It doesn't take long to go to the fourth continent, because the two continents are already quite close.

As Liu Er said, the fourth continent has the smallest area, and it is even easy to turn around.

Not long after flying, one person and one monkey slowly landed on this continent from the sky, and saw the whole picture of this continent.

Hills, mountains, and vast deserts...

Even no trace of human life can be seen. Perhaps no one has arrived on this continent to discover it, and it is in an unknown desolation.

There are only a few local residents who gather in one place.

"How to find your somersault cloud? Why is it here?"

"Because there are my friends on this continent. When I was hunted down, I knew that I couldn't escape the fate of being sealed and killed, so I asked somersault cloud to come here to find my brother."

"Who? Are there any friends of yours here?"

"It's called Ping Tian, ​​Bull Demon King!"




The raging flames burned among the mountains, as if they would never go out, like a flaming hell.

No creatures can survive here, but this is also a paradise for fire-type soul beasts, even powerful and ancient fire-type soul beasts.

The huge Skyfire Demon, the mighty Demon Flame Yasha, the terrifying Sangyan Dragon...

Unruly ancient fire-type soul beasts gather here, no one can subdue them, they entrenched here, but only obey the orders of one soul beast here.

In the depths of Huoxing Mountain, in a cave, lived a more terrifying spirit beast than them. It looked like a human, but it had a bull head and a black mane all over its body.

Two horns grow from the sides of its head, its eyes are fierce, and there is a bull ring in the middle of its nose.

At this time, it drank the fine wine in the cup, and faced a demon king on the opposite side, it laughed and said:

"Ha ha ha ha,

Come on, keep drinking, Ghost Child King. "

The Bull Demon King directly swallowed the good wine in the cup in one gulp, disregarding his image at all, and he was quite bold.

The ghost boy king on the opposite side also drank it, but compared to it, he drank it more elegantly.

Today, it finally saw this legendary monster. The 90 million-year-old Bull Demon King is a well-known ancient overlord of soul beasts on this continent. The existence of the top ten.

Eight hundred miles away, all the soul beasts in Huoxing Mountain obeyed its orders, and there was also a son and a wife.

His son, Red Holy Infant, is a soul beast powerhouse at the level of Ultimate Fire, and his strength has reached more than 60 million years, and his wife, Immortal Iron Fan, is also a powerhouse at the level of 50 million years.

Such a strong family is also a legend in the world of souls and beasts, and the Ghost Child King came to visit today and saw it.

After the collapse of Mirage Ji's Siren Empire, Baihai Island was completely destroyed and sank into the sea. The three mountains were recaptured by the Lord of the Three Mountains and a new home was established.

And for the smooth holding of the tenth generation's Judgment of Heaven, it plans to establish a soul beast alliance, called the Alliance of Chasing Heaven, what does Chasing Heaven mean?

Chasing to the highest sky, on par with the gods, Zhutian's original intention was to fight against the gods.

As the fourth generation Lord Chasing the Sky, a well-known pimp among soul beasts, he visited many places and found out the whereabouts of this mighty man. Bull Demon King.

It naturally didn't come by itself, besides the fallen ghost, there was also a soul beast.

Standing by its side, a broken horn grows from the left side, and one of its hands is also broken.

But it is a real 50 million-year-level super soul beast powerhouse, the absolute power in the alien realm, Ibaraki!

Although the Bull Demon King seems to be very big, a little silly, and easy to deceive, but he is smart, and his eyes are not less sizing up Ibaraki.

Although the two sides have a gap of 30 million years in cultivation, they are evenly matched in aura.

"The devil is good at wine. I usually only heard about it, but now I have finally seen it."

"It's only in wine that you meet a confidant. I think it's fate that you came to my place after traveling thousands of miles to drink this bowl of wine with me."

"Hehehehe, it's been a long time since I've had any visitors to my 800-mile Huoxing Mountain. It's been a long time. I've been here all the time, maybe I haven't gone out for a long time."

"Your place is indeed a good place, a natural extreme fire area. This continent is called the Five Elements Continent, which represents the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth."

"Eight hundred miles of Huoxing Mountain, three evil earth pyramids, four-story celestial artifact tomb, five dead seas, six-element mausoleum..."

"These five places are dangerous places on this continent, and they also represent the five elements and five places of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, hence the name Five Elements Continent."

"It's still the place where the ancient five gods fought."

The Ghost Boy King leisurely told the history of coming here, and the Bull Demon King listened quietly, with no emotion on his face.

"Lao Niu doesn't like to travel very much, so he doesn't know much about the outside world."

"Presumably today, you didn't come here to tell me these things."

"Of course, the demon king probably didn't know about the great battle that just passed. The seventh generation Mirage Princess and the eighth generation insect queen are already dead, because they attempted to launch a rebellion in the world of spirit beasts."

"I don't know who the former masters of Chasing the Sky are, what? Why did they do this?"

"Rule the two worlds of soul masters and soul beasts, hold the tenth generation of the day-to-day battle, and fight against the gods."

"Is it already the tenth generation of Chasing Heaven Judgment? Time flies so fast, presumably there will be another Sky Chasing Lord born this time, who is I really looking forward to."

Bull Demon King said.

It seems to deliberately diverge from the topic, but it always speaks in a pale way, as if to cover up something.

All these were seen by the Ghost Child King.

"Aren't you worried about your good friend, the former Lord of the Ninth Generation Chasing Heaven, Qi Tian?"

"As soon as the last Heaven-by-Day War ended, it disappeared. There are different opinions about it. The last news about it was in the underworld hell. Its whereabouts, and even its former mount, somersault cloud, is stored here.”

The Ghost Child King finally stopped concealing its true origin and looked at a certain place in the cave, where there was a yellow cloud floating quietly all the time.

There is no doubt that the soul beast it is talking about is the Bull Demon King.

The smiling Bull Demon King seemed to have changed his expression, looked at the Ghost Child King, and did not speak.

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

"Mirage Ji's purpose is not wrong, but its approach is wrong. In the beginning, it should not have used the method of war, such a strong method."

"I came to you because I want you to come out of the mountains and form the Chasing Heaven Alliance with us, so that the Judgment of the Sky can be held smoothly. Only when all of us soul beasts unite can we compete with the God Realm, otherwise we will only be defeated by the God Realm one by one. "

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