Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 580 Candle 9 Yin

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The individual competition will start with four and two.

There are still two matches in this match, Mingtian vs. Zhuyiji, Lin vs. Diyuesi.

In fact, people have already noticed that the final competition must be Mingtian vs. Rin. At that time, the two will decide who is the most powerful individual soul master and become the king of all souls.

Now most people think that Mingtian and Rin should be 50-50, no one can tell, one is the remnant of the holy spirit with the power of devouring and possesses thousands of martial souls, Limit Douluo.

The other is a little girl who was born mysteriously, with the ability to copy all skills and imitate, that is, unlimited monthly reading.

Infinite devouring versus infinite monthly reading, who is better?

Many people are already looking forward to the finals, but before that, there are still two games to play.

Both sides entered the arena, stepped onto the stage, and the referee called the start.

"Now I announce that the penultimate individual competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy will start!!!!"


There was a burst of cheers from the audience, and a deafening sound broke out.

All the powerhouses are paying attention to this game.

This Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition can be said to be the most interesting and the strongest overall competition.

"Referee, I admit defeat! Choose to participate in the battle with Lin Sheyan who has a bye! Fight for the third place!"

As soon as the game started, Di Yuesi yelled to admit defeat.

This time, the audience was both surprised and not surprised.

That's right, these two people are members of the Spirit Hall itself, so it is naturally impossible to kill each other. Instead of fighting to the death, it is better to preserve strength, and one of them will take the initiative to admit defeat.

Di Yuesi smiled at Ming Tian, ​​showing a sinister smile, which was also arranged by Qian Daoliu in advance.

In this way, the last three people entering the final must be Ming Tian, ​​Di Yuesi, and Lin.

If Mingtian wants to win, he must defeat both of them,

Won two games, and Rin only needs to save his strength and deal with Mingtian.

This trick is not insidious.

"Okay, Rin won the match between Rin and Di Yuesi! Entered the finals."

Ming Tian didn't catch a cold, he didn't even look at Di Yuesi, he looked at the candle machine, shrugged and smiled:

"How about you surrender too?"

"This sentence, wait until you defeat me first."

Zhu Yi's body was wearing a long red dress, her black hair was fluttering in the wind, and she exuded a cold and noble temperament.

"Then as you wish."


A huge round of soul marks appeared from the foot of the candle dragging machine, and in an instant, the world was overshadowed.

A long red tail gradually appeared, and then a slender body, like a snake, but without scales. Looking up along the slender body, it was a human face with a halo of the sun behind its head.

The eight soul rings are arranged in a super-matching ratio, eight black! !

All are ten-thousand-year soul rings, not even a hundred years or a thousand years. This is the legendary Candle Dragon! !


Zhu Jiuyin, the human-faced snake-body Zhulong, looked at Ming Tian as if he wanted to swallow him into his stomach.

"Field, Sun-Moon Domain!!"

The candle dragging machine came up and directly opened the domain, covering her and Mingtian like an independent space.

The space was shrouded, and everyone on the field couldn't see what was going on inside. They poked their heads out one by one, wanting to know what happened.

The only thing that can be perceived is Mingtian.

Like a hunter, Zhu Jiuyin hovered beside Zhu Yiji, her eyes fixed on Mingtian.

"The dragon holding the candle..."

"Day Sun!!"

Zhu Jiuyin opened his eyes wide in an instant, and a strong light shone towards Ming Tian, ​​and when he opened his eyes, it was day.

"Yachi Orochi!!"

The purple-golden soul ring appeared on Mingtian, and against Zhu Jiuyin, Mingtian actually used the martial spirit and soul ring of the tens of millions of years.

"Oh? Did you actually use a martial spirit of the tens of millions of years? It seems that I am quite honored."

"I heard that your Tiancongyun is powerful, so let me learn it!!"

"Sky Candle Sword!!"


A fiery red long sword appeared in the hand of the candle dragging machine. It looked like a female sword, slender and dexterous.


Zhu Jiuyin closed his eyes again, everything around him became dark, and Mingtian only felt that he was in the boundless darkness, even he couldn't see himself.


The sound of the sharp sword edge came, Ming Tian didn't react, and he smelled a bloody smell, it was blood, the blood that fell from his face.

"You don't slap people in the face, Miss Zhu, this is not good."

Feeling the pain on his face, Ming Tian licked his lips, and when the candle dragging machine secretly stabbed him at the next moment, Ming Tian Cong Yun made a move and finally blocked it.


The unexpected daytime reappeared, Mingtian couldn't react all of a sudden, closed his eyes under conditioned reaction, and held the sixth soul skill of Tianzhu Sword in Zhuyiji's hands and released it.

"Candle Dance Tribulation!!!"


"Blood Fang Prison Dragon Break!!"


After Ming Tian got used to the daytime, the candle dragging machine changed the sky again, and Ming Tian felt quite uncomfortable when the sky darkened all of a sudden.

"The black candle goes out!!"

In the dark, it seems that the candle dragging machine is not affected, and Mingtian can only defend passively.

"Is there no way to restrain her?"

Ming Tian is trying to solve the candle-drawing machine. In this light and darkness, it seems that the light skill does not play a role in lighting.

"Bright Oriole, Oriole Light!!"

A big yellow oriole bird appeared behind Mingtian, the light seemed to play a role, illuminating the surroundings, but there was a disdainful sneer from the candle dragger in the dark.

"Light skills are invalid in my domain, dark!!"

Sure enough, the Bright Oriole was already a particularly powerful existence in the light system, but the candle dragging machine screamed again, and the originally illuminated place went dark again.

"Is it invalid? What about the fire attribute?"

Ming Tian released a Yan Diao Martial Soul again, and Yan Diao spit out a pillar of fire towards the front, shining on the face of the candle dragging machine near Ming Tian.

"Fire attribute is useless too, dark!!"

It became dark again, and Ming Tian quickly defended with a knife again, competing with the candle dragging machine.

"Zhu Jiuyin, close your eyes for darkness, open your eyes for day..."


Ming Tian thought about it while defending, pondering secretly in his heart, and suddenly had a solution.

"Find Candle Dragon's eyes, I just make it unable to open and close eyes, let's see how it can use skills!!"

Thinking of this, the smile on Mingtian's face suddenly became sinister.

"Thorn Dragon, space teleportation!!"


Ming Tian used teleportation, and all of a sudden, the sky became bright again. This time, he saw where the candle dragon was.

"The candle dragging machine has been on the head of the candle dragon??"

This time, Ming Tian could see clearly that the Zhuyi machine had been using various skills on top of Zhulong's head, even in melee combat, Zhulong was also closely behind the Zhuying machine.

"Now I know how to deal with you."

Immediately, Ming Tian had an idea and released the martial soul. This time, Ming Tian used the judge martial soul obtained in the hell of the underworld...

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