Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 156 The angry cat, a casual arrangement

What did she hear?

Martial soul fusion skills can actually change a person's thinking.

Zhu Zhuqing only felt that her whole body was numb now, as if even her soul power was somewhat out of her control.

She quickly compared the Zhu family members she knew with martial soul fusion skills in her mind, trying to find examples to refute Han Li's words.

But the more she compared it in her mind, the colder her heart became. She felt like she was in an ice cave now, and her teeth and body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"No way, absolutely impossible."

She spoke in a hoarse voice, shaking her head slightly to deny what she was thinking and what Han Li said.

Yes, he said it himself, this is to sow discord, it must be like this.

Zhu Zhuqing consoled himself frantically, and even laughed at himself. The other party was from Wuhun Palace. How could he tell her such important news so easily? Her surname was Zhu, the Zhu from the Star Luo Empire.

"Looking at Miss Zhuqing's reaction, there should be nothing wrong with our Wuhun Palace's research."

Zhu Zhuqing heard Han Li's voice from the opposite side again, and the joking tone became even more obvious.


Zhu Zhuqing was about to retort when Han Li stretched out his hand to interrupt him.

"Miss Zhuqing, it's okay to lie to others, but don't lie to yourself. Or do you think that when I tell you this, I am really not sure, and I am asking you for the results."

Han Li's voice sounded again, completely shattering the last line of defense in her heart.

Yes, how is that possible?

The other party called her out preparedly and revealed top-secret information to her. How could it be just a simple confirmation?

The other party is the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall, the training target of the largest force in the soul master group. Although the spirit fusion skill is difficult to find, he is not stupid enough to confirm the accuracy of the information with someone from another force.

Therefore, he did it on purpose. As he said, he was here to provoke, and it was an open and aboveboard provocation. She might be just one of them, a scrap.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Zhu Zhuqing returned to that dead state of silence, the light in her eyes disappeared again, and she returned to the darkness without a trace of light.

"I just happened to bump into you."

Han Li's answer was very candid. He had a strong mental power. He also discovered that Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be very sensitive to emotions. He didn't know whether it was because of her martial spirit or because she was special.

He didn't lie, Zhu Zhuqing confirmed this.

"Aren't you afraid that I will spread the news back to the family?"

Zhu Zhuqing raised his head, and his dead eyes met Han Li's eyes.

"It's up to you. I don't mind if that's your choice."

Han Li met her gaze and smiled: "Anyway, you are not the first Zhu family member to know."

"To be honest, we told your father this news three years ago? But you didn't know it until today."

Han Li smiled brightly but did not stop talking.

"You can also choose to tell your sister, your aunt, and see who will believe you, or whether they dare to believe it, and what will happen if they believe it."

"Believe me, if you send the news back, you will be imprisoned soon, or the second young lady of the Zhu family will disappear quietly without anyone knowing when."

"At that time, do you think it was the Dai family, the Zhu family, or your father who took action?"

Zhu Zhuqing's heart gradually sank. She knew that what Han Li said was true. No one understood the family's behavior better than her.

"So, even if I find Dai Mubai, even if he is willing to work hard with me, even if I succeed in the end, in the end, all that will be alive is a container named Zhu Zhuqing?"

Zhu Zhuqing's voice became colder and colder, and lower and lower, until it was almost inaudible in the end.

Is this the result of her desperate struggle to the end?

Then why is she practicing so hard?

Is it just to survive for a while longer?

"Ang, yes, if nothing happens, your life will be like this."

Han Li picked up a piece of watermelon and put it into his mouth.

"Oh, no accident. You want to say that you are the accident."

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing also completely understood the reason why Han Li was looking for her.

"Isn't it? I'm kindly reminding you, otherwise, you will even be changed without knowing it until you are completely lost."

What Han Li said was reasonable and reasonable.

"I'd rather not know anything, maybe I shouldn't choose to come back."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the man opposite with a sneer, becoming more aggressive.

"You told me all this just to make it impossible for me to complete the soul fusion skill with Dai Mubai, and even to exclude him. Obviously, you succeeded. Do I want to thank you?"

"No need to thank you. Helping others is a noble character. I am not prepared to receive any feedback from this news."

Han Li looked at Zhu Zhuqing with great interest. The cat's hair was furious. Isn't this more interesting than having a cold face?

"If there's anything else, let's talk about it together. I don't want to hear you beat around the bush with me anymore. Anyway, your goal has been achieved."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at him, feeling like she wanted to be possessed by a martial spirit and slap his face with a cat's paw. She had nothing to fear.

"Very good, very refreshing. But I really didn't expect to meet you. As for chatting with you, it was just a spur of the moment, just because I didn't like someone."

Han Li's reaction to handling things on the spot is not very good, which is why he likes to think so much about things in advance.

