Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 672 The Battle on the Tundra

The continuous snow-capped mountains undulate and extend towards the distance. White clouds cover the mountain peaks, only a line of white is exposed.

The vast and vast plain, the sky is high and the ground is wide, looks from a distance as a piece of faded green, with a little withered yellow, and there is frost among the short grass.

This is a frozen grassland near the extreme north. The scenery is like this all year round, making people feel refreshed and lofty when they see it.

Although the scenery is beautiful, not many people come here, because it is close to the northernmost tip of the mainland, the extremely cold ice and snow, so the ecological protection area is still very good, and some spirit beasts can often be seen haunting the frozen grassland.

Peaceful, beautiful, secluded.

It was originally like this, but recently this beauty has been broken.

There are eagles flying high in the sky. If you look down from the sky, you can see that there are many soul beasts on the tundra today.

The soul beasts are in groups, many, in groups, all of them are insect-like soul beasts.

They are orderly, like a well-disciplined army, passing through the tundra and heading north.

There was a lot of movement, which soon disturbed the nearby spirit beasts. In a coniferous forest, a king antler squirrel watched all this from a tall tree branch.

A pair of small black eyes rolled around, and the antler-tailed squirrel king didn't know what he was thinking about. The next moment, he disappeared from the branch with a "swish", leaving only the empty branch trembling.

Walking through the tundra are wild worms, the most powerful group of insects among the insect soul beasts, and the direct lineage of the king of wild worms.

They traveled across deserts and through harsh landscapes. As long as you go east from this frozen grassland, you can reach the southwest of Xingluo and the northwest of Tiandou.

That is, the two cities on the most border of the mainland, Dongyang City and Qiluo City.

By raiding these two cities, the regular human army can be bypassed, thus wreaking havoc in the interior and reducing the pressure of their current encirclement.

I have to say that this idea is indeed bold and very good, but they ignore a factor, a thing that should not be ignored...

On the edge of the extreme north, there are snowflakes and snowflakes, and a sea of ​​ice lies across.

The ant-tailed squirrel king walked through the snow and ice, shouting:

"ice King!!!"

"Snow Empress!!!!!!"

"Titan Snow Demon Ape!!!"

"Sea Princess!!!"

The sound reverberated in the extreme north for a long time.

The anxious ant-tailed squirrel king yelled, and all the soul beasts hiding in the snow and ice sea poked their heads out one after another, looking at this silly squirrel running in the extreme north.

About it, the soul beasts on the extreme north side have also heard about it. The master of the soul beasts on the coniferous forest is originally an ordinary little squirrel. He has cultivated to the level of 110,000 years.

What can a squirrel about 100,000 years old do?


The ant-tailed squirrel king was running too fast and tripped, with a bump on his head.

"Ice Emperor... Snow Emperor... are you there?"

Suddenly there was a figure in front of him, a big ice blue pliers knocked on the head of the antler king, the antler king raised his head and saw a big scorpion in front of him, the scorpion was covered in ice blue, with nine knots With a green tail, isn't it the Ice Emperor, the strongest soul beast in the extreme north?

"Great! Ice Empress!"

The ant-tailed squirrel king jumped up, and found that there was a beautiful woman beside the ice emperor, who was spotless and independent.

Behind them, there are many ice-type soul beasts from the extreme north.

"The Snow Emperor is here!"

"Silly squirrel, we have already received the news, and we have already prepared."

"Are you going to..."

"Hmph, I haven't exercised for a long time, don't worry, they can't live in this frozen grassland in the extreme north."

"You really have to deal with them,

I heard that insect spirit beasts are very powerful. "

"Hey, no matter how powerful you are, can you be as powerful as the Titan God back then? You go back and gather the soul beasts on the other side of the coniferous forest. I have no other requirements, just one, block the passage of the coniferous forest leading to the human world for me, absolutely not Let a Zerg spirit beast enter."

"No problem! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

The ant-tailed squirrel king agreed cutely and cutely, that is, he ran back again, planning to fight these soul beasts.

"Let's go, Snow Empress, the guys are all assembled."

"Okay, then let's go, dare to offend my northern territory, let them come and go!"

"That is, if you dare to invade our mainland, you must not cause trouble for the inland Mingtian."

"It has nothing to do with this. I said that it is my responsibility to defend the extreme north."

Xue Di said coldly, just ignored Bing Di and left by himself.

"Hey, I'm still so arrogant, I don't know who I learned from."

The Ice Emperor tapped his head with his scorpion pincers and thought, urging the army behind him:

"Assemble, assemble!! Let's go, little ones, let's take you to a fight."

The mighty army of extreme northern soul beasts followed the Ice Emperor to the frozen grassland, and the advancing wild insects did not know that they were about to face a catastrophe.

The ice-winged mayfly that opened the way ahead is an ice-type insect-soul beast with extremely weak combat power, but is good at assisting and investigating.

Soon, they realized that other than something was wrong, the swarms of glacier ridge beasts in front made a huge movement, like a galloping ice disaster, blocking all the roads ahead of them.

It's like there is a big mountain in front of you!

"what happened?"

The ice-winged mayfly queen was puzzled. It looked forward and looked at the ridge beast in front of it.

"It's a glacier ridge beast in the extreme north. I don't know why it's blocking the way."

"Glacier Ridgeback, a moving glacier?"

"Go and tell them that we didn't have any malicious intentions when we passed through the extreme arctic tundra, we just took the road."

But the glacier ridge beast didn't seem to listen, nor could it understand, so it just stood in front of it.

The army behind also followed up, as if they were blocked, and each of them let out a cry of dissatisfaction.

"What's going on? Why stop marching?"

"Report to my lord, the front is blocked by a large glacier ridge beast, and it is impossible to pass."

"Then kill them, dare to block our way!"

A leech is king.

"It should be that we disturbed the soul beasts in the extreme north, and caused their dissatisfaction."

Sky Blue Fly said.

"Would you like to explain, we are all soul beasts, we have something to discuss..."

In the end, the worm king stepped forward and said:

"Friends from the extreme north, are you there? There must be some misunderstandings, please let us pass?"

"Access? Sorry, your road is blocked."

Snow Empress fell from the sky lightly and appeared in front of the Zerg army. In an instant, extreme chill enveloped them.

"It's such a powerful breath, why have I never heard of such a strong man in the extreme north? Is it a humanoid soul beast..."

"This... leader, we are Zerg Soul Beasts, and we are all Soul Beasts, can we make it easier? If we succeed in the future, we must thank the Far North for giving way today."

"No need, your big event won't succeed, I'm here to obstruct your big event today."

"This continent is our homeland, and it's not your turn to intervene with the spirit beasts from outside."

"I am the Snow Empress, and I have disturbed the peace of the extreme north, and you will have to pay for it!!"


The bitter cold wind blew instantly, carrying ice and snow, these spirit beasts who had never been to the extreme north tasted what is called severe cold for the first time.

Then, a mighty army came from the north, all in white color, led by the Ice Emperor and the Titan Snow Demon Ape, like a sharp blade, cut off the army of soul beasts at the waist, and carried out a huge fight.

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