rare treasures. But because I am a member of the royal family, my father is a direct member of the royal family. , He didn't allow me to do this, he had already arranged a marriage for me at that time, it was Huachuan of Wanjia.


"I don't like this marriage very much, so I resist it, so when we arranged for us to meet, I was very reluctant."

"The first time I saw Huachuan, I was attracted by her healing smile. In the end, I didn't resist any more. Huachuan, she listened to the arrangement of the family, so she didn't mind marrying me. Too many thoughts of your own."

"It stands to reason that we should love each other very much, but because of one incident, we finally separated. At that time, I was striving to be the number one treasure appraiser in the mainland, so I had a duel with all the treasure appraisers. At that time, I defeated Most of my opponents, in the end, met my lifelong enemy, that is Ning Fengzhi from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

"In the final duel, we made a bet. If I can't beat Ning Fengzhi, I will quit the treasure appraisal industry forever, and I will never come back for the rest of my life."

"In the end, I still failed. Ning Fengzhi defeated me. I was ashamed to face everyone. Hua Chuan came to comfort me. But I didn't want to see her. At that time, I was depressed. Hua Chuan came to persuade me several times to no avail. Yang Chengzhai It was at this time that she walked into her heart."

"At the beginning, Huachuan didn't have feelings for Yang Chengzhai. After I heard about it, I also hoped that Huachuan would abandon me and live a better life, so I chose to fulfill them, told Huachuan that I would not wait for her any longer, and lifted the bond between us. The marriage contract between us broke the connection between us in a blunt way, I hurt her, but I don't regret it, I hope she can live well."

"Later they were both admitted to the college, and I was the auctioneer of the college. We met again, but I didn't take the initiative to contact her. After a long time, I saw that she and Yang Chengzhai had a good time together, so I was relieved. gone."

"Du Hun Si made a big fuss at the college auction. I actually knew that Du Hun Si was among the crowd. At that time, I didn't intend to auction off the bones of Chong Ji. That was to lure Du Hun Si away and prepare to take him down. , Unfortunately, the poisonous soul escaped."

"Afterwards, that map was auctioned off for you to use. Later, I noticed something was wrong. I searched Sun's house secretly, only to find out that something was wrong. The moment I realized it was a conspiracy, I panicked, because Hua Chuan was still with you. , That's when I realized that I hadn't forgotten her."

"I was so heartbroken that I thought she would never come back again. Just after I thought she died, not long after I saw them return safely, I was very happy and glad, and I started to contact her actively. , I thought she would come back to me, only to find that she would not come back at all, I was wrong, it was outrageously wrong."

"But I also know that all of this is caused by myself. I have no resentment. Huachuan and I are still gradually chatting and communicating with each other. Yang Chengzhai found out later. He wanted to fulfill us after he found out, but Huachuan didn't care. She I have been with Yang Chengzhai for so long, and they already have feelings for each other. Hua Chuan even told me that she already has Chengzhai's heir. After I found out, I also decided to give up. Later, I learned that they left the academy , so I sincerely hope that they can live a happy life in the future, but I didn't expect that when I saw her again, I was already a cold corpse. I had to hold back and not let others see my gaffe, so I It is only when facing His Majesty Yuan Chan that he becomes confused and doubts His Majesty Yuan Chan, sorry."

After listening to Didore's narration, the two of them also felt a lot of emotion, and they could understand it in their hearts. Xue Huangji fell into deep thought again for a while, as if thinking about something.

"It's strange, since Wanhuachuan has Yang Chengzhai's offspring, why didn't we find any signs of a fetus during the autopsy."

"Do you want to check the body again?"

Ming Tian suggested that Di Dora was also attracted at this time, so the three of them returned to the academy to examine Wan Huachuan's body. After careful inspection, they found that Wan Huachuan did show signs of pregnancy, but her belly The fetus is gone.

"It's strange, how is it possible, it should be one dead body and two dead, why is there no sign of life from the fetus..."

"Huh? I've heard of this method. It seems to be the secret method of a sect on the mainland, called Corpse Nether Sect."

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