Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 120: The aftermath of social death after the war, going down the mountain

Han Li did not return to the stands, but walked out of the stadium directly.

"What? You are not happy after winning."

A voice that should not appear here at this time sounded behind Han Li.

"Master, why are you here?"

Han Li turned his head and looked at him and the three girls behind him with some surprise.

"My apprentice won, and as a master, I must come to congratulate you. Your uncle Qingluan will help me decide the rest."

Guang Ling stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, messing up his hair.

"I am not unhappy, but I am still a little unaccustomed to this kind of occasion..."

Han Li was halfway through his words when he was stopped by Guang Ling's gaze.

"Well, I was also your age, how could I not know your thoughts."

"Isn't it just that you feel that you obviously won, but those people's applause was only given after your uncle applauded, and you feel that the applause is not for you, the winner, right?"

Guang Ling looked at Han Li, who was a little awkward, with a smile, and teased.

"A little bit."

Han Li was hit on the point, so he had to respond vaguely.

"This kind of thing is actually very common in a big power, but because the situation this time is a little more special, it is more obvious."

"You said you are usually a smart person, why are you so narrow-minded about this kind of thing? Or do you think that your uncle, Xiu'er and others, and I are not really happy for you."

Guang Ling hit him on the shoulder with his fist in annoyance, and then gestured to the three girls behind him with his thumb.

Han Li was stunned for a moment, looked up at the three girls who were still a little excited and smiled at him, and a warm feeling rose in his heart, and most of the depression was dissipated.

"Well, it's me who is hypocritical."

Han Li's expression returned to normal and smiled.

"That's right, it's just applause from some irrelevant people. When the matter is over, they will meet you again and they will have to smile and flatter you."

Guang Ling smiled and hugged his shoulders and walked straight forward.

"But, you were really good on the field just now."

"Thank goodness you are weak, I was even afraid of hurting you by mistake." Guang Ling imitated what Han Li said just now, and showed a look of arrogance.

Ahhhh, listening to Guang Ling's imitation, Han Li suddenly had the urge to run away.

And the three girls following them couldn't help laughing.

Xiu'er and Shui Bing'er were fine, at least they covered their mouths lightly, just lowered their heads, and their shoulders trembled a little.

And Dugu Yan, she really laughed, and laughed out of breath, and even lay on Xiu'er's shoulder, her body twitching.

"Master, don't say it, I just want to vent your anger."

Han Li said with some shame and anger.

"Really? Why didn't I feel it? I think it's really cool when you're fighting and talking and beating people."

"The weak still have a chance to become stronger, but the fools are hopeless."

"Besides, you're too mean. The injuries they suffered may not be as severe as hearing you speak. After this, the three of them will probably have psychological trauma when they hear your name."

"To be honest, do you have any similar words? Teach me some, and I'll say them when we fight next time."

"Hey, why are you running? You won't lose anything by teaching me a few words."

"Okay, okay, walk slower, okay, okay, I won't say anything, wait for us."

On the way back to the Worship Mountain from the Pope's Palace, Guang Ling's voice and the laughter of several girls kept ringing.

Of course, there was also the sound of breaking air caused by Han Li, who was silent and hurried ahead.


Although Han Li felt that he was thick-skinned enough, in the next few days, whenever he saw a few people smiling at him, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks burning and his toes digging the ground.

Seeing his reaction, they couldn't tease him anymore.

They were just secretly discussing the "famous sayings" Han Li said during the game. To be honest, they really thought it was very cool, and even wanted Han Li to teach them some more.

A week had passed since the end of the competition. Except for the embarrassment in the first few days, the subsequent impact on Han Li's life was not very big.

Qingluan came back and told them that Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong had jointly issued a gag order to everyone present, and the situation of the competition must not be disclosed to the outside world.

Well, it's not bad, Hu Liena and the other two's reputation to the outside world has been preserved for the time being.

However, almost all the people present at the time were high-level or quasi-high-level people in the Spirit Hall, so Hu Liena's position as a saint was out of the question, and even the three people's promotion in the Spirit Hall in the future would never be able to avoid this matter.

And the name Han Li finally began to spread among the high-level people in the Spirit Hall after this competition, and it was considered to be truly on the stage.

There is also good news, that is, Qingluan finally decided to accept Shui Bing'er as his apprentice after spending more than ten days with her.

However, he did not make a high profile like Guangling, nor did he take her to the Worship Hall. He simply notified others, and even if the matter was settled, it was in line with his character.

And Han Li once again proposed to move to the city.

Well, Guangling did not stop him this time and agreed directly.

Because he was also preparing to move, and not only did he move, he also encouraged Qingluan to move to the city together.

Speaking of which, apart from Qian Daoliu, there are only two of them who live on the mountain.

Guang Ling was used to getting along with his own apprentices. When he thought that after they went down the mountain, this place would suddenly return to its former quietness. He would have to go down the mountain to have fun, so he might as well go down the mountain with them.

Fortunately, Han Li had already prepared for this matter. After he made money, he bought all the yards around the house that Jin Yu gave him, and even connected them with each other, just to invite the two of them to move together.

They moved as soon as they said they would. They had no shortage of storage space or money. On the same day, they took some things and went straight to the mansion in the city.

Seeing that the little guys were all relaxed when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, Guang Ling and Qing Luan looked at each other and laughed.

This was also one of the reasons why Han Li insisted on going down the mountain. Although the mountain was good, there were even guards patrolling all day, but when he thought of the bunch of rules, he always felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'll take care of Bing'er's simulated environment."

Qingluan took the initiative to speak after choosing a yard after the tour.

"Okay, then you will build it, I dare not compete with you for your apprentice." Han Li replied with a smile.

Shui Bing'er on the side rolled her eyes at him and chose the yard next to Qingluan as her residence. This was what the teacher had just told her.

"Let's wait until tomorrow night for Bing'er's martial soul. I'll have someone remove the ice element-related things in my simulated environment during the day and move them here. It's just right that she should need them."

Han Li thought for a while and said to the master and apprentice who were just out of the factory opposite.

"Well, you can take care of this." Qingluan nodded, "When her martial soul problem is solved, I will take her to get the second soul ring, and by the way, I will meet her family and comfort them."

Han Li nodded awkwardly, as if he heard his uncle say to him: "I'll go to clean up the mess for you and Guangling."

I'll tell you guys, today I'll just write three chapters, 6k!

The plot is here, and those who are familiar with Douluo know that it's almost time for the time jump plot. The two chapters I wrote later today that are supposed to connect are a bit off, so I'll readjust them. Let me save the manuscript for a few days before writing 10,000 a day. I'll sort out the details of the rest in the next few days.

I used to write 6k a day, so when I put it on the shelves, I said that I occasionally burst out, and I wrote 10,000 a day for ten days, and I can't stand it all of a sudden. I'm really sorry.

I will definitely not stop, don't worry, I've never even asked for leave when writing a book.

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