Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 483 Come all the way, it's hard

"Xiao Wan, she died a long time ago?"

Yan murmured, as if doubting, as if confirming again, unable to accept this fact for a while.

It means that he has no relatives in this world anymore, and he will always be alone, living alone.

Who can be blamed?

Blame Hades?

They were so weak at that time, they might die at any time in that icy and snowy world, and when they were the weakest, they could see their loved ones sacrifice for themselves, unable to do anything, who would know the suffering?

Later, no matter how powerful Mingtian became, he couldn't go back to that time to save Yan Qingwan. He tried his best to become stronger, so that no one would leave him, but there would always be people who would leave him in various ways. The reasons for going also vary.

The road to becoming a strong person is always lonely and lonely. It is said that if you climb to the top of the world, you will have everything, everything, and a happy life. With beautiful women hugging you, you can be respected by thousands of people.

Shit! They will never know how much price you have to pay to reach that step, which is incomprehensible to ordinary people. Lose your loved ones, lose your love, lose everything at the beginning, and finally no one cares about you. You will reach the deepest part of your heart and die alone.

"She's dead, why are you still alive?"

"Wan'er, does she have any last words at the end?"

Biting his lips sadly, Yan looked at the weeping Ming Tian and asked, Ming Tian replied:

"Because I still have my work to do, she let me live with her share..."

"I killed Qian Shuoning in the Xinglue City of Xingluo Xu's family, and that was my revenge..."

Ming Tian lowered his head, as if he had done something wrong, he didn't look into Yan's eyes again.

Surprisingly, Yan didn't blame and resent Ming Tian too much, he patted him on the shoulder and asked:

"It's been hard work all the way."

Sniffing, Ming Tian said:

"Fortunately, there are hardships and rewards, brother Yan, you are also suffering."

"You have also seen that in Wuhundian, although many people don't like me, I still have a few friends."

Turning to look at Hu Liena and the others on the side, Ming just glanced at them and nodded.

At this time, Lu Jiong also woke up.

"Well, where am I?"

Lu Jiong looked around and found Ming Tian who was looking over from the opposite side.

"Are you okay? Do you remember what happened just now?"

"Can not remember."

"I asked you to stay in the dormitory obediently, but you ran around again and almost hurt these people. I apologize to them."

"I'm sorry, I can't control my martial spirit, I didn't hurt you guys, did I?"

The chubby Lu Jiong still seemed to be very kind in his heart, and said to Hu Liena with some guilt.

"Nothing, nothing, we didn't hurt much, you are very strong."

Hu Liena shook her head, and praised Lu Jiong instead, as if she completely forgot that Lu Jiong almost ate her before.

Yan who was on the side looked at Ming Tian, ​​thought of something, hesitated to speak.

"Since everything is fine, I think we should go back, Yan, go back, you and your brother will talk another day, I don't want to play outside."

Xie Yue came out and said.


"Then let's talk another day? Brother Yan, let's leave a contact point. I'm at Xingluo Royal Academy. If you have anything, you can come to me at any time."

"Okay! I'm staying at the Wuhun Palace, which is very close to the imperial palace."


After hearing this news, Ming Tian was a little surprised, didn't say anything, said goodbye to Yan and the others reluctantly, and then took Lu Jiong back.



While everyone's eyes on the entire continent were focused on the Star Luo City of the Star Luo Empire, other places on the continent were also not peaceful.

The rebel army of the Holy Spirit Sect fought against the army of the Wuhun Temple, and the army of the Heaven Dou Empire, attacking cities and looting land. Under the orderly and organized attack, they took several strategic locations in succession and took them all as their own. own territory.

The gradually expanding Holy Spirit sect,

Notoriety and good fame began to spread at the same time, and word of mouth was good and bad, which no one expected.

Wei Ben didn't even need to deliberately inquire about it. He was extremely shocked when he visited every place on the mainland.

"Great work! The former Holy Spirit Sect has regained its glory!! Who exactly founded this sect and led the Holy Spirit Sect to a more glorious place than before?"

While being shocked, Wei Ben also felt deeply puzzled. He disguised himself and went to the city under the rule of the Holy Spirit Sect, and found that the people under the rule of the Holy Spirit Sect lived and worked in peace and contentment, especially the ordinary people at the bottom, who received countless benefits and care , is not what an evil sect should do at all, but the Holy Spirit Sect is not very polite to the families and forces loyal to the Wuhun Temple, they should be killed.

"Strange, really strange, uprising in the name of the Holy Spirit, but doing good deeds, what are people from this sect doing?"

Wei Ben couldn't tell whether it was evil or good.


Walking in the city under the jurisdiction of the Holy Spirit Sect, Wei Ben soon discovered that the Holy Spirit Sect often posted a recruiting order to recruit wild soul masters and strong ones, and the treatment was definitely more generous than that of the Wuhun Temple.

"The recruitment order is interesting."

As soon as he tore off the recruitment order, Wei Ben became more and more interested. Someone had seen Wei Ben tear off the recruitment order a long time ago, and came over and asked:

"Why did you tear up the recruitment order? Are you here to join our sect?"

