Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 610 Guan Ruobai

"That's because your martial soul is too special. Once others discover it, it will lead to bloodshed!"

"Bai'er, it's not easy for my Guan family to have your martial soul return to the ancestors. I can't let you have any damage or mistakes!"

"Hmph, I will use the martial soul as an example! I should have known that I would not have awakened the martial soul!!"

Guan Ruobai stomped his feet angrily, and headed outside.

"Hey! You child! Where are you going?"

"Zhu Wu Mountain!!"



"Hey! Come back to me!!"

Just as Guan Lishan was about to chase him out, his son Guan Ban came over.

"What's wrong with father? Is my little sister making you angry again?"

"I'm so mad! This girl! When she grows up, she won't listen to my discipline!"

"It's normal, girls are like this at this age, just now you want me to lead soldiers to Biliu City?"

Guan Lishan straightened his clothes, nodded and said:

"Biliu City is at the junction of Xingluo and Tiandou, a key place near the coast. There is nothing to lose here. I will let you lead troops to guard there, and make good friends with the guard there, Yue Bining."

"Also, I heard from the envoy that there is some kind of Holy Hades, you go to Biliu City to investigate for me, don't be careless."

"Don't worry, father, the child will definitely complete the task!"

Arched like pouring.



"Hmph, brother knows the art of war better than I do. Once Biliu City is taken seriously and the city's defenses are stepped up, the army of soul beasts will definitely choose another attack route."

"According to the current situation, the soul beasts with high-level combat power have not yet appeared, so there must be some conspiracy in it."

"Zhu Wushan is dormant with the former guardian beast of the continent, 梼杌. If it can be awakened, it must be a great power. I seem to have read the method of awakening in ancient books. Why don't I try it."

Guan Ruobai thought to himself, even if she left the sect, Zhu Wushan is not far from Tuwan City, and she is the daughter of the city lord, no one dares to stop her.



"Zhu Wushan is right in front of you, by the way, Liu Wen, do you know how to wake up Wuwu?"

Ming Tian drove along with Deng Chanxue and Liu Wen with Deng Chanxue on his back.

Unexpectedly, Liu Wen is also a soul master of the agility attack system, with extremely fast speed, and it is the Qingliu Ying martial soul.

"I don't know the specific method of awakening, but we can adapt to the situation at that time."

"You don't know either?!"

"How many people still know about Wuwu now? Maybe the people in Tuwan City know. If we can't do it then, we can go to Tuwan City to ask the city owner or something."

"Ordinary people don't know, Liu Wen, how do you know this? Don't say you discovered it by picking up an ancient book by chance."

"Coincidentally, it really is!"

Liu Wen nodded.


"Hahaha, I lied to you. I know a friend who inherits the same Four Violent Martial Souls as Wuwu, Qiongqi."

"Four fierce and strange?!"

"Could it be that the friend you mentioned is Bao Tiantu?!"

When Ming Tian heard this, he immediately stopped and looked at Liu Wen in surprise.

"how do you know?"

This time it was Liu Wen's turn to be surprised.

"Bao Tiantu belongs to my Holy Guardian."

Ming Tian stopped and looked at Liu Wen strangely.

Liu Wen did not shy away, smiled and said:

"I'll go see him when I have time."

"Of course, there will be a chance."

Hades Road.

But the conversation between the two was not as simple as it seemed.

Deng Chanxue was carried by Ming Tian, ​​and whispered in his ear at this time:

"He's lying."

"He was lying from the beginning, my mind-reading soul skill can see through his heart."

"Is it fake? It's also fake that he and Bao Tiantu knew each other?"

"No, he did know Bao Tiantu, but it probably wasn't the relationship he said. Also, he was hiding something about Wuwu."

"Hmph, as expected."

Ming Tian sneered.

"I've seen a lot of people like him over the years,

Zuo Jishan, Yan Chongchun, Hillhouse, who doesn't have a city mansion like him? "

"If you want to hide it from me in front of me, just having this ability is not enough, let's go!"

The bare Zhuwu Mountain has few spirit beasts and very little vegetation, just like a rocky mountain.

Guan Ruobai was walking on Zhuwu Mountain, as if he was looking for something.

"Totem soul seal, ancient soul beast..."

"If you want to find Wuwu, you must first find the Wuwu totem."

Any spirit can be found in spirit beasts, but not all spirit beasts can be spirit beasts, but each spirit beast has its own soul mark.

Soul imprints don't appear on soul masters, they can be traced back to soul beasts at the earliest.

The soul seal represents a kind of natal totem of the soul beast, symbolizing this vein.

It also represents the race and power of this soul beast.

On the dark side of Zhuwu Mountain, a huge totem soul imprint seems to be engraved on the mountain, which is the soul imprint of Wuwu.


Just as Guan Ruobai was about to continue walking, he immediately hid behind a rock as if he had noticed something.

It was Ming Tian and Liu Wen who rushed over, and when they landed, Ming Tian put Deng Chanxue down.

"This is Zhuwu Mountain. It's not very big, so it's probably easy to find."

"It's easy to say, I don't know where I am yet."

"Look slowly, you can always find it."

"梼杌... Are they also here to look for Wu Wu? Interesting..."

Guan Ruobai said with a smile, his face gradually became sinister.

Ming Tian seemed to have noticed something, glanced at Guan Ruobai's hiding place, and headed for the mountain.



"Totem soul beast?"

"This is the first time I've heard of it. It seems that I still don't know much about your soul beasts."

Mingxue smiled and sat down by the lake of life with nothing to do, looking at Ditian.

Ditian was not angry, and explained:

"Since ancient times, spirit beasts have ruled this continent. At the beginning of the creation of the world, the first batch of spirit beasts born were intelligent and extremely powerful. They symbolized ancient power and created their own totems, totems. Taken from their image, over time, the totem became a soul seal, representing a symbol of power."

"Later, the spirit energy of heaven and earth decreased, and was gradually absorbed by the opened God Realm. Without the spirit energy, the powerful soul beasts gradually fell into a deep sleep in order to reduce unnecessary consumption, and spent a long time."

"They fell asleep and turned into totem soul marks, but as long as they are awakened, they will still fight, but they become weaker and weaker every time."

"Until death at last."

"In order to keep losing their inheritance, some spirit beasts choose to have children of the same origin as themselves. When they are awakened innately, they will occupy the position of their martial spirit and become their martial spirit, so as to inherit it."

"So that's the case, so this is the hole card of the soul beast? How many totem soul beasts are there on the mainland? Where are they? How should they be awakened?"

"At present, I don't know how many totem soul beasts are left. It is very simple to awaken them. All you need is the blood of the person with the ancient martial soul to fall on the totem soul seal until the entire soul seal is covered, and then the soul is formed." The imprinted totem soul beast will wake up again."

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