Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 493 0 Beasts Breaking the Formation Song

The book of heaven grew bigger behind Tang Fengke, and it continued to shine with a golden light. Dozens of gold-threaded apes have emerged from it, and it seems that the number is still increasing. Some gold-threaded apes went to help Huang Yuxia, while others waved pineapple hammers Attack towards Cai Zhao.

While giving Tang Fengke a pineapple slam, Huang Yuxia also made one for himself to eat. The big Ruan Yumao was also difficult to deal with, and he hadn't used his sixth soul skill yet.

I thought this game would be a sure win, but who would have thought that the opponent would have hidden combat strength arranged here? It seems that they are bound to win this game!


The ear-splitting chime bells continued to be sounded, but Cai Zhao's fourth soul ability would soon cease to be effective. The number of gold silk demon apes was getting larger and larger, and they still had their own innate skills. Needle!

Dozens of Golden Silk Demon Apes releasing the Golden Silk Flying Needle skill at the same time was quite shocking, and even Ruan Yuhao was somewhat affected.

"Quick battle! Yu Mao!"

Cai Zhao ordered at this time, it seems that they will also release their hole cards.

"Okay! I won't play with you guys anymore, the sixth soul skill——"

"Jade and stone burn together!!"

Ruan Yuhao activated the sixth soul skill, and his whole body was covered with a layer of white jade. At this moment, he himself was carved out of jade, and Huang Yuxia couldn't do any harm to him at all.

"Weng Zhong, fry!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Ruan Yuhao, who had turned into jade, himself began to explode, and parts of his body began to explode and shatter, but he himself did not die.

This is a soul skill that injures one thousand enemies and self-damages eight hundred. At the cost of his own body's jade explosion, he and the other party die together, and then enters a weak state, and Jade Weng Zhong Wuhun stops using it for three days.

Using this soul skill means that if the opponent is not hurt by it, then it is Ruan Yumao who will suffer the backlash.

But this soul skill is still extremely powerful when he uses it, he has already reached the sixty-eighth level of soul emperor, the power of this move is enough to match the powerful skills of some soul saints.

Why wasn't Huang Yuxia surprised when he saw it? back?

This is impossible, retreating means that he has to endure Ruan Yumao's fierce pursuit, and the only solution is to attack and prevent him from continuing to use the jade gun.

"Pineapple Slam!"

"Vitality pineapple!"

"Bubble pineapple!"

Using the three auxiliary soul skills together, Huang Yuxia's own defense has been raised to the extreme, rushing forward, ready to fight Ruan Yumao for the final battle! !

"Friends of Star Luo Royal Academy, you are indeed good, but that's it."


Cai Zhao's bronze mallet struck the fifth page of the chime, and the black soul ring lit up, and the seven pages of chimes were all listed in front of Cai Zhao. Cai Zhao kept dropping the bronze mallet in his hand, beating it rhythmically, round after round. The sound waves spread out, and a huge three-legged Golden Crow rushed out from the chime invisibly!

"The ability to summon is not only available to you, but also to me!"

"The name of my fifth soul skill is—"

"Song of Breaking the Array of Beasts!"

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

The bronze hammer fell rapidly, and one sound wave after another spread out. Invisibly, countless ancient strange beasts appeared in the form of phantoms.

In addition to the three-legged golden crow, there are Kui beasts, candle dragons, black turtles, and iron-eating beasts.

The ancient beast only has the ferocity and majesty of the ancient times, and it is not a real entity, but more like a reproduced image.

But that was enough, how could these golden silk demon apes be able to bear the power of ancient ferocious beasts?

Just the coercion from the ancient times made it difficult for these gold silk demon apes to continue to move forward, and they wanted to prostrate themselves.

Tang Fengke never expected these things to happen. The soul beasts he summoned did not listen to his command at all, and completely lost their fighting power. Numerous phantoms of fierce beasts rushed towards Tang Fengke, and some attacked Huang Yuxia to help Ruan Yuhao.

"Ant Nest Space!!"

A black circle appears at the foot, a space appears,

Tang Fengke wanted to enter.

Want to avoid Cai Zhao's beasts breaking the formation song.

"Come out!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Continuing to beat, these phantoms of ancient soul beasts seemed to be controlled by Cai Zhao, and they all poured into Tang Fengke's ant nest space. After a while, Tang Fengke was forced out, hiding in the ant nest space, but the place he could hide in was even smaller up.