While he was deep in thought, Zhu Zhuqing took the initiative to observe the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace who suddenly appeared.

So far, apart from Han Li's harsh words and his tendency to poke people's pain points, he actually didn't have much ill will towards her, and she could feel it.

As for what Han Li said at the end, he was just unhappy with someone. If she guessed correctly, he should be referring to Dai Mubai.

She bit her lip subconsciously. You have the nerve to accuse Dai Mubai. You have three girls by your side. They are all the same. She didn't care much because she was raised like a royal concubine since she was a child.

"Okay, let's get started."

Han Li suddenly raised his head and met Zhu Zhuqing's gaze.

"Start with what?"

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't keep up with his thinking.

"Certainly start analyzing your options next."

Han Li knocked on the table and looked at the girl opposite with a smile.

"Choice? Do I have any other choices?"

Zhu Zhuqing replied with a sneer.

"Of course, and there's more than one, do you want to hear it?"

Han Li's smile turned hateful again in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

"Listen, why don't you listen."

Zhu Zhuqing broke the jar and said.

"Okay, then you have to listen carefully."

"The first way is to live in seclusion in a village and give up your identity as a soul master. As long as you survive ten years, no one will look for you again. After ten years, even if you are found, there is a high probability that nothing will happen to you. It won’t happen, maybe with better luck, you can become one of the concubines.”

As soon as Han Li came up, he proposed a path that Zhu Zhuqing had never imagined.

"Give up your identity as a soul master? Live in seclusion?"

Zhu Zhuqing repeated his words in a low voice, seeming a little moved, but she quickly thought of the loopholes in it and said, "What if I am found within ten years?"

"Then I can only say that you are unlucky, but there is a high probability that because of your actions, your sister and Davis will not kill you. At most, they will cripple you. As for Dai Mubai, he should be better than you. awful."

Han Li spread his hands, looking like you were unlucky.

"Oh, my luck has never been very good."

Zhu Zhuqing laughed to herself. If she was lucky, she wouldn't be in this situation today.

"The second thing is to choose to resist with Dai Mubai, if he also has the intention and ability to resist."

After Han Li finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing shook his head decisively. It seemed that it had worked.

"The third rule is to choose a force that the Star Luo Empire is not willing to pay a big price for you to join. Of course, the risk is very high. Your talent is pretty good, but to be honest, that's all."

"If the Star Luo Empire feels that it is unwilling to give up for the sake of the royal family's face, then there is a high probability that that force will hand you over directly. Even if they are unwilling to hand you over, I am afraid that you will not be able to live a happy life in the future, and you will be dead for a long time. In a state of being assassinated.”

Han Li spoke very straightforwardly, exposing the reality nakedly in front of her.

"I can't think of any force that would be willing to accept me, unless your purpose of finding me is to get me to join the Spirit Hall."

Zhu Zhuqing reacted quickly and looked at Han Li opposite.

"I said, meeting you was just an accident. Of course, if you choose to join Wuhun Palace, we will accept it. But not now, because I have more important things to do now and I have no time to pay attention to your trivial matters."

Han Li's reaction was even greater than Zhu Zhuqing's. The stumbling block actually tried to slow down his journey. It was impossible. A little favor could not stop him from becoming stronger.

"So, you are using me for entertainment?"

Zhu Zhuqing's mood fluctuated violently again.

"Oh, that's not the case. Didn't I succeed in provoking it? Also, I said I won't accept it for the time being. Do you understand me?"

Han Li looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was a little angry and smiled, and continued: "Except for me, no one is willing to protect you, not even the Wuhun Palace, right? At least I gave you information, and there is another hope."

Zhu Zhuqing resisted the urge to punch him and spoke again: "How do I know if you are lying to me?"

"Even if I lie to you, do you have any other choice?" Han Li asked.


After a long while, Zhu Zhuqing uttered two words firmly. She had no right to choose at all.

"Yes, that's it. You have no choice. Believe me, even the so-called Shangsan Sect can't save you."

Han Li looked at her and said seriously.

"So, why me?"

Zhu Zhuqing stood up and asked the last question without saying any more promises.

"Because you are pretty good-looking and have a cat-like personality, which suits my taste. Also, you can bring trouble to the Star Luo Empire. Are these reasons enough?"

Han Li looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was about to leave, and had no intention of hiding anything.

"That's enough, but your character is really bad."

After leaving a word, Zhu Zhuqing walked out of the room without looking back. This time, he did not return again.

Watching her leave, Han Li smiled and didn't pay much attention. Anyway, he just did it casually and didn't plan to gain anything.

Of course, if there is, that would be great.

Thank you to book friend 2021101320448325 for your two monthly tickets for your support!

Thanks to Xu Yilin for the monthly ticket support!

Thank you to Rong Zihuang for the monthly ticket support!

Thank you all for your support, thank you very much!

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