Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 508 Haotian Twin Heroes

Ming Tian looked at the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao with an interesting expression. He could naturally perceive that both of them were Contra-level powerhouses. If they reached the Contra-level at such a young age, I am afraid that they will not be able to achieve success in the future. Limited.

What's more, the two are from the Haotian School. Although they look a little funny when facing their aunt, their real personalities are not like this. The awe-inspiring righteousness and sense of justice unique to them, Ming Tian can I can feel that they are two interesting people.

"Your Majesty, we have heard of your name, but we have never heard of it. Today, the two of us boldly asked for advice!"

In front of Ah Yin, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao don't want her to look down on her. They have to leave a good impression on Ah Yin. They don't want to miss such an opportunity to perform, and they will fight against Ming Tian. I just wanted to give it a try, both of them are warlike people, how can there be any reason to refuse?

"Well, okay, this is not a place for talking or fighting, let's find a quieter place."

A few people quickly found a remote and uninhabited space. Ah Yin kept smiling and watched quietly from the side. Ming Tian looked relaxed and looked at Tang Hao and Tang Xiao carefully. This was the first time he People who contact Haotianzong.

Tang Hao and Tang Xiao stood on the left and on the right, facing Ming Tian, ​​knowing how powerful Ming Tian was, they didn't dare to push him too hard, restrained their aura, mobilized their soul power, and held their breath.


Ming Tian made a gesture of invitation, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao looked at each other, nodded, and each released the Clear Sky Hammer.

The ratio of the eight rings is perfect, once the Haotian Hammer comes out, the sense of heaviness and simplicity is exuded.

It is no worse than the ancient national weapon Sansheng Soul Suppressing Cauldron, the first martial soul in the mainland, and it really lives up to its reputation.

"Offended! Your Majesty Yuan Che!"

The two rushed towards Mingtian one by one, but Tang Hao was in the front instead, and the Killing God Domain exploded.

"Field? Such a powerful murderous aura..."

"Avatar of Artifact Soul! Avatar of Haotian!"

"The eighth soul skill, Hammer of Slaughter!"

The two yelled in unison, directly hitting the strongest blow, and they shot at the same time, the Clear Sky Hammer became bigger, and red phantoms appeared, overlapping one after another, in front of Mingtian, it seemed to be enveloped by a powerful hammer of killing intent.

"Well done."

Purple light flashed in his eyes, Tian Congyun held Mingtian Congyun in his hand, covered with countless diamonds, and he also used Tian Congyun's strongest blow.

"Vajra Prison Dragon Break!!"


The long dragon rushed out, covered in diamonds, and rushed towards the dense shadow of the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

When the energy collided, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao bounced back and were attacked more than ten meters away.

"The strength is good, especially brother Tang Hao, you can do it."


"If you want to come to my aunt, you are welcome at any time, but you have to fight with me first. Moreover, if you want to associate with my aunt, you must first become strong and have the strength to protect my aunt. Only then can I rest assured that I will hand over my aunt to you." you."

"Of course! Of course!!"

Not only were the defeated two not discouraged, they put on joyful faces when they heard what Ming Tian said. There is a reason for this!

"Auntie, what do you think?"

"You brat, both of you are young talents, but I don't intend to associate with anyone. It's not impossible to be friends."

Hearing Ah Yin's words, the two brothers were overjoyed, as happy as two hundred catty fools.

"If that's the case, let's say goodbye, we'll come back tomorrow!"

"Wait, big brother Tang Hao, does your Haotian School have a secret method of blasting souls?"

Suddenly, Ming Tian remembered what Xue Huangji said before, that the authentic secret method of blasting souls only existed in the Haotian School, so he just took this opportunity to ask.

"Blast the soul?"

After hearing this, the two brothers looked at Ming Tian, ​​not knowing why he was asking about the secret method of exploding souls.

"I don't know if you can tell me? I'm quite interested in the secret method of blasting the soul. If possible, what price would I be willing to exchange for it?"

"This is the sect's secret, it's not for the two of us to decide,

When we went back, we asked our father, if His Majesty Yuan Chemian has time, he can come to the Haotian School's resident for a talk. "

"Thank you."

