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The arena has already started paddling the whole way.

Mingtian and Nayaro, who couldn't see anything, sat down cross-legged without making any trouble, and the two sisters Bai Sa Nie and Nie Sha Bai behind did not use any auxiliary or attacking soul skills.

On Xingluo Royal Academy's side, only Hao Xiao, Long En, and Mo Yingqi are still fighting, and they are simply not serious!

However, these three people are indeed enough, the main reason is that the other party's level is low, otherwise it is really hard to say.

"After feeling blind, my hearing has improved a lot. It was Long En's cry just now, what's going on?"

"I was hit in the lower body by Zhang Jingzhi's one-legged monk's Zen staff."

Bai Sanie said coldly.

"Hey, have you come up with a countermeasure and strategy? The opponent seems to be defending impeccably, and the trinity martial soul fusion skill seems to be uninterrupted, and consumes very little soul power."

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking, what are the characteristics of the four people who are still fighting on the other side? For example, are there any obvious actions."

"No, it's either missing an arm or a broken leg, isn't that a characteristic?"

"That's right, now I can be regarded as having characteristics. I am blind, but I have brought extremely keen hearing..."

"Wait, isn't this also a feature?"

Instead, Neshabai grabbed something and said, she said excitedly:

"Think about it, when a certain part of your body is missing, your other abilities will share the missing part and become stronger."

"For example, people who can't see have excellent hearing. People who can't hear have to watch other people's mouth shapes carefully, so their eyesight and observation skills are very good. The left arm without the right arm will become more handy. , the right leg without the left leg will be healthy and strong..."

With a single word to wake up the dreamer, Mingtian also suddenly realized, saying:

"What they are good at is also their weakness! Is that what you mean?"

"That's right!"

"Smart! I know what to do! Go and come!"

Understand where the joints are,

Ming Tian hurriedly went to the remnant team.

"Attacking their strengths is attacking their weaknesses!"

"Hao Xiao, guide me to the guy who doesn't have a left arm!"

Although Hao Xiao couldn't speak, he could still hear. The Thundering Hell Prison Vine attacked Li Xuansui, and Ming Tian instantly understood his position.

"Snowflying Ghost Sting!!!"

Mingtian's right arm bone lit up, attacking Li Xuansui's right arm, Li Xuansui subconsciously protected his right arm under the body of the one-armed Titan. After all, this was his only arm, and it was also his weakness.

"Sure enough!"

Hao Xiao and Long En also understood Ming Tian's move. In an instant, Hao Xiao attacked Tao Kai's left arm, Long En attacked Zhang Jingzhi's left leg, and Mo Yingqi attacked Wang Yanwu's right leg.

The scene was reversed in an instant, and the four attacking people quickly retreated to protect their only remaining parts, as if they had been caught by a weak point, and they had nowhere to use their energy.

"It's our turn."

"Combined soul skills, reversal of life and death!"

Naturally, the few people in the rear couldn't paddle all the way, Nie Shabai and Bai Sha Nie's martial soul fusion skills cannot be used, but their unique soul skill combination skills can also make people hard to guard against, no worse than the martial soul fusion skills.

"The trinity martial soul fusion technique, I will solve it!"

The blind Nayaro turned into sand, and she turned into sand elements, every grain of sand is her eyes, this trinity martial soul fusion skill cannot be broken, but it can be affected.

"Sea Demon Vine Flurry!!"

At this time, Mingtian's ability to control the field was also displayed. His right leg split into countless red sea magic vines, and he went towards the opposite four people to control them, instantly binding and restricting several people.

"Admit defeat! We admit defeat! Don't hurt these children!"

Lu Zijia, the dean of the Disabled Body College, shouted at this time, feeling very anxious.

Mingtian and the others are kind-hearted people, so they naturally won the victory without harming these opponents.

"Release the martial soul fusion skill, Yunshou."

The three of Han Yunshou who had transformed into martial soul fusion skills also released their martial soul fusion skills, and Ming Tian and others returned to normal.

"You are all very powerful. I look forward to fighting you again after your strength improves again."

"Teach me, Star Luo Royal Academy."

The captains of the two sides shook hands. This was the first time since the team match that it was so peaceful. Both sides ended the match convincingly.



There is one more day for the individual competition, one day for the team competition, and the second round of the rematch is coming to an end.

What's more interesting later is the rematch team match, Wuhundian vs. Corpse Mingzong.

At the beginning, because of Deng Zhi's fight, Shi Mingzong skipped three preliminary rounds and three knockout rounds, entered the rematch, won a game by luck in the first round, and used up all the good luck in the second round, and went directly to the final level martial arts. Soul Palace.

It doesn't mean that Nether Corpse Sect was completely defeated because of the death of the first and second leaders. There is still a seven-member team stationed in Xingluo City, led by the third leader, and has been resting here.

It can be regarded as the remaining elite combat power, they naturally know the situation on the Netherworld Sect's side, but the third in command Shi Wen is still a sensible person, and immediately explained that the young suzerain is following the lead.

He also proposed that when the Netherworld Sect team finished the game, they would return to the sect to help Deng Zhi.

In this seven-member team, everyone's potential is not bad, four soul emperors and three soul kings.

The combat power is barely average, Mingtian naturally didn't notice it, and wanted to accept the idea of ​​​​Sheng Mingwei.

It's better to let Deng Zhi keep some confidantes, so as to show his generosity.

Afterwards, they would naturally watch the match between Netherworld Sect and Wuhundian.

On the other hand, Bao Tiantu, whom Ming Tian paid close attention to, also had some movement.

At the end of the night when the team competition was over, someone assassinated Bao Tiantu at the place where he lived.

Since Bao Tiantu lives alone and has no one to take care of him, the people who came to kill him seem to think that Bao Tiantu can't escape anyway.

Bao Tiantu seemed to know the other party, after all, he was Qiongqi soul master of the eight rings, and it was still difficult to kill him.

But the opponent is a Titled Douluo!

"The ninth ring is 100,000 years old? Have you broken through to Title Douluo?"

In the dark night, Bao Tiantu looked at his opponent in shock and shouted hoarsely.

"I missed it and let you escape, but now, you have no chance."

Just when Bao Tiantu's life was at a critical moment, Le Yang, who had been secretly following Bao Tiantu, chose to make a move. When he saw another Titled Douluo coming to assassinate Bao Tiantu, he had no choice but to retreat.

Bao Tiantu, who was saved, was surprised. How could anyone save him? Looking at the super-matched nine soul rings on Le Yang's body, he was even more surprised.

"Thank you for saving my life, may I ask if you are..."

"Our boss has been paying attention to you, so he sent me to protect you secretly. It seems that you are in trouble, and you have attracted such a powerful person."

"Oh, just some old things."

"Are you interested in going to our boss? He wants to talk to you."

"Of course there is, please recommend."

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