Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 606 Descendants of the Desolate Moon

The Frog King squatting on the top of the Sunset City looked at the setting sun in the distance, and its figure was stretched into the city.

It seemed to be waiting for something, gusts of wind blew up, as if something had arrived.

Two shadows were cast on the ground, vague shadows.

"Different Frog Emperor, it seems that you have done a good job."

A hoarse and deep voice sounded, and a soul beast fell down from the side of the Frog King. Its breath was very strong, probably a little stronger than that of the Frog King.

Seven snake-like heads with long necks below the heads share a body with wings and a reptilian body on the back, and a long tail at the end.

"Seven-headed Beast of the Demon Sea."

"Also, Sea Elf Emperor, you are finally here."

Landing on the other side of the Different Frog King is a soul beast that looks like a humanoid elf. It is covered in sea blue and even has a cape. It is about the same size as the Different Frog King.

These two soul beasts are 570,000 years and 650,000 years respectively. In terms of age, they are not as powerful as the Different Frog King.

"With us here, go to another battlefield. By the way, the people from the Zerg side have united with us. Be friendly to the Zerg soul beasts, so there should be no conflicts."

"Hmph, I got it, you guys should hurry up and take Biliu City, there are a few hard bones there, and it's not easy to chew on."

"Hey, then I want to see what kind of hard bones, human beings, their corpses must be delicious."

The seven-skull beast of the Demon Sea laughed.

"Be careful with the Wannian ship, don't be careless, the different sea frogs, follow me! Move the battlefield!!"

The Frog Emperor beckoned, and the remaining Frogs behind him followed him and jumped to other battlefields.

The seven-skull beast of the Demon Sea landed on the ground, and the Sea Elf Emperor on one side came to its side.

"The Different Frog Emperor is really kind. It would be a big meal for us to let so many humans not eat it, hehehe..."

Several heads looked towards Sunset City, and the seven-skull beast of the Demon Sea had a greedy look on its face.

"Have you forgotten how the boss told us? It's not good to kill humans indiscriminately."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, I ate it all up, so no one will know, hahahaha."

The seven heads of the Demon Sea Seven Skull Beast poked towards different places and roared.

The humans hiding in the city screamed, but the Demon Sea Seven-headed Beast was not afraid of anything, and swallowed all the humans it saw into its stomach one by one.

The two soul beasts sent to meet the Different Frog King are very cruel, unlike the Different Frog King who is kinder to ordinary humans, the Demon Sea Seven-headed Beast is simply a disaster for the humans in Sunset City.

"What happened on the ground?"

Liu Wen and the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult who were talking were attracted by the movement above, and they all looked up thoughtfully.

"It seems that these soul beasts are still too arrogant. I agree to your conditions. I will deal with the above soul beasts."

The high priest said coldly, as if he didn't take the hundred thousand year level soul beast seriously at all.

"Please be careful, that Frog Emperor is extremely powerful, even General Zhai Tao is no match for him."

"For me, it's very easy to deal with the hundred thousand year soul beast."

The confident high priest said, the next moment, his figure appeared in the sky above Sunset City in a flash.

The setting sun was completely dyed, and under the setting sun, the ferocious seven-skull beasts of the demon sea ravaged the setting sun city, which looked particularly shocking.

"Hmph, soul beasts without brains, it seems that these two soul beasts are newcomers."

The high priest who ascended into the sky looked at the seven-skull beast of the Demon Sea, released his martial soul and soul ring, and a circle of purple soul marks bloomed under his feet.

Nine soul rings appeared one after the other. Unlike the normal Title Douluo, her soul rings had a super soul ring ratio, three purples, three blacks and three reds.

The hood on the top of the head was blown off by the wind, revealing the face of the high priest. The high priest turned out to be a woman, with purple hair and pupils, which looked extraordinarily beautiful and luxurious under the darkening sky.

Her Martial Soul is also very strange, the human form of the moon phase appears, resembling the Desolate Moon God, but not like it.

The terrifying Super Douluo aura emanating naturally attracted the attention of the two hundred thousand year soul beasts. The Demon Sea Seven Skull Beast and the Sea Elf Emperor looked at the high priest vigilantly at the same time, seeing the ratio of the high priest's super soul rings, They were all surprised by the breath and couldn't speak.

"What a powerful Title Douluo, I'm afraid his strength has reached the ninety-eighth level."

The Sea Elf Emperor looked solemnly.

But the weak and simple-minded Demon Sea Seven-headed Beast was overjoyed and said with a smile:

"Hahahaha, such a powerful human being, it must be delicious if you eat some."

The seven heads showed greedy expressions at the same time, and they all licked their mouths.

"Come make my dinner!!"

Suddenly, the demon sea seven-headed beast rushed up, and the seven heads bit at the high priest at the same time.

Facing the attack of the demon sea seven-headed beast, the high priest looked calm and jumped up to dodge in an instant, with the soul mark still shining under his feet.

"Stupid soul beasts, give up your lives!"

"Desolate Moon Gun!!!"

The eighth sequence of spirit rings lit up, and the high priest had a beautiful long spear in his hand, which looked a little bigger than her.

"Martial soul, descendant of the barren moon!"

"God's bloodline breath, the demon sea cannot love to fight!!"

The Sea Elf Emperor noticed that something was wrong, and reminded him aloud.

"Don't you understand? This guy already regards us as opponents. If we don't kill her, we will definitely be killed by her!!"


The seven heads shouted at the same time, and the next moment, the seven heads spit out energy attacks together and headed towards the high priest.

"New moon cut!!!"

The long spear was drawn out, and a bright silver long moonlight was aimed at the seven-headed beast of the demon sea.

"The bright moon is in the sky!!"

"The Calamity of the Silver Moon!!"

The high priest in the sky became extremely holy, and it happened that the sky darkened, and a full moon was behind the high priest, which could be used by the high priest.

"Are you still watching? Don't help me yet!!"

The seven-headed beast of the Demon Sea roared at the Sea Elf Emperor.

The Sea Elf Emperor stretched out his hand, and a wave gushed out, rushing towards the high priest.

"Two come together, I'm not afraid!!"

"Avatar of the Martial Soul, Armor of the Desolate Moon!"

A layer of silver-white armor appeared and covered the high priest, making the high priest look like a female warrior under the moonlight.

Facing the attack of two hundred thousand year spirit beasts, the high priest directly took the initiative to meet them!

"Over there at Sunset City, what's going on!!"

Ming Tian and Deng Chanxue, who were about to rush to Sunset City, were surprised when they saw it.

They have seen the high priest in a heroic posture of one against two under the moonlight.

"This breath, how is it possible??"

Ming Tian felt the same aura as Gao Tianyuan emanating from Huangyue God, which made him think of Gao Tianyuan again.

"Could it be that there are still descendants of the Moon God left on the continent? But it doesn't feel like a descendant of the Moon God..."

Ming Tian thought puzzledly.

"Ocean Fury!!!"

"Seven magic lights!!"

The Demon Sea Seven-headed Beast and the Sea Elf Emperor attacked the High Priest at the same time. When Ming Tian saw it, he immediately released his martial spirit and was ready to attack.

In order to verify what he thought in his heart, Ming Tian directly used the Moon Shooting Bow Martial Soul, and the Moon Shooting Bow appeared in Ming Tian's hands, and Ming Tian directly faced the Sea Elf Emperor, and pulled the bowstring under the full moon.

"Ninth soul skill, Dead Moon Arrow!!!"

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