After bidding farewell to the two, Ah Yin also went back. Ming Tian did not return to Xingluo Royal Academy, but found a place to live by himself until the second day, the opening of the preliminary competition...

After the knockout round, some sects and individuals who were eliminated by the knockout round returned one after another, but the number of people who stayed to watch the game was still huge, but there were fewer people participating in the competition, and the quality was higher.

At the scene of the first round of lottery in the preliminary round, the various colleges and soul masters were still bustling together, and everyone from the Star Luo Royal Academy was there, but it seemed a little deserted. Without Ming Tian, ​​they didn't seem to have much emotional fluctuations.

"The next competition system will still be an individual competition and a team competition cycle. Those who participate in the individual competition should go to the lottery. It's okay, let's go back first."

Jiang Ke said to these people a little listlessly.

"Yes, Teacher Jiang Ke."

Those who had nothing to do went back, and there were only a few people left behind. Finally, Kong Xueliang couldn't bear it anymore and asked Jiang Ke:

"Teacher, hasn't Mingtian come back yet? Will he still participate in the next competition?"

"Oh, I don't know, now his attitude towards our Xing Luo is not very clear, it's all because..."

"Forget it, it's okay, if he hasn't come in the team competition later, let Lu Jiong join you."

"Who said I won't participate in the team competition?"

As soon as Jiang Ke finished speaking, Ming Tian walked over from behind him, seeing Ming Tian again, Kong Xueliang showed a look of joy on his face.

"Ming, Ming Tian?!"

"You're back? You..."

"I've already drawn the lottery for the individual competition. As long as there is a team competition, I will come and participate with you. I have something to do these few days, so I won't be going back to Star Luo Royal Academy."

Facing the crowd, Ming Tian looked indifferent, while Long En and Lu Jiong were trying to say something, looking at Ming Tian with uncertain expressions.

"I have a game later, so let's go first."

Still leaving expressionlessly, it seems that he has no feelings for this college and these students.

After leaving a few people in the cold, everyone in the Star Luo Royal Academy showed embarrassment.

"Damn! What does he think of our academy?! Do you really think we can't do it without him?"

Mo Yingqi said angrily.

"It has nothing to do with him. We, Xingluo, are sorry for him. Forget it, let's go."

Indeed, the current Hades is still in a state of cold war against Xingluo Royal Academy. It's impossible for him to forget everything that Xing Luo did like a normal person, and laugh and laugh with them again.

The individual competition is always a one-day competition, and Ming Tian doesn't want to complain.

Competition platform No. 6, serial number thirty-one.

So many Plutos in the past few days. His heart has also become a lot colder, and he has no enthusiasm for the game. This time, instead, he found the competition platform, and his opponent was late.

The belated opponent was a young man who looked particularly sunny. He came to the competition stage and smiled at Ming Tian:

"Sorry for being late."


Ming Tian's face was indifferent, and the referee didn't talk nonsense when he saw this, and directly announced the start of the game.

"My servant is Rong Chenyu, the sixty-eighth-level soul emperor, a force-type martial soul, and a martial soul of Yu Linglong!"


Behind Rong Chenyu, a strange beast spirit appeared. It looked like a lion as a whole. The lion's head and neck had huge jade thorns protruding from it, and its tail seemed to be dragging a thorn ball.

But it also has the characteristics of a dragon, with dragon scales all over it, which looks quite mighty.

"Yu Linglong?"

Ming Tian has never seen this kind of martial soul. This is an ancient strange beast, even a real dragon blooded soul beast.

It is rumored that there are three Yu Linglongs in the Dragon God Clan, all of which are dragon-type soul beasts, auspicious and imperial, possessing the power of ancient jade.

After the Dragon Realm disappeared, one of Yu Linglong transformed into a human being and rebuilt it to pass on the blood of this generation.

The blood of Rong Chenyu's generation is very close. It stands to reason that he has the blood of a soul beast flowing through his body. His father is the humanized Yu Linglong, who lived in seclusion, married a human woman, and established the Linglong Sect.

But this time Rong Chenyu participated in the competition alone, and he wanted to meet the heroes of the world because of his strength.

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