Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 549 7 Bits 1 Martial Soul Fusion Technique


The Tianchuan Blast from Tianchuan Ge shot at the female earth bats in the air, and a quarter of the female earth bats were knocked out instantly.

"Pan Shui Jiao, cut the battlefield!"

Tian Miao, as the defense-type soul master in the team, should have played the role of defense support, but after this, everyone found that his control ability was not weaker than the control-type soul master, even better than most control-type soul masters. Soul masters are stronger.

Bishuijiao has two major abilities of water attribute and space attribute. The water attribute helps it defend, and the space attribute helps it control.

In an instant, several long water-blue space walls divided the entire competition platform into several small spaces, and everyone was separated, disrupting the rhythm of the competition for a while.

The small cube that trapped Hao Xiao just now exploded suddenly, and countless thunder lights surged, Hao Xiao directly broke Tian Miao's single-body control soul skill.

But Hao Xiao who came out was stunned, what's going on? Why is it surrounded by high water blue walls one after another? What about your teammates? What about the opponent?

"Thundering Hell Prison Vine, Thunder Calamity in the Sky!!"


Several bolts of lightning hit the water-blue wall, but the water-blue wall only fainted with a few ripples, and did not hurt at all.

"Absolutely established?"

Seeing this, Hao Xiao finally understood, are they planning to defeat them one by one?

But didn't they rely on the cooperation of the seven of them, and the martial soul fusion skill that might be displayed?

Of course it wasn't to break down one by one, Tian Miao did this only to create opportunities and time for them to form a formation.

They do know the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique that has never appeared in the legend, and use the power of the Xuanwu Qisu to summon the legendary four-element sacred beast Xuanwu.

It's just that this method requires time and positioning, and it can't be used casually.

"Yang Su, come back!"


A big mouse rushed out from the sandy ground and landed on the ground again. At this time, the big mouse looked very ferocious, its eyes turned red, Yang Su had already displayed his martial soul avatar, his Void Sun There is also a sun totem on the mouse's forehead.

The ones who can interfere are Nayaro and Mo Yingqi. The Xuanwu Academy has to be distracted from dealing with these two people. Now that Tian Miao has trapped the other five people from the Xingluo Royal Academy, they can take care of them. Two threats.

Nayaro got rid of the desertification, and re-condensed his figure to appear in the formation on the Xuanwu Academy side. Mo Yingqi came out from Nayaro's shadow and stood back to back with him. The two of them can be said to have entered the trap alone now. .

"Mingtian and the others are restricted."

"Well, I know, this is for the two of us."

"How? Can it work?"

"Hmph, they want seven against two, and we will do what they want, but if they want to easily beat us like this, then they are very wrong."

"Ah, yes, it seems that we have to show the hole cards we have cooperated with these days..."

The two laughed, not afraid or panic at all, but became excited, and smiled.

"Pay attention to them, don't be careless!"

"Watch me take care of them, Shihuo pig!"

"Tamp tamp!!!"

Qiu Duan's sixth soul skill lit up, and his chamber fire pig let out an angry cry, its abdomen became swollen, and its mouth grew as if it was stuffed with food. Then spit out a huge fireball.



Nayaro and Mo Yingqi, who were back to back, uttered two yells, and then the seventh soul ring was lit, and they simultaneously displayed their martial soul avatars.

Strictly speaking, the martial souls of the two are elemental martial souls, and their real bodies are naturally Sha Zhenshen and Ying Zhenshen.

Nayaro has completely turned into a person formed of sand, with flowing sand all over his body, while Mo Yingqi has completely become a person formed of shadows, like a group of shadows.

The fireball attack of the room fire pig arrived, but it had no effect on the deserted Nayaro and the shadowed Mo Yingqi.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill! Shadow Sand Thousand Flow!"

The two of them in the spirit avatar instantly fuse together,

The sand is mixed with shadows, and the shadows are deformed in the sand, forming two interlaced rays of light, one black and one yellow.

Who would have thought that these two people would be able to use the martial soul fusion technique?

Jiang Ke in the audience was very surprised when he saw it. It was obvious that these two people didn't even tell Jiang Ke.

In the past few days, the two of them have been thinking behind closed doors, discussing with each other, and soon discovered that the two of them can jointly perform the martial soul fusion skill in the state of the martial soul avatar. Intersection, not sure how to get it.

