"Boom boom boom—"

The sky darkened, as if a disaster was coming, the wind suddenly picked up, and the sound of thunder echoed in the clouds.

The Tiger Sturgeon Emperor stood proudly in the sky, everything stopped, and everyone present looked at it.

A sense of terrifying oppression spread in everyone's heart, and no one knew what happened.

But the unexplained change made people understand that something big might be about to happen.


"Urgent military situation, Empress Xian, a large number of sea soul beasts have flooded to the coast of the mainland, attacking our human cities, attacking our mainland residents, and have destroyed more than ten cities. Feng Qianying, the guard of Cangliu City on the border, is urgent!!"

"Your Majesty the Angel, the main hall Golden Crocodile Douluo hastened the urgent military situation, the largest city near the sea in the mainland, Hanhai City was destroyed, Hanhai City Yu Kerang rebelled internally, the city lord Hailed gathered the remnants of the army and retreated to the mainland, General Chen Fan stopped Guard the Tianning coast line in the Inner Sea!!"

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Urgent Report!!"

"Urgent report from Haotianzong!!!"

"Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family Report!!"

"National Equipment Sect Urgent Report!!"

"Bone Sect Urgent Report!!!"

"Proud Sword Sect Urgent Report!!!"

All of a sudden, one after another of the military news came rushing in like a tide, and countless crisis intelligence began to come from all directions in the mainland.

This is becoming more and more unbearable.

All the faces present showed horror, ugly, and disbelief. During the period when they were conducting the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, so many things happened on the mainland, and gunpowder was everywhere.

Wu Yingbing and Qian Daoliu, who were fighting, also stopped fighting. The two sides looked at each other in shock before they understood what happened.

Then he looked at the Tiger Sturgeon Emperor in the air at the same time, the Tiger Sturgeon Emperor seemed to enjoy this feeling, these moments when human beings feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hahaha, it seems that the army of our Kraken Empire has penetrated deep into the hinterland. During the period when you held this boring competition, we took advantage of this opportunity."

"Now, you have two choices, either voluntarily surrender or be conquered by us."

"You fart!!!"

Qian Daoliu said angrily, glaring at Emperor Tiger Sturgeon, gritted his teeth and said:

"How could we humans surrender to your soul beasts, dare to invade the mainland, you are looking for death!!"

In the face of the crisis of right and wrong, Qian Daoliu can still tell the difference. Compared with killing Ming Tian now, this behavior of the soul beast is undoubtedly more excessive.

Is the life and death of the mainland important? Or is it important to kill a holy spirit remnant?

"It's not me who is looking for death, but you, old man."

Emperor Tiger Sturgeon gave Qian Daoliu a disdainful look, a Limit Douluo, he hadn't taken it seriously yet.

"The angel family has inherited the blood of the angel god for generations. Its heart is to uphold justice and eliminate evil!! It is the right way!! The people of the mainland are the essence of perseverance. As the patriarch of today's angel family, I will never Let you sea soul beasts invade our continent!!"

The impassioned Qian Daoliu said in a trembling voice, Ming Tian looked at Qian Daoliu, looked at this generation of Limit Douluo in the sky, the patriarch of the Angel family, and the person in charge of the Wuhun Temple, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

These words are not just for the Emperor Tiger Sturgeon. In the eyes of mainlanders, the Wuhun Palace is still the Wuhun Palace that eliminates evil and promotes good. Now under the leadership of Qian Daoliu, the Wuhun Palace has a great reputation. It has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"It's ridiculous, if you don't obey us, you will only perish!!"

The majestic Qi, blood and soul power of Emperor Tiger Sturgeon radiated out, and there was an extra sword in his hand.

The whole body of the sword is white, and the white tiger sturgeon spits out the blade on the head of the knife. The handle is very long, and it is held by the tiger sturgeon emperor.

The companion weapon, the soul beast transformation tool, is the natal weapon of Emperor Tiger Sturgeon, Tyrant Sea Tiger Sturgeon Knife.

