
Both Ge Long and Emperor Xue Ye looked at Bibi Dong with some doubts, not knowing what the sincerity Bibi Dong was talking about.

"With regard to the death of the eldest prince Xue Huangji of your country, we will admit it, announce it to the mainland and the world, and restore Xue Huangji's innocence."

"Xingluo will do it too."

"Is it just an acknowledgment? You killed our prince, and what you got in exchange was just an acknowledgment?"

"In addition to other conditions, Wuhundian can raise them, and Xingluo will accept them."

"Wuhundian will also do it, but you have no choice but to bring the murderer to justice. Move two Titled Douluo."


"Hey, Ge Long, let it be like this, for Huang Ji, this is already the best result."

Xue Ye interrupted at the exit, preventing Ge Long from questioning.

"His Majesty!!"

"Okay, that's it. You can arrange the united front."

"Once the united front means that the borders of the two countries will no longer be fortified and become one. The armies of the two countries can come in and out at any time, and the local defenders must receive and provide supplies."

"Sharing intelligence, sharing power, sharing military exploits, these are all necessary, and there are many, many matters to be discussed, breaking the sky, then please, go discuss these."

"Okay, let's go."

Gongsun Fu said to Ge Long, Ge Long gave Bibi Dong a bitter look, and then left.

Not long after, the policy of the united front was proposed, and it spread to both Xingluo and Tiandou, and the truth about Xue Huangji's death was also spread.

At the same time, Mingtian, who was going to Biliu City, also received a letter and a notification.

Looking at the letter and bulletin in his hand, Mingtian was silent for a long, long time...

"Prince, have you seen it? You can rest in peace under the Nine Springs..."

"Those who hurt you, those who killed you, sooner or later, I will kill them one by one, to avenge you..."

Clenching the battle report in his hand, Ming Tian said angrily.

"Go, go to Biliu City! Speed ​​up!"

A big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground,

The world finally knows the truth about Xue Huangji's death, and the next step is to bring the former murderer to justice.

This time, the Xuehuangji can be considered to have redressed its grievances.

The speed of Mingtian and the others was not slow, and they arrived at Biliu City soon, and found that Biliu City was intact and the guards at the top of the city were in order. Mingtian couldn't help but nodded secretly, it seemed that Leyang and the others had rushed over in time.

Yue Bining at the top of the city saw someone coming again, and didn't know if it was an enemy or a friend.

"Defend first!"

"Hey, wait, my lord, there is no need for this."

Ming Xu had noticed it a long time ago, and came to Yue Bining and said that Le Yang had been guarding all night and had already gone to rest.

"This is the founder of our Holy Hades, His Majesty the Title Yuan Yan."

"Founder? Yuan Yan..."

"Difficult, could it be that Yuan Yan..."

Yue Bining thought of something and said in surprise.

Mingtian's name is now spread throughout the continent.

"It's exactly what you think, open the door and welcome."

The gate of the city was opened, Mingtian and others rushed over, and Mingxu and Yue Bining went out of the city to meet him.

"Yue Bining, the lord of Biliu City, has met Your Majesty."

"My lord, you don't need to be too polite!"

Ming Tian said, helped Yue Bining up, and asked Ming Xu.

"How is it going?"

"It's quite timely. There was a family of different sea frogs before. The leader is a hundred thousand year soul beast. They fought against it. They are very powerful. I don't know where they are now."

"Where's Long En?"

"The defense here is weak. Long En went to the nearest faction, the Bone Sect, to ask for help. We also asked for help from the nearest city, Sunset City, for help."

"Now it's time to do the math."

Not long after Mingxu finished speaking, the messenger sent to Sunset City returned.

"My lord, it's not good!! Sunset City was attacked by the Frog King clan last night. The guard Zhai Tao died, and all of them have fallen!"


Hearing this news, everyone present was taken aback.

"Sunset City has been destroyed, and these soul beasts have such intelligence and know the art of war?"

"It seems that we have underestimated these guys, what should we do now?"

"Has Long En not come back yet?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Where is the direction of Sunset City? I don't know if the Frog King is still there, I'll go meet him!"

"Brother Mingtian, I want to go with you too!"

Deng Chanxue called.

"Hey, I'm going to fight a hundred thousand year spirit beast, it's very dangerous, you should stay here."

"But I can help! My new third soul ability is also very useful."

Deng Chanxue's Bai Ze Wuhun is very peculiar, and the soul skills are prediction and mind reading.

"Hee hee, my third soul skill is called Replacement!"


"You can replace the spirits of both parties. How about it? It's fun. My prediction has been extended from three minutes to five minutes. I can know what will happen in the next five minutes. Moreover, the six spirit bones you gave me are enough for my own strength." Sure, take me with you."

Children can't be persuaded when they are rascals, and Ming Tian is not very refusal, so he had to agree:

"Okay, without further ado, I'll take you with me."

Ming Tian took Deng Chanxue and headed towards Sunset City.

"Please enter the city. Sunset City has been destroyed. We can't ask for reinforcements from there. I don't know where we can."

A sad look appeared on Yue Bining's face.

"Besides Sunset City, the closest one is Tuwan City in Xingluo. Although it is not as big as Sunset City, there are enough troops there, so we can transfer troops there."

Tian Miao said.

"Tu Wancheng? Well, I'll edit another book, please."



Bone sect resident

After returning from the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, everyone in the Bone Sect rested for a few days.

The Bone Sect can be regarded as the sect that ostensibly took refuge in the Wuhun Palace. After the great war broke out in the mainland, the Bone Sect was not idle. To investigate the news, the suzerain Sima Daoguang went to the Wuhun Palace to discuss matters.

The Bone Sect will definitely make a move in the future, but he must obey the orders of Wuhundian.

Long En came to the Bone Sect after a long journey, saw the Bone Sect in front, stepped forward and confessed his identity.

"In Xialong'en, I came from Biliu City, and I want to see your suzerain."

"The suzerain is not in the sect, please go back."

"Not here? Is there someone in charge in that sect?"

"All those in charge have gone to the Wuhun Hall to discuss matters. Do you have anything to do? If you have nothing to do, go quickly and don't bother."

Said the gatekeeper.

"Then please meet Yingji."

"Brother Win?"

"Why, isn't Yingji not in the sect?"

Long En exuded the coercion of the soul sage level, the gatekeeper didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly entered the sect to report.

Yingji happened to be in the sect with Xian Qingyan and others, and when he heard Long En's visit, he showed a look of surprise.

"Long En? How did he find this place? Hurry up, please!"

"Hey, wait a minute, I'll go see him in person."

Yingji is quite prestigious in the sect, and has already been determined to be the next suzerain.

All the seven members of the Bone Sect had dealt with Long En and the others, and they were quite surprised to hear that Long En had arrived.

Yingji went out and saw Long En, and said with a smile:

"Brother Long, long time no see, why come to the Bone Sect when you have time?"

"Yingji, I'm from Biliu City. Biliu City was attacked by sea spirit beasts. The army is too weak to defend against it. I have already asked the nearby city sect for help. I came here specifically to ask the Bone Sect for help."

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