During this period of time, the two even had a spark of love. Although Nayaro dressed up like a boy, she still had the heart and characteristics of a woman. Mo Yingqi met her requirements for the other half in all aspects.

"It turned out to be a two-person martial soul fusion technique, Tan Liao and Lin She!"

The female earth bat Lin She and Wei Yueyan Tan Liao nodded, you have the martial soul fusion skill, do you think we don't have it?

What outsiders don't know is that Xuanwu Qisu not only can use the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique to summon Xuanwu, but also can use the martial soul fusion technique in coordination with these people in Qisu.

Tan Liao and Lin She, Yang Su and Qiu Duan, Geng Chong and Ji Tong can all combine and use martial soul fusion skills at will.

Among them, the martial soul fusion skills of Geng Chong and Ji Tong are the most powerful. Geng Chong represents Dou Su, and Ji Tong represents Niu Su. Between bullfights, it has always been said that there is no light. The name is also called air punch bullfighting.

And the fusion technique between female host and dangerous host is called...

"The Judgment of a Dangerous Woman!!!"

Who can win the sentence of Yingsha Qianliu against a dangerous girl?

"Geng Chong, let's go together and send these two out first!"


"Furious bullfighting!!!"

If one martial soul fusion skill fails, then I'll come directly to two and see if you can stop it?

"Don't fight recklessly, go and get rid of that Tian Miao, if you get rid of him, his controlling soul ability will be released!"

At the critical moment, Mo Yingqi still thought clearly, it didn't matter if they sacrificed the two of them, and Tian Miao was dealt with first.

"Exquisite water wave!!"

Of course Tian Miao understood the intentions of these two people, he was also very smart, immediately put a layer of defense on himself, resisted the two martial soul fusion skills, let his own two martial soul fusion skills seriously injure the opponent, and completely sent him off the stage go.

"Bang bang!!"

Mo Yingqi and Nayaro were eliminated, and the opponent sacrificed the price of two martial arts fusion skills.

"Very good, let's break down one by one."

The block space that trapped Ming Tian and others rotated, and soon, the block space where Long En was located was in front of everyone, and Long En who was released was still a little dazed.

"Yang Su, Qiu Duan!"

"Understood, the martial soul fusion skill, the fire of the virtual room!!!"

When the two are fused, the Xurishu has two attributes of earth and sun, and the sun is the source of fire, so it can naturally fuse with the martial souls of various fire attributes.

"Avatar of Martial Soul, Avatar of Dark Holy Dragon!!"

After Long En came to his senses, the 100,000-year-old seventh soul ring soon lit up, turned into a dark holy dragon, and roared towards the Void Ritual Mouse and the Shihuo Pig.

"In front of Shenglong, dare to be presumptuous!"

The black dragon body lit up, it was Long En who was about to use his 100,000-year bone-drying skills.

"The abyss hell is destroyed!!!"

"Not good, one martial soul fusion skill is not enough, Tian Miao and Geng Chong!"

Bishuijiao and Doumuxie, the two attributes of water and wood can complement each other, so naturally they can also perform martial soul fusion skills.

"Aspect of Mizuki!!"

Sure enough, Long En was concentrating on dealing with the first attacking martial soul fusion skill, and did not notice the arrival of the second martial soul fusion skill at all.

How can a soul sage level martial soul fusion skill be so easily blocked?

Soon, Long En was attacked by the second martial soul fusion technique.

"Don't think that you have martial soul fusion skills, we have them too!!"

The absolutely established cutting space suddenly collapsed, and two hurricanes, one black and one white, rushed directly towards the people of Xuanwu Academy.

This is exactly the martial soul fusion skill of sisters Nie Shabai and Bai Sha Nie, Bai Sha is in Nirvana!

Baisha is in nirvana, and it is black with it. This martial soul fusion skill is ranked first even among the two-person martial soul fusion skills.

Finally, the people at Xuanwu Academy felt threatened.

"Array! Seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique!"








The seven constellations and seven stars are arranged according to the celestial position. Just when Baisha Zai Nirvana attacked, a ball of light rose up. The dazzling light blinded everyone.

"Qisu Cheng, Northern Xuanwu, come out!"

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