Wei Ben rolled his eyes, and soon had an idea, and said:

"I have admired the name of the Holy Spirit Sect for a long time, so I came to join him because of this reason."

"Then come with me."

The people who came to find Wei Ben took him to the Holy Spirit altars set up by the Holy Spirit Sect in each city for contact.

"Release the martial soul and let me see your strength. I am Suo Zitong from the Holy Spirit Sect, the martial soul demon bloodfly."

Suo Zitong was the demon blood fly soul master who followed Lin Xiangyue back then, and was also ordered to guard the base camp during the decisive battle with the Wuhun Palace.

At present, he already has the strength of the junior Contra level. This is the gift that Mingxue gave to everyone under him after his return. Almost everyone has improved their strength after receiving Mingxue's gift.

"Hey, good."

The cyan soul mark lit up from under Wei Ben's feet, and a green-skinned monster appeared, Wei Ben's martial soul, the green infant demon.

The eight best-matching soul rings lit up from Wei Ben's body. Wei Ben was already an eighty-nine-level Contra, an old-fashioned soul master who had been famous for many years, and his background was extremely profound.

Unexpectedly, there was a Contra on the opposite side, Suo Zitong was shocked, knowing that this was beyond his control, he said in a deep voice:

"I'll take you to our headquarters. You're too strong. I'll leave it to our suzerain to make a decision and verify that you are not sneaking in undercover."


After receiving the martial soul, Wei Ben said calmly.

"Come on, follow me."

Both of them are Contras, so their actions are naturally extremely fast. Under the leadership of Suo Zitong, the two quickly headed towards the headquarters and entered the territory of Xingluo. Wei Ben was even more surprised. He did not expect that the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Sect is in Xingluo empire.

When they arrived at Fenxing City, Suo Zitong hurriedly informed the higher-ups that some people were leading troops outside to attack, and the guards were Qi Yuanqiu, Yun Xiangluo and Bianhua.

"Your Majesty, Suo Zitong has something important to report."

The bone greedy Douluo Qi Yuanqiu was in charge of the recruiting platform. Seeing Suo Zitong coming, Qi Yuanqiu asked:

"What's the matter?"

"The subordinate has recruited a soul master, but his level is too high, with the cultivation base of a peak Contra. I dare not judge without authorization, so I came here to report."

"Oh? Is there a Contra to cast? Then I'll go and have a look."

Yun Xiangluo said at the same time, it seems that there is interest.

"Sister Xiangluo, go and try it out. If there is a problem, take him down."

Qi Yuanqiu didn't even think about going, for him, a Contra was not worthy of his title Douluo condescension.

"Take me to see."


When he came to the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Sect, Wei Ben was naturally not in a hurry to meet the high-level officials. He looked around and became more and more surprised.

"Hey! The main person in charge of our recruiting platform is here, and it's him, Yun Zhangshi."

Suo Zitong let him out, and Wei Ben soon saw that it was Yun Xiangluo, the legendary baby girl Yun Xiangluo whom he had always wanted to suck blood from. resentment.

I never thought that the two would meet here...

"Ah, this..."

"Wei Ben?? What a genius!! I think this person is the traitor who sneaked in! Suo Zitong!! Take him down for me!!"

When the enemy meets, Yun Xiangluo will naturally not have a good face, Wei Ben is depressed! What is she?

"I have something to say, I really came here!! I was originally a member of the Holy Spirit Cult!"

"The heart of defection, the sun and the moon are shining, and the world can learn from it!"

Wei Ben jumped up and said, Yun Xiangluo didn't care what he said so much?

Grandma Baifen, the martial soul, came out, and as soon as the fourth soul skill was lit, there was an extra wooden stick in her hand and struck towards Wei Ben.

"Yunxiangluo, you're avenging yourself!"

Wei Ben was originally a soul master of the Sensitive Attack Department, and he didn't want to fight Yun Xiangluo, but just ran, and Yun Xiangluo chased after him, and the commotion soon alarmed the people in the sect. The outside is back.

"what happened?"

The beautiful Mingxue frowned slightly, and headed towards Wei Ben and Yun Xiangluo's place. Seeing that Wei Ben had been hiding, Yun Xiangluo became extremely angry, and released her eighth soul skill.

"Let you hide, white-faced mantra!!"

"I'm going? Are you serious!"

Seeing that a pink and white ghost mask was about to attack Xiang Wei Ben, just when Wei Ben was considering whether to use the eighth soul ability, a red light blocked between them, eliminating Yun Xiangluo's terrifying blow.

Wei Ben wanted to be thankful and thank the person who saved him, but when the red figure appeared in front of him, he felt an invisible oppressive force, looked at the girl in front of him in surprise, and was speechless.

"have you had enough?"

The girl's voice was clear and sweet, and when Yun Xiangluo saw her, she quickly knelt down and said:

"Meet the suzerain!"

metropolitan? The girl in front of me is the suzerain of the holy spirit?

Wei Ben thought in his heart, and then he saw the girl turn her head and saw that beautiful and shocking face.

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