Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 584 Ultimate Power

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The tall giant spirit god appeared behind Zou Rang, his expression looked particularly exaggerated, Zou Rang had seven soul rings, but his fluctuations were already at the level of elementary Contras, and he was probably just about to break through. The threshold of Contra.

Mu Lin also has seven soul rings, he looks more modest, his manner is more elegant, and he maintains a calm expression.

"I also ask His Majesty Yuan Yan to give me more advice."


Mu Lin nodded, and directly lit up the seventh soul ring. In his opinion, the chances of winning in front of Ming Tian are not great, so it is better to experience it and use all of his trump cards and strength, so as to know the difference between himself and the master. What are the shortcomings.

Seeing that Ming Tian was playing in the second game, Duan Ningzhi, the teacher of Team Ultimate, knew that they didn't need to prepare for the third game, so he couldn't help sighing.

"If I had known this, I would have let you guys go up, that's all, the teacher of the Star Luo Royal Academy team has already understood my weakness, and with such a targeted technique, we have already lost from the very beginning."

"It seems that this time, Xingluo Royal Academy may really compete with Spirit Hall."

The four people on the field had already started to fight, and Mu Lin was the one who moved first. After the Wuhun avatar was released, the Yushenmu had split into countless roots, covering Mingtian and Long En.

"The ultimate wood of the next level? I don't know if I, the Dark Blue Silver Emperor, can restrain myself..."

Ming Tian stepped back, the left arm bone of the 100,000-year-old Dark Blue Silver Emperor activated, and countless dark blue and silver long vines rushed out.

Facing the Dark Blue Silver Emperor, the Godly Trees retreated one after another as if encountering a natural enemy. This is the coercion of the ultimate tree.

The Blue Silver Emperor is the ultimate wood, the emperor among plants, and the dark Blue Silver Emperor is naturally also, it has the effect of restraining all plant-type martial souls.

However, Mu Lin didn't stop attacking because of this, instead he stepped forward and used his skills.

"Force field!!"

Zou Rang took a step forward and shouted.

As the ultimate power, he naturally also has domains, and there are only a few types of power domains, such as force suppression, gravity extrusion, etc.

Ming Tian and Long En instantly felt their feet sinking,

But they knew this would happen a long time ago, so they weren't too surprised when Long En's seven rings appeared, and the seventh soul ring instantly lit up.

"Avatar of the Dark Holy Dragon!!!"


The threatening dark holy dragon appeared, breathed out dragon flames, and burned a large piece of imperial god tree that was attacking it.

"Your opponent is me, Giant Spirit Hammer!"

Zou Rang's fourth soul ring flashed, and a huge long hammer appeared in his hand, not a two-handed hammer, but a one-handed hammer. Zou Rang swung the Giant Spirit Hammer and threw it at Long En.

"Dragon Claw!!"


Facing the Giant Spirit Hammer, Long En made a gesture of supporting the sky, and a pair of dragon claws resisted the Giant Spirit Hammer.

But in the next moment, Long En regretted it. This strength really couldn't be blocked. It's okay to resist for a while. If you really want to keep resisting the Giant Spirit Hammer, Long En's claws will be useless.

"Hmph, you know how powerful I am. Let's see how many hammers you can block."

"The true body of the giant spirit!!"

Zou Rang took a step back, and seemed to merge with his giant spirit god.

The tall, angry-eyed one wielding the sledgehammer seemed to be Zou Rang and also a giant spirit god.

"Heaven's Pressure!!"

Gravity is oppressing again. At this moment, Long En and Ming Tian feel that the whole world is squeezing them.

"Forest of the Divine Tree!!"

Mu Lin also used his big move, and in an instant, the Yushenmu covered the entire competition stage.

"Blue Silver Overlord Spear!!!"

"God's Blade!!"

Mingtian Dark Blue and Silver Emperor turned into a gun, and Mu Lin also had a long knife in his hand.

Swords and guns intersected, and the dark blue silver emperor was also entangled with a large piece of imperial god tree.

"Underworld Death Light Breaks!!"

Long En's 100,000-year-level torso bone was activated again, swallowing everything it passed into nothingness, covering a very wide range, covering Zou Rang and Mu Lin within the attack range.

"The hammer shakes the world!!!"

Zou Rang was also reckless, and he swung his hammer directly at Mingdao Death Light Break, unexpectedly forcibly stopped the spreading attack of Ming Dao Death Light Break.

"hold head high--"

Long En took the opportunity to flick the dragon's tail, and threw it towards the giant spirit god's face, and with a loud slap, it directly hurt the giant spirit god's face.


"Damn it, you're courting death!!"

The roaring giant spirit god became angry, his head lit up, and he actually had a head spirit bone.

"Spirit squeeze!!"

A blue light shone like a laser from the giant spirit god's eyes. Long En felt his mind sink, and his spiritual sea seemed to be under great oppression.

"Long En!!"

"I've learned about the sub-extreme wood, why don't you come and experience the ultimate flame next time."

"Thunderfire Extinct Beast!!"


When Mingtian Wuhun was used, a strange four-legged monster appeared, like a cow and like a tiger, with blue and red body colors.

There was only one black soul ring, which meant that Ming Tian hadn't used it much since he killed the soul beast.

"Lei Hai Shengyan!!!"

The blue and red flames mixed with each other, enveloped towards Mu Lin's imperial god tree like an ocean.

With Cong Yun in hand, Mingtian shot a diamond prison dragon break towards the giant spirit god, which was to quickly bring the injured Long En to his side.

It can't be said that Long En was careless. I didn't expect that Zou Rang still had a head spirit bone, and his skills were designed to attack mental power, which was hard to guard against.

"I am the giant spirit god!! I am the ultimate power, don't even think about defeating me just like that, wrestle vigorously!!"

Zou Rang yelled, attacking towards Hades like a sumo wrestler.

"Extreme power? Then let you feel your own power."

"Repay ten times more!!"

The mirror ice demon martial soul came out, and a mirror ice was blocked in front of the giant spirit god. The giant spirit god attacked the mirror with huge power. The next moment, immediately after, a group of strong silver light erupted in the mirror, and the giant spirit god only felt The strength ten times stronger than his own was rebounded, and then he was blasted out of the competition stage heavily.


There was a huge landing sound, and members of the Ultimate Team hurried forward to check.

"In the second round, the Star Luo Royal Academy won! The Star Luo Royal Academy has entered the final showdown!!"

The referee announced the result of the game in due course, and the audience erupted into strong cheers. This means that the highlight of the last match will be the Xingluo Royal Academy vs. the golden generation of Wuhundian.

This final showdown can be regarded as finally arrived.

"Extreme team, admit defeat..."

The winner of this game has been decided, but there is also the match between Wuhundian and the Seven Faces of the God of War. The audience present are all looking forward to the match between the Wuhun Temple and the Seven Sides of the God of War, and this match is coming soon end.

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