Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 148 The angel's true form emerges, and the angel's domain appears

It's over.

When the three women who were watching the battle heard Han Li speak, they all turned their eyes to Qian Renxue opposite him, their eyes full of pity.

After a few years of getting along, they also figured out Han Li's details.

There are two types of his fighting state.

One is what Dugu Yan once described, Han Li's silent fighting style, as if he had carefully calculated the fighting process, and even if there were occasional omissions, he would quickly make up for it.

They had seen this situation when they obtained the fourth soul ring, which was a rhythmic attack mode.

In this mode, fighting with him, or putting yourself in the enemy's perspective, you will feel very aggrieved, but you can clearly perceive the gap in strength, which is the kind that makes people convinced.

The other is the state when Han Li fought with Hu Liena and the other two in the Pope's Palace.

In this case, Han Li's attack will become less deadly, but his words will become more and more fragmented.

The offensive posture he showed at this time can be said to be more to cooperate with his verbal attack.

In addition, they knew that last time, because the opponent was too weak, Han Li did not use the rage and slow thinking brought by the additional elements of mental power, and easily defeated the three people.

However, they have tried it privately. It is really uncomfortable to be deprived of reason in an instant and fall into slow thinking, and feel that everything around you has slowed down.

Although they know that Qian Renxue's mental power must be stronger than theirs, Han Li is stronger.

This time, will Han Li cooperate with mental attacks to provoke Qian Renxue?

They don't know the answer...

No, they already know it.

Because just before Han Li's double blades touched the golden lightsaber, the golden ripples still touched him first.

In Qian Renxue's wide-open golden eyes, Han Li's mouth corners slightly raised, and a light red shield instantly appeared in front of him, blocking all the golden ripples.

No, it can't be said to be blocked.

The light red mental shield was like a flexible crystal, embedding all the golden ripples into its body, and then quickly replicating them in proportion.

Before Qian Renxue could react, the golden ripples had been wiped out, and a light red ripple rushed towards her at a faster speed along the way.

Qian Renxue finally realized that something was wrong. She knew that Han Li's mental power was not weak. This was the information that the other party took the initiative to give her.

And her attack was just a test to test the extent of Han Li's mental power.

But, judging from the current situation, why did she feel that Han Li's mental power seemed to be stronger than his grandfather's?

Is Han Li's mental power stronger than Qian Daoliu?

This is of course impossible. Even with the plane consciousness card accelerator, his own faith power currently has no source.

Although Qian Daoliu's upper limit is locked, the divine power he can mobilize is also nourishing his body and spirit, and he can't catch up for the time being.

Han Li's mental power is so special, it is completely relying on the angel god.

Well, that's it. With the help of his good son, he has picked up some ownerless faith power in the past four years.

Of course, he had reported to Qian Daoliu, but the wording was slightly beautified.

He told Qian Daoliu that he would believe in the angel god in the future.

Qian Daoliu was very happy at the time, and generously told him that God loves the world, and the Lord will generously give everyone care, and if there is a need, God will help him.

Seeing Qian Daoliu say this, although Han Li still felt a little guilty, he still asked God for a little bit of the overflowing faith power.

Of course, he confirmed with his good son that it would not have any impact on the inheritance of the throne and the follow-up. Even if he did not pick it up, the marginal faith power would naturally disappear over time, so he did this.

He, the son of the Spirit Hall, was destined to guard the peace of one side. Although the responsibility was borne by the plane consciousness, they, the father and son, still said that yours and mine were originally one.

So, Han Li relied on picking up rags to maintain the high-speed cultivation of mental power.

Although most of the power of faith that started from a thousand years was led to the God Realm through the inheritance land, even the remaining small part was enough for Han Li to practice.

Not only that, his mental power was also stained with some angelic breath in the process.

Even Qian Daoliu always thought that the angelic breath on Han Li was the remnant after he used it to protect Han Li at that time, and did not think too much about it.

But now, when dealing with Qian Renxue, this breath is very useful, and even made her misjudge.

And Han Li, obviously did it on purpose.

He borrowed this residual breath, plus his mental power that was much stronger than hers, to temporarily seal Qian Renxue's mental attack.

Then, he deliberately simulated the same attack method as her, just to maximize her emotions.

The angel martial spirit itself comes with sacred attributes and purification, he has not forgotten this, who knows if Qian Renxue will have additional resistance, and this cannot be verified by sparring with Qian Daoliu.

Perhaps she realized that Han Li's attack was not just a simple counterattack, or perhaps her intuition took effect.

When she saw the reddish ripples coming towards her quickly, Qian Renxue decisively gave up the "Angel's Descent" that she had prepared, canceled the attempt to intercept Han Li, and activated her seventh soul skill without hesitation.

As the black soul ring flashed, the angel's true body descended directly, in an instant.

Not only that, Qian Renxue also activated the Angel Realm at the same time, directly transformed into an illusion, allowing the reddish spiritual ripples to penetrate directly from the illusion after being weakened by the realm.

That's right, Qian Renxue did not choose to take it hard, but dodged it directly.

After the Angel Realm was activated, she noticed that the mental attack launched by Han Li was somewhat different from hers, and it also carried a faint elemental breath.

Although she didn't know what the effect was, she still chose to dodge cautiously. Angels are not afraid of fighting, but they will never charge without thinking.

She looked down and saw Han Li smashing the golden lightsaber casually, and also looked up at her.

Qian Renxue looked at Han Li, who was also in her domain, and looked down at him with a smile on her face. She spoke in an unquestionable tone:

"Han Li, you can force out my martial soul and angel domain with one blow, you are proud enough."

"Next, prepare to face the judgment of the angel. In this state, I am enough to fight even ordinary Title Douluo."

However, she did not wait for Han Li's reaction. Instead, she saw Han Li's face showing a brighter smile than before.

"Really, but I don't think so."

"Qian Renxue, what makes you think you have become an absolute advantage, and I am in a passive position?"

"How do you know that everything you do is not calculated by me."

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