Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 498 Are you leaving?

Lost, actually lost...

For a while, many people couldn't accept that the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, which was completely in the upper hand, actually lost, to a Shrek Academy that came out of nowhere!

Many people's hearts suddenly fell to the bottom. Although it is unacceptable, this is an irreversible fact.

Xue Huangji smiled wryly, pursed her mouth into a straight line, and looked towards the competition stage, Yang Bin was the only one facing the three people from Shrek Academy.

Do you want to compare? Is there any chance of a flop?

It seems that there is no more.

"Tiandou Royal Academy..."

"Admit defeat."

The words came out of Xuehuangji's mouth, he looked at the person opposite, at this time everyone looked at the person opposite, it was not the seven members of Shrek who defeated the Heaven Dou Royal Academy in this match, but the The guy who really commanded them in the audience, that guy's strategy, intelligence, and judgment not inferior to Xuehuangji, let Shrek Academy completely beat Tiandou Royal Academy in this match.

who is it? ? Who is he? ?

Everyone speculated for a moment that the one who could defeat Xue Huangji was...


"Heh, there's no room for a flop, is there?"

The tone of the person opposite was a little strange, he turned around and said coldly without looking at the Xuehuang machine:

"Accepted, but I don't count as a win."

"Come on, Flender, let's go back."

Without looking back, Yu Xiaogang just left indifferently. At this moment, Flender realized that although he won, he didn't know why, but he always felt weird.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Since Tiandou Royal Academy took the initiative to admit defeat, and Cao Yi and Zang Yuanrong, who had used their martial soul fusion skills, also released their soul skills, everyone from Shrek Academy on the stage looked happy, and followed Flender and the others to leave.

Flender caught up with Yu Xiaogang, but Yu Xiaogang's face was still cold, and he quickly asked in a low voice:

"Hey, Xiao Gang, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Didn't we win?"

"He did it on purpose. Tiandou hasn't lost yet. That Xuehuangji didn't intend to win from the beginning."

"Ah? What?!"

"I'm afraid something big will happen in the future. Although we qualified for the knockout round, for the sake of safety, I advise you to give up the next game. I'm going back too."

"Go back? You want to go back? Why? Xiao Gang! Don't go! Tell me what's going on!"

A group of people from Shrek Academy left, and there was no need for the rest of them to stay any longer. Mingtian didn't know how to go forward to comfort Xue Huangji. The last thing Tiandou Royal Academy wanted to lose in this match was Mingtian.

But what happened was that Tiandou Royal Academy still lost. Losing this game means that there will be no more games for Tiandou's people, and their journey in Xingluo is also over. Soon, they will go back, and Ming Tian will never be able to meet Xue Huang again...

How is it possible to let him go? How could he be willing to let Xue Huang go away? But what to do?

"Let's go too, Mingtian, you go back too."

"Everyone, you've tried your best. Even if we lose, we've tried our best, haven't we?"

Smiling and comforting everyone in the Tiandou Imperial Academy, Xue Huang said in an admirable way.

Obviously he is the most uncomfortable at this time, and he is also the most hit at this time, he still has to...

"I don't blame you, Eldest Prince, it's that person opposite, that person is too weird, what is he..."

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. It should be him. Who else can compete with me in resourcefulness, except Yu Xiaogang, who is the second in the list of masterminds? The corner of the golden iron triangle wisdom, he is familiar with Flender , I should have thought of it earlier."

"It seems that compared to Yu Xiaogang, I'm still a little bit worse. Losing to him, I'm convinced."

They left with the defeated Tiandou Imperial Academy team, and when they were about to exit, a man leaned against the door, and when the Xuehuangji passed by, he said in a tone that Xuehuangji could only hear:

"Sixtieth move, if the opponent's martial soul fusion skill is successful,

Use the first soul ability of Wind Candle Lamp, the first soul ability that has never been used, Wind Candle Replacement. "

Hearing this voice, Xue Huangji suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked at the man as he passed by. The man raised his head, and a pair of bewitching yellow pupils raised up, meeting his eyes.

