Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 718 New Continent, Sun Moon Continent

After leaving the Cape of Storms, without the mirage and the vast sea fog, everyone continued sailing.

It is indeed difficult to sail in the sea, and there are still many emergencies.

But it is also exciting and thrilling enough. These days, Ming Tian and the others are used to it, and even look forward to new adventures.

They didn't have to wait long, and soon, everyone on board discovered the new situation.

Kuai Cang turned into the martial spirit avatar, perched on the mast, looking into the distance, in order to quickly provide information.

Finally, he saw the distance, and soon discovered a new situation.

The ship stuck in the sea, the sea spirit beasts surrounding the big ship, and the people on board are struggling to resist.

"There is a boat ahead!! The people on the boat are fighting the sea soul!!"

"Hmm? Is there a boat?"

Hearing this information, Ming Tian and the others were all surprised, which means that there are other people sailing in this vast sea.

Where are they from? Is it the continent they were thinking of?

"Fast sailing, go find out!"

Ming Tian yelled, and everyone on the boat became excited, and soon, they came not far from the ship in distress.

The ship in shipwreck was fighting against the sea spirit beast, and it seemed extremely difficult.

Looking at the soul rings lit up on their bodies, you can tell that they are also soul masters, but they not only rely on martial souls to fight, but also soul guides.

The attacking light from the soul guide sent out all the attacking sea soul beasts into the sea, but some powerful sea soul beasts still attacked the crew on board.

"Lifeboat! Captain, you get on the lifeboat first, and we will break it for you!"

"Uh, no, let's go together!!"

"Come on board, captain, or we'll all be gone!"

The crew yelled, in the battle with the sea spirit beast, several crew members died to protect the captain.

"Gai Ping!!"

Seeing a close crew member buried in the sea and killed by a sea spirit beast, captain Yao Qi let out a mournful roar.


A 10,000-year-old tiger fish jumped out of the ocean, opened its mouth wide, and bit Yao Qi.

Just when Yao Qi thought he was going to die, there was a flash of blood, and with a slash of the blade, the tiger fish was split in half and fell into the sea.

Blood appeared on the surface of the sea, and soon, a black soul ring also rose up.


Yao Qi thought he was going to die, he raised his head in surprise, and saw a young man holding a knife, looking at him indifferently.

"Are you the captain? Are you okay just now?"

"Uh, it's okay, you are..."

The captain who was rescued looked surprised, looking at Ming Tian, ​​he was still worried about the other crew members, but soon, he found that he was worrying too much, the other crew members had been rescued, and Xiang Ziling and others had put the sea soul into All the beasts drove back, and soon the crisis was resolved.

"Thank you for your help."

The captain who survived the catastrophe breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Ming Tian and others.

"You're welcome. Seeing the road is rough, draw your sword to help. It should be. I don't know if you are..."

"My name is Yao Qi, the president of the Sun Moon Commerce and Trade Association. I came to the sea to do business, but I encountered a sea soul beast."

"Sun Moon Commerce and Trade Association?"

This is really a new term, and the people present don't understand what it is.

"Yes, seeing how skilled you are, which academy do you belong to?"

"Captain Yao Qi, it's really hard to say. If you have to say, we are not from the same place as you, why don't we escort you back first, how about we talk slowly on the way?"

After the sea soul beast battle, Yao Qi and their ships were also damaged a lot. Yao Qi accepted the kindness of Ming Tian and others, and took the rest of the crew and supplies, and boarded Ming Tian's thief ship.

Following the direction Yao Qi pointed out, Ming Tian and the others sailed with Yao Qi.

"What?! You are from another continent!!!"

After learning about the specific situation, Yao Qi shouted in surprise.

"It's incredible, it's incredible, I didn't expect that apart from the Sun Moon Continent,

There really is another continent. We have been sailing for many years trying to find a new continent, but we have never found it. There are also some navigators who have discovered a new continent, but they never come back. "

"We are destined to meet each other. Captain Yao Qi, we are not familiar with the Sun Moon Continent. Could you introduce us? When we get to the mainland, we will have to rely on you a lot."

"Oh, of course, there is only one country on the Sun Moon Continent, called the Sun Moon Empire, and our founding emperor is called Xu Changwei, but no one knows his origin. His martial spirit is the powerful Zihuang Tiantianlong. With the advantage of the soul, he quickly established a unified country and focused on the development of soul tools."

"There are very few soul masters on the mainland who have cultivated to the title Douluo level, probably due to innate limitations, so we have worked hard on soul tools."

"Xu Changwei? This name sounds familiar."

Ming Tian pondered, as if he had heard it somewhere, but how could it be possible?

"The Xu family, that's right. The Sun and Moon royal family recorded in our history is the Xu family, and their inherited martial spirit is the Zihuang Tianlong."

Cai Yue'er came out and said, why isn't she excited?

Unexpectedly, she saw the Sun Moon Continent 20,000 years ago. In the past, she could only learn about it from history books. She knew that the Sun Moon Continent collided with the Douluo Continent because of the tectonic plate movement, and merged into a new continent, giving Douluo Continent Bringing the soul guide, the Douluo Continent entered the modern era, and began to transition from the era of cold weapons to the era of hot weapons.

In that era, the Holy Spirit Sect was born, Shrek became the number one academy, the beast tide broke out, and Huo Yuhao, a generation of Tianjiao Lingdou Luo Huo Yuhao, was born shockingly!

As a hero, he revived a generation of declining sect Tangmen, founded the Spirit Pagoda, invented the soul system, and created a precedent for the future.

After 20,000 years, people in the world can't help sighing from time to time, and built Lingbing Square to commemorate this hero.

Unexpectedly, 20,000 years later, an explosion by the Holy Spirit Sect against Shrek Academy caused Cai Yueer and others to travel back to 20,000 years ago by accident, and saw the Sun Moon Continent in ancient times. The ancestor Tang San was not born yet!

"God is sorry, in troubled times, we have witnessed history."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we would be able to witness history!"

Zhuo Shi also said excitedly.

Not long after, the group of people finally arrived at the Sun Moon Continent. The current Sun Moon Continent has not yet fully developed, but it has begun to see its scale.

"Here we are, we have reached our harbour."

"Guests, let me take you to our capital city, Mingdu. At present, our city is relatively small, and most of it is a gathering place for spirit beasts. Over the years, in order to rob land and resources, we have often started competitions with spirit beasts. "

"Okay, we are not in a hurry, we will get to know the current Sun Moon Continent well."

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