Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 587 Infinite Devour vs Infinite Monthly Read

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The entire competition platform is very wide, several times wider than the competition platforms in the previous games.

Fourteen people are enough for them to play against each other, and they have the most room to play.

"It seems that your devouring ability is not very effective for me."

Rin laughed, she had already seen Mingtian's unsightly expression.

What could be more satisfying than watching your opponent look helpless and helpless?

"Today, you will die!!"

"Heavy Laser Cannon—"


The phantom of the Mechanic Emperor took shape behind Rin. This was the skill that Rin copied from his fight with the Mechanic Emperor when he was in the Mechanical Capital.

Tens of millions of years of soul skills! !


"None Cloud Mirror!"

The cloud-shrouded mirror stood in front of Mingtian, trying to block the blow, but the mirror was about to shatter.

"Repay ten times more!!"


The heavy laser cannon was bounced back, and it was more powerful than before.

"Abyss of Death!!"

Rin drew a void space crack and swallowed the rebounded heavy weapon laser cannon into it.

The fight between two people can be said to be earth-shattering, and the fight between other groups of people can also be said to be brilliant.

"The Demon Saber Entropy Sky really deserves its reputation!"

Hao Xiao's pair of blue claws resisted the blade of Di Yuesi's entropy demon sword, both of them were junior titled Douluo, so they were equal opponents.

"But you hurt Liu Xian, I will get it back for him today!!"

"The Thunder Tribulation of the Sky!!"


Di Yuesi quickly withdrew his knife,

Touching the ground with his feet, he took a few steps back.

"So you are planning to avenge that Yaodao Yaoduan guy?"

"Hmph, but it's not that easy!"

"Avatar of Martial Soul, True Body of Entropy!!"

Di Yuesi lighted up the seventh soul ring, united the sword and stabbed Hao Xiao again.

Hao Xiao gathered thunder and lightning, condensed the thunder into a sword, and even condensed a blade of energy body!

"Cang Lei Sword!!"

"Ping Ping Ping!!"


Long En, who was under the body of the dark holy dragon, hid to one side, avoiding the stabbing of the big horn of Luan Tingguang's bright heavenly horned beast.

"The Corner of Concentrating Light!!!"


The big horn of the Bright Paradise Horned Beast lit up again, in the shape of a spiral light pattern, bursting into the sky and stabbing Long En.

"Underworld Death Light Breaks!!"

The long dark holy dragon roared, and a long and narrow tearing path rushed towards the corner of the light.


"The face of resentment!!"

With a ferocious face, Luo Wenchuan stretched out his hands to grab Nayaro. The nails on both hands were pointed and long red, like the sharp claws of a monster.

"Dragon of the Dead Sand!!"


"Ghost Prajna True Body!!!"

For Luo Wenchuan, his mentality has also changed a lot recently.

Because Luo Wenchuan was severely suppressed by the Seven Faces of God in the last match, and Luo Wenchuan was always arrogant and defiant, he couldn't help but suffered a big blow in his heart.

So his jealousy and anger became heavier, and he held a deep hostility in today's game.

Oni Prajna wearing a ghost mask looked particularly resentful, Nayaro sensed a dangerous aura, and the real body of sand was released, turning into torrential sand waves and rushing towards Luo Wenchuan.

"Big waves wash the sand!!"

"Nine Heart Begonia, all soul power has been recovered!!"

Ye Tangying, as an auxiliary soul master in the team, naturally had to control the entire field, instead of fighting alone.

After a round of fighting, almost one-third of the soul power of one's own people has been consumed. This is the time to replenish your soul power.

"The white flower of Naihe, the flower of blessing!"

"Flower of protection!"

"Flower of Forgiveness!"

The triple auxiliary soul skill was also displayed by Bai Sha Nie, who also had a certain combat ability, and rushed towards Ye Tangying.

In addition, the speed competition between Mo Yingqi and Song Yuemin was also very exciting, and the two sides did not lose at all.

Song Yuemin's Qingying Condor is already considered the ultimate flying speed Martial Soul, but compared to the legendary extreme speed, it is still a bit short of fire.

And Mo Yingqi has always chosen to escape, avoiding direct confrontation with Song Yuemin.

Fourteen people are fighting anxiously, what the audience wants to see is not the seven of you fighting alone! How about seven one-on-one matches? What are they doing?

"It's strange, Mingtian and the others haven't formed a group yet."

Someone down there has already discovered something is wrong, this is completely inconsistent with normal competition fighting!

"Don't worry, Star Luo Royal Academy can always surprise us, maybe it will give us something unexpected."

Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, said with a smile.

"The two sides are evenly matched to a certain extent. Wuhundian is a dual-title Douluo, and Xingluo Royal Academy is also a dual-title Douluo."

Tian Miao, the core figure of Xuanwu Qisu, analyzed.

"The rest are soul sages, the only variable is that Rin from the Hall of Spirits."

Pu Yangzhao from Sun Valley College said.

"To gain the upper hand, the Star Luo Royal Academy must hit the morale of the golden generation of the Spirit Hall. Their best principle is the opponent's Di Yuesi."

Cai Zhaodao of the National Equipment Sect.

"If there is a team battle target, Mingtian and the others will firstly target Diyuesi!"

Tang Fengke pushed his glasses and said.

The deduction about the game naturally cannot escape the predictions of the following major analysts.

"Tianchuan Explosive Tribulation!!"

Ming Tian forced Rin back with a move, and nodded towards his teammates, indicating that it was time for them to implement their plan.

"Frost Tribulation!!"

"Martial Soul, Magic Eye Demon, Infinite Clone!!"

Ming Tian switched martial souls, and in an instant, countless identical him surrounded Rin, and he took the opportunity to meet up with his teammates.

"Are you planning a team fight?"

Rin quickly understood Ming Tian's intentions. They were probably going to attack one of them, but she didn't intend to break through the siege to rescue them.

"In the end, I want you to fight alone, or else, clear out some irrelevant idlers in advance."

Yu Cangning also had the same idea. She didn't have any feelings for the members of the golden generation, and she just used each other.

"Martial Soul Fusion Technique!!"

"The White Sand is Nirvana!!"

The two sisters Nie Shabai and Bai Sha Nie used their martial soul fusion skills, instantly forcing Yu Cangning and Ye Tangying back.

And Long En hit Mingdao Death Light Break again, forcing Luan Tingguang back.

Mo Yingqi instantly used the giant shadow nail, seven layers of control.

All the targets point to the same one in an instant, Di Yuesi!

"Oh? It seems that I am really important to you, are you going to attack me first?"

"Di Yuesi! Come out!! Now you're doomed!!"

"Losing, how could I lose, I am the patriarch of the Entropy Demon Sword Clan, my will is the entropy will!!"

"I, Di Yuesi, even though I'm nearly dead—"

"I don't regret it either!!!"

"Ahhh, the ninth soul skill, the ring-melting soul skill!!"

"The entropy is divine!!!"

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