A voice sounded in Xuehuang's mind:

"Human beings are really complicated. My name is Ten Thousand Eyes Demon Tree, and I'm known as Ten Thousand Demon King. You seem to have something on your mind..."

The two left staggeredly, Xue Huangji lowered his head, showing a weird smile, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ming Tian followed closely behind him. When he passed the Wan Yao King, a woman happened to come by beside him. He hurriedly glanced at the woman's blue pupils and soft face, and was a little surprised for a moment. The woman looked at him. Smiling, he and the Wan Yao King left in a strange way.


"Is it an illusion? How is it possible? How could that woman be like my mother, who died a long time ago..."

There were also shocking waves in Mingtian's heart. What happened to the familiar and intimate feeling in his heart...

Because he cared about Xue Huangji, Ming Tian didn't continue to think about it and asked that woman.

"That little guy is your nephew? Your sister Youhuamo's child? I also felt it when he used the dark blue silver grass. Blue Silver Emperor, why don't you meet him?"

"Hurry up, I think our whereabouts should be exposed. You killed those two human soul masters before, and it seems that someone has already known that our soul beasts have also mixed into this competition. Be careful in what you do next, humans, It's not easy to deal with..."

The Wan Yao King and the Blue Silver Emperor left in a hurry. Behind them, Deidora had already started to search the entire competition stage, looking for the whereabouts of the soul beast he found.

Didora came to the corner where they sat before, with a hideous expression on his face.

"Soul Beast, I will definitely take you out of this competition and avenge Huachuan!"

"Elder Prince!"

"Elder Prince! Eldest Prince!"

Ming Tian, ​​who followed all the way, called Xue Huangji's name, until the Tiandou Royal Academy's residence, Xue Huangji turned around and paid attention to Ming Tian.

"Okay, when are you going to send me there? I'm already back."

"No, that's not what I want to say."

Following Xue Huangji's return to his residence, many people looked at it and felt a little strange, Cao Zhao and the others first went to report their match results to Prince Xue Xing.

Returning to the residence together with Ming Tian, ​​Xue Huangji sat down in a good mood and asked him with a smile:

"Oh? Then what are you going to say?"



Ming Tian lowered his head a little lonely, he didn't know what to say, but there was always a voice in his heart reminding him, hurry up, if you don't say anything else, you will have no chance.

"Please, don't go back, okay..."

"Eldest Prince, don't go back, you don't want to go back either!! Go back to the Heaven Dou Palace and never come out. In the future, you will be restricted by the members of the Xue family and live without freedom. How can such a life be good!!"

Staring at Xuehuangji, it was the first time Ming Tian spoke to him so emotionally.

But the Xuehuangji in front of him still had a calm face and said:

"I am the eldest prince of Tiandou. When I return in the future, I will inherit the throne. Tiandou cannot live without a king."

"From the moment I was born in the Heaven Dou Palace, this has been my destiny in this life."

"The former emperor once had a poem saying: High palaces and temples, white hair in the world. Yesterday's black hair and white bones, broken halberds and dusty sand. Iron horses ride on the Guanshan Mountains, and the sun and the moon are long. The heroes of Changyuan are always late. , the splendor turns to ashes."

"Whether it's Tiandou, Xingluo or Wuhundian, everyone has only one goal, to compete in the world and unify the continent. I am the same, Mingtian."

"It will also be my lifelong dream, to spread the flag of Tiandou all over the entire continent, and the iron armor..."

"Still there!!"

"Is the armor still there?"

Ming Tian looked at Xue Huangji, his eyes seemed to be burning with raging fire, like burning coals.

"Come to my side, let's conquer this continent together, since you can't bear to part with me, why don't you go with me?"

"Our monarchs and ministers rule the world together."



(Pay tribute to Kyushu Misty Record, old Kyushu fan.)

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