"Admit defeat! We admit defeat this time!"

When Ming Tian saw it, he knew that they had no chance when Cai Zhao showed seven soul rings.

With just two soul skills, they could continuously restrain Tang Fengke, and Ruan Yumao's huge sacrifice skill also made it difficult for Huang Yuxia to make a move. There was no need for them to fight this round.

"Xingluo Royal Academy admits defeat! The national weapon sect wins this game!"

Originally planned to win two games in a row and end the game quickly, but they didn't expect that the Guoqi Sect's background is too deep, so they won one game. It seems that the final victory or defeat will still be three-on-three!

"Let's go, we must win this game, and we will meet these guys from the National Weapon Sect!"

Ming Tian got up, and Mo Yingqi and Nayaro stood up at the same time, their eyes were solemn. The survival of Xingluo Royal Academy rested on their shoulders.

On the stage, Tang Fengke and Huang Yuxia walked down the stage somewhat despondently, looked at Ming Tian and the others, and lowered their heads.

"I'm sorry, Ming Tian, ​​we..."

"You guys have done well enough, let's see us in the next last game, we will definitely win!"

Swinging Tang Fengke's shoulders, he comforted him, the three of them went up to the competition stage together, Cai Zhao and Ruan Yuhao from the National Artifact Sect had also gone down, and the last ones to come up were three female soul masters.

The leader is tall and slender, with two ponytails tied behind his head, looking quite agile, presumably this is Xiao Qingyan, the daughter of the suzerain of the Guoqi sect and the captain of the Guoqi team.

Coming to the competition stage, Ming Tian and Xiao Qingyan looked at each other, and both sides seemed to be determined to win this last competition.

"In the last match, both sides will share their names. The winner will enter the preliminary round, and the loser will stop there!"

"Xingluo Royal Academy, Hades!"


"Mo Yingqi."

"Team National Equipment, Xiao Qingyan!"

"Fight Ningo!"

"Zhan Ningbo!"

Behind Xiao Qingyan, there are two sisters who look the same, and even have similar names.

"Start the game!"

"Three Lives Soul Suppression!"

Xiao Qingyan's soul seal was released, and three huge bronze giant cauldrons appeared floating behind her. The shocking thing was her soul ring, the seven rings!

She didn't know when she also broke through to the seventh ring.

In other words, this team is a combination of two soul saints, two soul emperors, and three soul kings!

Because the Zhan family sisters behind Xiao Qingyan are just soul kings.

"It's a pity that a sect team like yours can definitely enter the finals. It's your misfortune to meet us, and it's also our misfortune."

"Where is there so much nonsense, whoever wins is not sure!"


"Golden Gange!"

"Moon White Silk!"

The martial spirits of the Zhan sisters are Gange and Yubo, and their names are also very interesting, Ninge and Ningbo, the elder sister is called Ninge, and the younger sister is called Ningbo.

The meaning of the name is to fight with Ge Ning, Wu Ye, and to fight with Bo Ning, Wen Ye.

Therefore, they are called Zhan Ninge and Zhan Ningbo.

"Yaro, control the field!!"

"Sand field!!"

The competition platform under his feet quickly turned into a muddy field of sand and stones. Mo Yingqi quickly fled and rushed towards the two sisters.

"Hmph, your control doesn't work on me."

"The first soul skill, Town of Cauldron!"


The three big tripods fell directly towards the sand field without moving, as if the sand could not be restrained at all.

"Dragon of the Dead Sand!!"


In the sand field, several wild yellow sand dragons directly bit Xiao Qingyan on the tripod.

"The third soul skill, the Buddha Formation!"

Surrounding Xiao Qingyan, countless giant cauldrons appeared, surrounding her, like protection, but also like control.

"The Entanglement of Silk!!!"

"Shadow Tangle!!"

On the other side, Mo Yingqi also faced off with Zhan Ningbo. Countless white silk cloth strips faced countless shadow hands, and they were also equal opponents.

"Your opponent is me!"

"The first soul skill, Ge Yi!"

Zhan Ningo's first soul ability lit up, and her aura seemed to have improved. It seemed that this was a soul ability that improved her strength in all aspects.

Ming Tian, ​​who was found, smiled wryly, but the next moment, his eyes were full of fighting spirit! !

"You have Ge, so do I."

"Ge name: Tianchuan!!!"

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