There are continuous and continuous mountains, and there are densely packed insects in the mouth of the huge valley. At first glance, it looks like a sea of ​​insects.

Insect-like soul beasts gathered densely, with a huge number and various types. These were all liberated from the insect world, and they came out from the dark insect world again. Under the leadership of the leader, they just wanted to choose a suitable time. , once again wreaking havoc on the human continent! !

Like the human world, there are systematic divisions of labor and systems among insect spirit beasts. The one who rules and leads this army of nearly ten million insect spirit beasts is the third strongest among insect spirit beasts, the thirteen million-year-level The Emperor of Desolation.

The two concubines of the Zerg race went to the high-level meeting of Baihai Island and Mirage Ji through the Space Zerg King to discuss the battle strategy. Baihai Island, ten thousand miles away, could no longer be teleported back through the space insect emperor.

Now that the group of worms has no leader, the worm-like soul beasts have lost the orders and command of the two supreme rulers, so they have to be led by Emperor Huang Chong to station troops in Tiangaokou, waiting for the next instruction from Princess Chong.

However, the defeats in the past few days made the insects panic. Dozens of hundred-thousand-year-level leaders were lost, and even million-year-level insect-like soul beast leaders became extremely rare.

They are confined to the southwestern corner of the mainland, unable to open the communication channel with sea spirit beasts to the east, and unable to break through the natural barrier Jialing Pass to the north, they are completely passive.

The battle reports from the past few days were sent to Emperor Huangchong, who was frowning when he heard that, leading so many army of insect-like soul beasts, he didn't know what to do at all.

The existing 100,000-year and million-year high-level leaders gather, and they cannot sit still and must discuss the next strategy.

They gathered together in human form, got a human map from nowhere, looked at the human map, and pondered the next method of combat.

A bronze-skinned, exotic woman walked over. It was the queen of the Gaza worm, a million-year-level soul beast, with ancient blood flowing through it, and it took on a human form, taking on this enchanting appearance.

With a waist like a water snake, black hair tied up in a bun hangs down, golden sequins on her forehead, purple eye shadow, and a pair of pupils that look like gems that have been polished for thousands of years.

"Emperor Desolate Zong, my group has returned from investigation, and now we have two lines to go."

Gaza worms follow the way, and its cultivation direction is earth and metal properties, so the Gaza worms naturally also practice in this direction. They can live in the strata, feed on soil, are good at building cities, and can easily reach anywhere on the continent.

"Oh? Which two lines?"

The reason why they stood still for so many days,

Just trying to figure out the best way to break through.

"To the north, we can bypass Jiayuguan and take another dangerous route, so as to enter the Star Luo Empire in the northern part of the mainland and disperse our forces."

If they wanted to break it up into zero, they had to disperse their forces, preferably all over the continent, so that they could unite with the marine spirit beasts internally and externally, and secondly, they would not be wiped out at any time like they are now.

That's what they have to do right now.


"Lost in the Grand Canyon..."

Hearing what the Queen of Gasha Worm said, all the insect spirit beasts looked at the curved fault zone on the map that stretches from north to south. It lies near Jiayuguan. It has always been known as the Devil's Valley. Few humans go there.

As a natural pass, few people notice it.

"Although this place is dangerous, if we pass through the Lost Canyon, we can break through the current siege of humans and disperse our troops. This is also our last chance."

The current situation did not allow them to hesitate. Emperor Huang Chong looked at the Mizong Grand Canyon, his eyes became firm, as if he had made up his mind.

"Okay, let's break through to the north, part of which will feint to attack Jiayuguan, and the other part will directly break through the Mizong Grand Canyon."

"What about the other place?"

"In the western border of the mainland, reach the desert in the far west of the mainland, then break through to the north and enter the tundra zone in the extreme north, and then go south from the tundra in the extreme north to reach the human city. Luocheng and Xingluo's Dongyang City."

"West and then north?"

Emperor Desolate Zong glanced at the map, and couldn't help being shocked by the bold idea of ​​Queen Gaza.

"Sure enough, it's a bold strategy. Lost in the Grand Canyon, the western desert, and the extreme northern tundra, these three places are forbidden areas for life. Human beings have very little preparedness to break through from these three places."

"However, there are not many humans in these three places, but there are many soul beasts, especially in the extreme northern tundra, won't it disturb the soul beasts in the extreme north?"

The Flying Sickle Emperor came out and said.

"Everyone is a soul beast. Unless those soul beasts are stupid and help humans, I think the Queen's Plan is feasible. However, we can't let humans notice it, and leave our most elite to break through from these two places. Let’s storm the northern and eastern defenses!! It’s time to fight humans forever!”

"Report! Zongdi, the inland Arakawa has opened the hell passage to the underworld. Now that the army of the underworld undead is raging on the mainland, it is a good time for us to launch the final attack!"

The Split Shadow Mantis King, known for his speed, came over and said.

Hearing this exciting news, all the spirit beasts showed excited expressions. The final battle against inland insects is coming soon! !

"Give me an order to withdraw all the soul beast army from the valley, and contact the sea soul beasts, let them start to attack the human coast in the next few days, and disperse their forces. In order to cooperate, start now and wreak havoc on the human continent—"



"In this war, our priority must be to solve the hidden dangers in the interior first, and then concentrate our forces on the coast to fight back the sea spirit beast."

"Therefore, we must suppress the army of inland insect-like soul beasts in the southwest corner, and the two lines of defense must be tight and strong, no matter how strong they are!!"

Ge Long pointed to the map in the big tent and said, all the generals gathered in the big tent.

"We will live up to expectations! We will defend our homeland to the death! Defend the people of the mainland!!"

"If we completely exterminate them, we must seal them into the insect world again. The original gap in the insect world is useless. What I mean is that someone must go deep into the insect world and expand the original space of the insect world again to form a space. The unstable space vortex sucks these insect-like soul beasts into it, and then detonates the space vortex with a bang."

"In this way, insect-like soul beasts will be completely eradicated."

Ming Tian said with gestures on the side, and everyone agreed after hearing this, after all, this is what they did back then.

"Then we need someone like Yuan Xuan to sacrifice ourselves, but Yuan Xuan is already dead."

On the other side, Yu Tianshun, the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon, said.

When Yuan Xuan was mentioned, the faces of the strong people present showed grief or nostalgia. Although Ming Tian didn't know Yuan Xuan, he knew something about this legend.

No one is like Yuan Xuan, who can sacrifice himself for the mainland without any scruples, but to take this step, there must be sacrifices.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly fell into a solemn state, the scout's order broke the deadlock.


"The army of Zerg soul beasts has invaded the nest, ready to attack!"


"The sea-like soul beasts opened the gate of hell in the underworld in Meiluo City, and the army of undead soul beasts ravaged the mainland!"


"The sea soul beasts on the coastline are attacking the coastal generation. Our army is about to be unable to hold on, please help!!"

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