Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 628 Five Battlefields

Xi Yingge looked confident that she could do it, and it seemed that no one could persuade her.

"Let Yingge go alone. We all have seen her martial spirit and speed. We have to trust her. Now is not the time to worry about these things."

Li Guang rubbed his forehead with a headache and said:

"Okay, go on your own, remember, everyone's life is in your hands, so be careful!"

"Don't worry, I will not disgrace my life!"

After finishing speaking, Xi Yingge disappeared in place as if teleported.

"The Shining spirit is second only to the first speed martial soul, and it really deserves its reputation. I think it is much better than the ultimate speed somersault cloud."

"That's enough, stop talking here, and all enter the state of combat readiness! Start building a defense line!"

Li Guang shouted, and the rest of the people went to carry it out.

After a near-bloody massacre in the Illusion Sect, the Frog Emperor led the army of Frogs from the Sea out and looked at the other two places. When he saw the crowds and smoke rising, he knew that they must have taken precautions.

"Wait for a while before making a move, and wait for the Zerg to come over, and then attack together."


The Frog Emperor was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the sea soul beast group, leading his group to capture Biliu, go deep into the hinterland, unite with the Zerg, and carry out guerrilla attacks, assassinations and other campaigns.

And the Frog King himself is brave and resourceful, and he can be regarded as one of the soul beasts who can lead troops and fight, so he naturally has his own considerations.

After the united front of the two empires, the battlefields were also divided into countless battles. Among them, the coast was controlled behind the Cangliu-Biliu-Hanhai City line, and the attack by the sea soul beasts was divided into two main battlefields: Hanhai City and Cangliu City.

The battlefield over Hanhai City is dominated by Chen Fan, the number one naval battle star in the mainland. Tiandou, Wuhundian and other forces are also constantly sending more troops to Hanhai City, sending over strong men and supplies.

On the other side of Cangliu City, Douluo such as Xuanji and Potian also sat in the formation in person, and they continued to increase their troops, sending countless strong men.

Similarly, the battle between the inland and Zerg soul beasts is also divided into battlefields.

There are three main battle lines, namely the Tianye-Huanjiang-Jiayuguan line, led by Qian Changyu to form an army.

Furthermore, Ge Long was the head coach, and the three major sects of the Haotian School, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School, and the Qibao Liuli School were the deputy legions. There were countless strong people underneath, and they severely contained the main force of the Zerg on the Hailing-Tianguokou-Mijiang line. This battle line stretched for several miles from north to south, and its function was to severely cut off the connection between the Zerg army and the Sea Soul Beast army, preventing internal and external attacks, forming a bow formation, like closing a door to beat a dog.

The third battlefield is in the middle of the mainland, the plain at the junction of the two countries. Thousand Daoliu from the Spirit Hall personally leads the army to deal with the Zerg army.

The rest of the mainland cities basically have small groups of conflicts and large-scale outbreaks. Let's put it this way, the mainland's front is dominated by the entire south and east. It is like a big circle, cut into four parts, the three parts of the northeast, southeast, and southwest are all tragic wars, and only the northwest is peaceful.

Where is the northwest of the mainland?

It was the small village of the Holy Spirit Sect at the beginning, the place where Mingtian started his journey, with Tiandou in the south, Xingluo in the east, the extreme north in the north, and the Xingdou Great Forest in the west, and it was almost at the end of the mainland.

This area is basically a place with few people. The terrain is mainly desert, tundra, and Gobi. The important cities are the Qiluo City, the tundra, the ice sea, the extreme north of the mainland, Dongyang City, Longgu and other places. .

What's the plan for the Zerg army in the Outback?

Starting from the entire southern Tiandou territory, the battle line is unified from south to north, while the overall strategic policy of the sea soul beast is unified from east to west.

No matter what kind of unification it is, it is extremely difficult, because throughout the ages, the best way to unify is from north to south.

The inland battlefield facing Gelong is one of the main forces of the Zerg army. Naturally, it is impossible for all high-level officials to evacuate.

There are still powerful soul beasts left to take command, but they won't take action easily, it's just the people below making small troubles.

Any change in any of the five major battlefields will affect the whole body. Naturally, it is impossible for a war to break out for no reason. Therefore, the key is to look at some determinants of small battlefields. Of course, there are still several forces that have not moved, such as To the northwest, the Star Dou Great Forest, the Holy Spirit Empire, and the land of the extreme north.

Once these two parties join, the entire battle situation will definitely change.

The one who led the Zerg army to face off with the Gelong Army was a Zerg Emperor with a ten-million-year level. He was the only one who had cultivated for tens of millions of years except for the Zerg concubines. , is less than that of the Siren Empire, so the Zerg had to unite with other groups of soul beasts to borrow strong ones from them.

Emperor Desolate Zerg, the third in command of the Zerg race, is currently deployed by him on the inland battlefield. Hearing that the sea soul beasts have already invaded the inland and contacted them, they also met them immediately. After all, this is also the beginning of the war, and they formulate a general policy As a part of it, the two sides must send envoys to join forces.

The Sea Soul Beast sent the Different Frog Emperor, while the Zerg sent the Black Widow.

When the Black Widow heard that the Frog King had sent someone to contact them, she naturally wouldn't be idle and was ready to make a move.

The black widow is a soul beast of more than 800,000 years, and the race level of the natural bloodline is also particularly strong.

"Oh? The Frog King finally contacted us, is he in Feichi?"


The black widow moved her eight spider legs rhythmically. Her upper body was still in human form, and she looked extremely enchanting and terrifying.

"Don't worry, we will go, let the Frog Emperor wait."

After reporting to the Emperor of Desolation, the Black Widow will lead the group of Black Widows to help the King of Different Frogs.

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