There were also two other continents, which shocked Mingtian and others.

Among the people present, the least surprising ones were Cai Yueer, Zhuoshi, and Feng Wuyu.

They came from the future, knowing that in the future Xingluo and Tiandou went to sea, discovered a new continent, and directly named it Xingluo Continent and Tiandou Continent, and re-established the country.

So, the other two continents are the continents discovered by the people of the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire in the future?

Adding Douluo, the two continents of the sun and the moon, are these four continents one continent?

As the ruler of the evil-eyed tyrant who has lived for more than 800,000 years, he has almost witnessed the changes in the history of Douluo Star and the passage of time.

It has also seen the opening of the primordial world, the drift of the plate, and knows the mysterious things unknown to human beings.

At this time it was proposed, and everyone did not doubt the authenticity of this matter for a while, but was curious and wanted to know what the other two continents looked like.

Moreover, the evil-eyed tyrant proposed to go to the Sun-Moon Temple inside the Sun-Moon Continent first. As a person on the Sun-Moon Continent, he had never heard of such a thing as the Temple of Time.

It can be seen that there are still many mysterious and unknown places in the Sun Moon Continent, waiting to be explored.

"Since that's the case, then take us to that what, the Temple of Time you said..."

Ming Tian looked at the evil-eyed tyrant and said, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"Then come with me. There is a history book in the Temple of Time. It is a book that records the history of time. Anyone, anything, and any development will be recorded in the history book."

The evil-eyed tyrant master smiled, as if showing off how much he knew.

The rest of the people who followed Mingtian basically followed, but in order to keep a few people to help Xu Tiande, Mingtian still let Cai Yueer, Feng Wuyu, Zhuoshi, Shen Yi and Xuan Yuanmin stayed.

A group of people flew in the air following the evil eye exposed master, passed through a narrow valley, and arrived at a vast wasteland.

The wasteland is an open field without any weeds. It stretches to the distance, and there is no end in sight. You can see the sun on the horizon, about to set, and the sky is full of rays of light.

In the wilderness with nothing,

Under the setting sun, a majestic ancient temple stands there, looking very mysterious.

"Here we are, Temple of Time, let's go."

The evil-eyed tyrant led a group of people towards the Temple of Time. The ancient temple looked mottled and dilapidated, as if there was nothing there.

Entering the temple, all you can see are stone pillars standing upright, and in the depths of the temple, there is a book on a stone altar, a book that looks dusty, very simple.

Faint blue flames were burning on both sides, and the book was just there, with a pen beside it.

"I found it, the history book of time, the history of time!!"

The ecstatic evil-eyed tyrant master immediately flew forward, looking at the history book of time, there are still many blanks behind the history book, it explained:

"The history book from the years, which records everything in the world, and also records when time will be destroyed. When the paper of the time history book runs out, the world and time will also be destroyed."

"Everything will come to an end!!"

"History records the fate of each of you, and it can be tampered with!"

As he said that, the evil-eyed tyrant master quickly picked up the pen on one side and wrote something on the blank page. Before Mingtian and the others could react, it was already finished.

"Hahahaha, Ming Tian, ​​you've been tricked!"

"I brought you here specially to let you witness your own death. Everything written in the history books will come true. I have already written that you will die in the next moment, hahahahaha!!!"

The evil-eyed tyrant master laughed arrogantly in the hall, and Ming Tian watched the evil-eyed tyrant ruler just stand there quietly, as if completely panicked and at a loss.

Guan Ruobai, Zhu Yiji and the others behind Mingtian were shocked, and hurriedly tried to get back the pen in Xieyan Tyrant's hand. Xieyan Tyrant wrote a few more strokes, and everyone stayed in place, turning into stone statues.

"Sweet, cool, hahaha, this feeling of dominating life is so wonderful, how about it, are you afraid? As long as you beg me obediently at this time, I can spare your life."

The proud evil-eyed tyrant ruler looked at Ming Tian and smiled.

Ming Tian didn't feel any discomfort, he sneered, and slowly walked towards the evil-eyed tyrant.

"What, are you doing a desperate and fearless struggle?"

"I think it's you who is doing the desperate and fearless struggle."

"Huh? What's going on?"

"How are you still alive? I have already written that you are going to die!!"

"It seems that your plan is not reliable."

The pupil of the mourner opened again in the middle of Mingtian's forehead, staring at the evil-eyed tyrant ruler. The evil-eyed tyrant ruler thought of the previous skill and just wanted to escape, but Mingtian once again restrained him in place with reincarnation.

"Why is this happening?! Why are you not sanctioned by the history books?!"


"I don't know about this either. I see that the history book you mentioned doesn't seem to record anything about me."

Mingtian was flipping through the history books at this time, and it really recorded everything in the world, as the evil-eyed tyrant master said, including the invasion of the sea kingdom that just happened, every major event in the past, and many things that haven't happened yet. of.

"The tenth Heaven-by-day Judgment was held, the God Realm intervened, the master of the day-by-day finally died, and the world finally fell into reincarnation..."

Turning to the last page, Ming Tian found that after this paragraph, the paper behind it became blank, and the rest of it was completely blank, as if the world behind had been destroyed and no longer recorded.

The last record in the history books is that the world has fallen into reincarnation? What's the meaning? Why after the world falls into reincarnation, everything behind becomes blank, as if everything has been destroyed?

There are many thick pages in the front that record this world, telling Hades that it has been a long, long time...

Behind it is a piece of blank space, telling Hades that the world has stopped at a certain moment.

He flipped through many pages, but he couldn't find his name. It recorded all the history books of the Holy Spirit in the world, and even recorded tiny plants and trees, but it just didn't record Hades. What's going on?

Why is he not in the history books?

"You are not in the history books!!"

The evil-eyed tyrant master has lifted the skill restriction, but he didn't choose to attack Mingtian, seeing that there is no name of Mingtian in the history books! !

It's unbelievable, how is this possible? !

No wonder it can't change everything about Ming Tian through the time history book, he is not in the history book at all! !

"Do you know what's going on here? The evil-eyed tyrant dominates?!"

"Impossible, how could there be no records about you, it's incredible."

"There are only two explanations for such a situation."

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