"go to hell!!!"

Emperor Tiger Sturgeon swung down a long blade with a long white blade, Qian Daoliu held the holy angel sword and met the blade.



The two sides played against each other, but Qian Daoliu lost.

Recognized as the strongest in the mainland,

Fighting against a soul master of the tens of millions of years, he couldn't resist a round.

"Thousands of streams!!"


Wu Yingbing and Qian Xunji yelled at the same time when they saw it, Wu Yingbing was closer to Qian Daoliu, and immediately caught Qian Daoliu.

"Hey, are you okay!!"


Qian Dao vomited blood, and his qi and blood were much weaker.

"This soul beast is very strong, could it be that I am getting old..."

"You rest first, I will meet it!!"

Wu Ying said angrily.

"Evil-eyed White Tiger Holy King!!"

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

A huge white tiger appeared in phantom, and a ray of light rose from the tomb of the former emperor, echoing Wu Yingbing's aura from afar.

"You can't do it alone, let's go together!!"

"Evil holy light waves!!!"

"Angel Judgment Slash!!"

The powerful Xieyan White Tiger Sage King spit out a long white energy light wave from his mouth, and Qian Daoliu slashed out an attack combining the laws of heaven and earth.

"White Sea Tiger Sturgeon Tribulation!!!"


Emperor Tiger Sturgeon swung his saber again, directly blocking the attack of the two Limit Douluo, and took advantage of the situation to counterattack.


"Bang bang!!!"

Two attacks sounded, and Qian Daoliu and Wu Yingbing fell to the ground one after another.

The two major powerhouses recognized by mankind were both defeated, and everyone present was shocked and terrified.

Could it be that the soul beasts in the deep sea are all cultivated so strong?

"Limited Douluo? But that's it, since you guys are not willing to surrender, take your lives today!!"

Wu Yingbing and Qian Daoliu were repelled with one move, and Emperor Tiger Sturgeon took advantage of the situation to pursue, intending to kill them completely.

"Crimson Flow Break!!!"

"Underworld Prison Dragon Break!!!"

Two attacks soared into the sky, one red and the other purple, and quickly attacked Emperor Tiger Sturgeon, Emperor Tiger Sturgeon sensed something was wrong and quickly retreated back to defense, giving Qian Daoliu and Wu Yingbing a chance to escape.

"Father! Mother!"

"Are you OK."

On the ground, Chihiro Ji and Wu Qiaoxue caught their parents one after another and checked their injuries.

"We're fine, a million-year-level soul beast..."


Another mouthful of blood, Wu Yingbing and Qian Daoliu spat out at the same time.

All the soul masters looked at the tiger emperor in the sky, and the tiger emperor did not continue to chase, but looked at Ming Tian and An'er.

Those two attacks just now posed a threat to it! !

"Ahem, sabotaging the game, sneak attacking the mainland, trying to dominate, you sea soul beasts really take you seriously."

Ming Tian recovered from his injury a bit, stood up, and glared at Emperor Tiger Sturgeon.

"are you OK?"

An Er came to Mingtian and supported him.

"Thanks to you, fortunately I can't die."

Ming Tian joked, and An Er lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

"The current plan is to beat back the Tiger Sturgeon Emperor!"


Emperor Tiger Sturgeon narrowed his eyes, Mingtian and An'er were undoubtedly the biggest variable in the unification of soul beasts in the mainland.



Soul beasts of the tens of millions of years level are not absent on Mingtian's side. Mahulaka came out and stared at the Tiger Sturgeon Emperor, and An Er also stared at the Tiger Sturgeon Emperor.

"I didn't expect that we were still facing each other before, and now we are going to fight together."

"Wonderful Lotus Blossom!!"

"The skill of the thousand-year soul ring, the catastrophe of the golden thunder!!"

"Fan Hua·Boundary Breaker Thousand Cuts!!!"

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