Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 618 Tiandou Loyal Soul, Sworn to the Death! !

Sweat dripped from Xue He's forehead, the opponent who came this time was too strong, completely beyond their expectations.

There are no generals, no soldiers or even high-level soul masters in the city, no defense at all, and this is the imperial capital Tiandou, once the city is broken...

Are they going to die today? Is this the end of Tiandou's national fortune?


"hold head high--"

The battle below also changed. The pupa emperor blasted Yu Tiancheng out with just one palm. Yu Tiancheng under the real body of the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex slammed into the city gate fiercely, and even left a hole on the city wall. contour.

"Jade Tiancheng!!"

"However, human beings are still too weak."

Emperor Pupa said lightly.

"Give me death!!"

"Thirty-six slashes of Galewind Demon Wolf!!!"


A blue light surged, and in an instant a huge wind blade slashed towards Emperor Pupa. Emperor Pupa repelled the blow and looked in the direction of the attack, only to see a man with wings growing from his back at the head of the city, a two-headed wolf, a green wolf He stared at Emperor Pupa fiercely.

"Another Soul Sage?"

"Kamikaze Academy's rescue is late!!"

This person is Feng Xingce of Shenfeng Academy, representing Shenfeng Academy to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, and once fought against Mingtian and the others, and was crushed and defeated by Mingtian.

"Dare to bully my nephew, my aunt will not spare you!!"

A red-haired woman with a hot body and a hot personality instantly re-emerged from the city and landed beside Yu Tiancheng.

Yu Tiancheng struggled to get up, and was also very surprised to see the person coming.

"Aunt Liu Erlong?"

The person who came was Liu Erlong. Liu Erlong founded the Lanba Academy in Tiandou City to teach students, and when he heard that Tiandou City was in trouble and was attacked by a spirit beast, he came to rescue without saying a word.

Then, all the colleges in the city also sent people.

"Blazing Academy is here to help!!!"

"Canghui Academy is here to help!! I met His Highness Xuehe in the years of Xia Canmeng!!"

An old man wearing a silver robe and purple hair came to the top of the city. This person was in the age of Remnant Dream.

"Great, I didn't expect you to be still in the city."

Seeing this, Xue He felt like seeing a savior. Remnant Meng Shinian was a long-established powerhouse. Although he was also a soul sage, he could deal with the army of soul beasts below.

"Hearing that the spirit beast attacked Tiandou, I am terrified. I am willing to accompany Your Highness and swear to defend Tiandou to the death."

Shi Nian lowered his head and said in a low voice, but no one knew what was going on in his heart.

"Hahahaha, I thought some kind of savior came. It turned out that a group of head givers came. Do you think that with three more soul saints, you can turn the tide of the battle?"

"Your Highness, we only need to send people out to find reinforcements. There is no need to fight the soul beasts in the city. It is the best strategy to keep Tiandou safe."

Shi Nian remonstrated.

"But I tried to send people out just now, but they all stopped me."

"Brother Feng Xiaotian, his speed is extremely fast, not inferior to Min Gong soul masters, although his level is low, but he can be sent out to deliver letters."

"Feng Xiaotian wishes to go!!"

Feng Xiaotian is not very old, so he stood up at this time, with an appearance of being obliged to do so.

"I'm willing to cover for him."

Time Road.

"Okay, Feng Xiaotian, I will give you the golden seal of the imperial order, and you go to the front of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School not far away to find Sect Master Ning and the two Titled Douluo, Sword and Bone."

"The mission must be completed!!"

Now that the arrangements had been made, Feng Xingce, Yu Tiancheng, Liu Erlong, and the three great soul saints gathered together to look at Emperor Pupa with death in their eyes.


Yu Tiancheng rushed out again, Liu Erlong followed, and Feng Xingce continued to use the thirty-six cuts of the Gale Wind Demon Wolf in the air.

The soul beasts don't understand his stacking soul skills, so they just let him use them to their heart's content without interruption, giving Feng Xingce a lot of room to use his hands and feet.

But these attacks are useless in the eyes of Emperor Pupa.

Feng Xiaotian displayed the wings of the blast in an instant, and when the three soul saints attracted Emperor Pupa,

Quickly rushed outside.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!!"

"Remnant Dream Real Body, Space Illusion!"

When Shi Nian made a move, his head faintly lit up, that was his head spirit bone skill!

The space in front of the Octopus was distorted, and there were Feng Xiaotian running away in all directions, and it was impossible to tell which one was real.


"You dare to ruin my plan, court death!!"

"Flying ink!!!"

"Puff puff!!!"

A large piece of black ink rushed towards Remnant Meng Shinian. The ink was poisonous, and Shinian was hit by the city wall, hit hard, and lost his fighting power.

"Very well, you actually sabotaged my plan!!"

Emperor Pupa didn't show any mercy anymore, and in an instant, all the three soul saints who were besieging it were bounced away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

The three of Feng Xingce were thrown to the city wall one by one. They were too weak to deal with million-year-level soul beasts.

If it wasn't for Emperor Pupa who still wanted to play with them, and didn't want to kill them immediately, otherwise, a few lives would not be enough.

"Come here!!"

The octopus stretched out its tentacles, and instantly rolled up Feng Xingce, Yu Tiancheng, Liu Erlong, and Shi Nian, all of them showed painful expressions.

"Heck, is this what you rely on to maintain? It's so weak."

It smiled, looked provocatively at Xue He at the head of the city, and stuffed Feng Xingce directly into its own squid mouth.


"Action policy!!!!"

"No!!! Ahhhhhh, I'm fighting with you!!!"

Yu Tiancheng and Feng Xingce have a good personal relationship, but he didn't expect that Feng Xingce did not die in battle, but instead became food for squid.

The blue light surged, and Yu Tiancheng chose to blew himself up.

Even if it is death, they must be severely injured! !

"Tiancheng!!! No!!!"

Liu Erlong yelled, but it was too late, Yu Tiancheng chose to self-detonate, and the power of the self-destruction of the martial soul of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is also very powerful, the octopus slightly let go of its tentacles in pain, Liu Erlong and Shi Nian fled in a hurry.


The young genius of the mighty Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family did not expect to end like this, and died in battle, which can be regarded as tragic.

Pieces of blue fragments fell nearby, and Liu Erlong's eyes were full of despair.

Not only her but also the defenders on the top of the city.

"That's not enough, you still want to play with me more, giggling, don't you surrender now? If there is no more fun, I will eat you all."

"This red-haired woman is pretty good. Don't worry, I won't kill you. My tentacles will play with you."

Octopus squid looked at Liu Erlong obscenely, and said with a smile.

When Liu Erlong heard this, his face instantly turned extremely pale.

"Surrender?! Don't think about it, even if we all die in battle today, we will definitely not surrender to your soul beasts!!"

"Never give in!!"

The soldiers at the top of the city roared, bursting out with a strong will to die.

"Heaven Fighters!!"


"Today, with me Xue He in front, together, we will never retreat!!!"

"Sworn to death!!!"

"Noisy, since that's the case, you all go to die together!!!"

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