Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 681 Sealing the Insect Realm

"What happened in the distance?"

When Ming Tian was about to reach the Zheyan Mountain Range, he saw the continuous mountain range collapse.

The red mountains and rocks shattered and were almost razed to the ground. Hu Yanyong and Murong Lin who were stationed in Zhecheng noticed it and quickly organized the residents in the city to evacuate from the city, otherwise they would suffer disaster.

The collapse of the mountain lasted for a long, long time, and it was almost impossible to survive under such a mountain.

Just when Ming Tian wanted to go over to check, he suddenly had a strange feeling, that feeling was very close, as if there was some kind of blood pull in the dark, he looked around quickly, but saw nothing .

"Is it an illusion?"

Of course it wasn't an illusion. At this time, the people from the Holy Spirit Empire were all teleported here at a distance of a thousand kilometers from the Zheyan Mountains.

In almost an instant, when everyone felt that they were about to die, suddenly a light flashed, and they arrived here, and a familiar figure appeared in front of them.

Mingxue was expressionless, but she looked at Lu Jiong, and Lu Jiong's eyes were already red.

"Yun Xiangluo is dead. When the gibberish cricket rushed over, she blocked you for the first time. It's not because I didn't save her."

"Ahhh, damn it!! Damn it!!"

This man cried for the first time, and broke out such a strong roar, which hurt his heart.

From the first day he saw Yunxiangluo, he was moved by Yunxiangluo's gentleness.

That was when they were dealing with Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo at the former site of the Holy Spirit, Lian Ke sacrificed himself to save Lu Qing, when Ghost and Ju wanted to fool Lu Qing, but Lu Qing was rescued by Yun Xiangluo and Qi Yuanqiu who rushed over .

At that time, Yun Xiangluo saw that Lu Qing was injured and carefully bandaged him. At that time, Lu Qing, who hadn't had much contact with the girl, became interested in Yun Xiangluo.

After Yun Xiangluo was in the Holy Spirit Empire, Lu Qing often went to see her when he had something to do. Although Yun Xiangluo was inconvenient, he treated Lu Qing kindly every time. Everyone knew that Lu Qing treated Yun Xiangluo well. Interesting, and Yun Xiangluo gradually became interested in Lu Qing, but neither of them broke through the last layer of window paper.

Before he had time to confess his love, it turned into an eternal separation between heaven and man.

"I'm the one who's sorry for you, Sister Xiangluo, I knew it earlier, I knew it earlier, Lao Lu, I..."

"That's enough, Lu Qing!! Things have come to this, it's useless for you to blame yourself, the blame is on the head of the soul beast, you must take revenge for Miss Xiangluo!"

"Yes! I will avenge Miss Xiangluo!!"

"I implore Your Majesty to honor Xiangluo with a state funeral!"

Lu Qing kowtowed to Mingxue and said.

"Naturally, you have merit this time. Although you lost Yunxiangluo, you wiped out the last elite of the Zerg spirit beasts, and you also took down the elemental elves."

"Oh, it's a pity that the Dark Thunder Elf Emperor ran away."

Lightning Beast said.

"Who said that the Dark Thunder Elf Emperor ran away, isn't it here?"

A black thunderball appeared in Mingxue's palm, and it turned out to be the compressed form of the Dark Thunder Elf Emperor.

"Ah? This, how is this possible?"

"Could it be you..."

"Let's not talk about the Dark Thunder Elf Emperor, even if Mirage Ji is here, I'm not afraid at all."

Mingxue crushed the Dark Thunder Elf Emperor to death, and a circle of black and gold million-year soul rings rose up. Mingxue directly filled nine million-year-level soul rings. At this time, the Dark Thunder Elf Emperor also mutated.

It should be more appropriate to be called the God Thunder Dark Emperor. Putting on two nine-colored soul rings, everyone present was surprised when they saw the eleven soul rings on Mingxue's body.

"Ten, eleven steps? Could it be..."

Long Jinyue's face was full of surprise and joy, their suzerain always brought them different surprises.

"Okay, go back,

The inland war is over, and now, it's time to consider how to deal with the coast..."



All the insect soul beasts in the inland area have been cleaned up. The dilapidated inland area has finally returned to peace and can be repaired for a period of time.

The surplus troops and strong men can also be invested in the coast.

But there is still one thing that needs to be resolved by the powerful, and that is the entrance door to the insect world.

As long as this entrance door is still there, the insect world may threaten the human continent again.

It is also time to completely solve this hidden danger.

All the insect-like soul beasts were expelled into the insect world. At the entrance of the insect world, experts from all over the world were also discussing one thing. How to completely block the entrance to the insect world?

Yu Xiaogang, who has the most resourcefulness and right to speak, said:

"I also know something about the way the last insect disaster was dealt with. At that time, we forced them inside and sent an army to garrison them. At that time, it was the Xieyan Legion and the White Tiger Qisu."

"Now the Xieyan Legion has been completely annihilated, and the White Tiger Qisu has all died."

"Let me come, I am willing to live and die with the insect plane, and I will never give these insect-like soul beasts a chance to wreak havoc on the mainland and make a comeback."

Tong Gefei came out and said, and everyone also looked at him.

"Your Majesty Qilin, you..."

"Don't say anything. After this war, I also understand a lot. Everyone, let's say goodbye. Please take care of my child, Tong Hang, on the side of the empire."

In the face of sacrificing one's life for righteousness, not everyone has no hesitation. After all, no one can bear this kind of darkness and loneliness. Tong Gefei's actions at this time made many people stand in awe.

Slowly, Tong Gefei walked towards the entrance of the insect world, turned to look at the friends behind him, smiled at them, and entered alone.

"The law of the five elements! Open up the world!!!"

Tong Gefei's voice came from the empty insect world, and suddenly there was a thunderous sound inside, the space began to close in chaos, and the silver light flickered.

The originally large entrance began to become very small, and finally disappeared completely.

The all-powerful generation of unicorn Douluo Tong Gefei and the insect world came to an end together.

All the people present bowed their heads respectfully, and Ge Long said:

"Everything that everyone did in this war will be recorded in the annals of history and engraved in everyone's heart. We will not forget the sacrifices of those who died."

"Soldiers, the danger in the interior has been lifted, but before the swords and swords are stored and the horses are released on Nanshan Mountain, there are still sea spirit beasts watching the coast. Now, put all the troops that have been spared from the mainland to the coastal front!"

"Drive out all these soul beasts that covet our home!!"


The strong men from all sides of the mainland present, the reinforcements shouted, they began to prepare and leave here, and sent more troops to the coast for rescue.

And the last strong man from White Sea Island is about to reach the coast, and the final battle on the mainland is about to begin! !

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