Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 128 Entering the World of Soul Fusion Techniques (Part 2) (Recommended)

Han Li saw that no one objected, and nodded with satisfaction, and continued:

"In terms of quality, the martial souls of the White Tiger and the Nether Spirit Cat are similar. Even if one is stronger, it does not form an absolute crushing. It can only be said that according to the characteristics of the martial souls, the development focuses on different directions."

"But from the perspective of martial soul fusion skills, they are different from other martial soul fusion skills, and they are developed very well."

At this point, Han Li couldn't help but admire.

"First of all, their martial souls are similar, cats and tigers. Secondly, one of them is strength and the other is lightness. This is complementary. Finally, incremental evolution, their martial soul fusion skills are mainly based on the White Tiger, and the advantages of the Nether Spirit Cat are integrated, so that the White Tiger can be regarded as completing an alternative martial soul evolution in this martial soul fusion process."

"Think about the performance of the 'Nether White Tiger' after the martial soul fusion skills are formed, and everyone can understand the so-called incremental evolution."

Guang Ling and Qing Luan couldn't help but nod their heads. They saw it with their own eyes and agreed with what Han Li said.

"That's true. If Xiao Li says so, then the Xingluo Empire is really good at it. I just don't know if they inherited this tradition accidentally, or if they have discovered the true secret of the martial soul fusion technique. It seems that it is necessary to go to the Xingluo Empire in the future." Guang Ling's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he said murderously. "Well, it is indeed necessary." Qing Luan also nodded in agreement. Xingluo, whether they have this awareness or not, it is necessary to take precautions before it happens. Han Li's mouth corners also curled up slightly, and he did not hide that he was saying so specifically to flatter the Xingluo Empire. After all, Guang Ling had mentioned last time that even if there was no Bibi Dong, the Wuhun Hall was ready to unify the continent, and now he is the future senior executive of the Wuhun Hall. Even if he considers himself, he thinks that doing so is more beneficial to him. The three women on the side looked at the performance of the three people and couldn't help looking at each other. It seems that the Xingluo Empire will soon be in trouble. "Okay, let's talk about this later. Since you said that the 'Netherworld White Tiger' is a special case, there should be more obvious examples of incremental evolution."

"I guess what you are going to talk about next should be the 'Golden Iron Triangle'."

Guang Ling restrained his murderous intent and brought the topic back, but at the end, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, the most obvious case of incremental evolution is the famous 'Golden Iron Triangle'."

Han Li couldn't help but laugh and shook his head, but he continued.

"Flying Horn, Flanders, Wuhun Cat Owl; Killing Horn, Liu Erlong, Wuhun Fire Dragon; Wisdom Horn, Yu Xiaogang, Wuhun, Pig, no, Luo Sanpao."

Although he knew it was immoral, Han Li couldn't help laughing.

"Yu Xiaogang? Such a familiar name, that master? "The Ten Core Competitiveness of Wuhun"? "

Both Dugu Yan and Shui Bing'er were considered academic masters. After a brief recollection, they remembered where they had heard this name. However, after they reacted, they shook their heads.

Xiu'er's reaction was the calmest. She had met this person with the young master, and she had heard Han Li complain about him countless times, so she was already somewhat immune to it.

"Bing'er, remember yesterday I told you about an example of a person who was not able to support the mutation of his Wuhun and thus degenerated. This person is the most famous one among them."

Han Li looked at Shui Bing'er and mentioned it, motioning her to add the next words. After all, she also had a share of the discovery. When she reported it later, she would be the second author anyway.

"So it was him, Yu Xiaogang, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. So, when his Wuhun was mutated into a higher-level dragon-type soul beast, his own foundation was insufficient, which led to the degeneration of his Wuhun. No wonder."

Shui Bing'er was smart, and after Han Li's slight reminder, she figured out the key.

"Incremental evolution, if we talk about the real martial soul quality, his martial soul quality should be the highest among the three. Well, his martial soul possession mode is also very strange. It is said that his martial soul has a certain degree of intelligence. If he mutates successfully, then the real martial soul should be the golden dragon mentioned in the rumors."

"The cat-owl has the lowest quality, but provides the ability to fly. The fire dragon is in the middle and provides dragon blood. Finally, Luo Sanpao provides the body and upper limit, and transforms the soul power, ability and blood of the other two into its own help. In terms of ability, they are complementary, but referring to the case of the 'Nether White Tiger', they are essentially strengthening Luo Sanpao and providing help for its evolution."

"Moreover, according to the theory you proposed, with the fire dragon in the middle to coordinate, it also satisfies the problem of the gap between the martial soul qualities. Incremental evolution may really be as you said."

Shui Bing'er thought more and more that it made sense, and her eyes changed a lot when she looked at Han Li.

It was hard for her to imagine that someone younger than her had come up with a conjecture about the martial soul fusion technique in such a short time, and the key was that it was quite complete and formed a system.

"Of course, this is just my conjecture, and it may not be correct. It will take a lot of experiments to prove it."

"Moreover, there are still many imperfections. For example, how can a martial soul fusion technique be formed when the martial souls have very different qualities, and how can two martial souls that are completely different in type, attributes, and quality be fused together."

"Although it has not appeared yet, it is not impossible, or in other words, what is the principle between them, I don't know yet."

Han Li pretended to be modest and said a few words, which attracted a few people's eye rolls.

"After talking about the innate, let's talk about the acquired martial soul fusion skills, such as the martial soul fusion skills of Ju and Ghost Douluo mentioned by Master and Uncle."

"Well, after I experimented with Bing'er, I have some ideas. I will try it with Sister Yan later."

"Let me first make a guess."

Han Li resisted Dugu Yan who tried to hang on him, gave her a brain burst, ignored her resentful eyes, and turned back to demonstrate on the whiteboard with fire elements.

He first condensed a wavy line with the fire element, and then drew a straight line below, and then turned sideways:

"Suppose, the first one above is my soul power fluctuation and martial soul breath, and the second one is Sister Yan's."

"Everyone knows that there is a very common way of detection among soul masters, that is, to judge who is coming through soul power fluctuations and martial soul breath, especially between acquaintances."

Several people nodded, indicating that it was indeed the case.

"Very good, then if this is the case."

Under Han Li's control, the two lines of fire on the whiteboard began to approach each other and finally entangled together.

"This means that when two people usually come into contact, they will inevitably be contaminated by each other's aura in the process."

Guang Ling and Qing Luan looked at each other and nodded.

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