Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 165 Are you challenging the authority of the law enforcers in the divine world?

The atmosphere in the castle suddenly dropped to freezing point after Han Li finished speaking.

The murderous aura in the King of Slaughter surged, making the air thicker, and he pressed hard towards Han Li.

But what surprised him was that Han Li still had a smile on his face, looking at him with an unchanged expression, without any influence, and his eyes were still provocative, as if questioning him, is that it?

After a few seconds of stalemate, the murderous aura faded away like a tide. The King of Slaughter restrained it, and he also walked out of the shadows and sat on the main seat.

"Ho ho ho ho"

The King of Slaughter suddenly laughed several times, and the harsh sound resounded throughout the castle.

"As expected of the contemporary saint son of Wuhun Palace, your strength and courage are among the best among your peers. You passed my test."

Han Li smiled and said nothing, quietly admiring his performance as if he were watching a clown.

If it were anyone else, it would be fine, maybe he really thought he was testing the younger generation. But Han Li knew the details of the King of Slaughter very well, so it was too funny to try to deceive him with words.

"However, junior, you are still the first one who dares to threaten me with Wuhun Palace. I don't think Qian Daoliu will offend me because of you."

The Slaughter King's voice deepened again, and he looked at Han Li gloomily.

"Oh, really? If you don't believe it, King of Slaughter, you can give it a try."

Han Li returned a very polite smile.

To be honest, if the person opposite him were Sword Douluo, he would not dare to pretend like this.

Because in the other party's perception, there is no concept of God, and they think it is just a legend. You are strong in Wuhundian, but if you anger the opponent, he will really dare to draw his sword and kill you directly.

But it is precisely these people who have come into contact with the inheritance, or know its secrets, that he can act unscrupulously, because the Spirit Hall really has the inheritance of the gods.

Moreover, the existence of the Killing City, to a certain extent, relies on external forces. If it were Bo Saixi, even if he did not kill Han Li, he would still be beaten severely.

But the King of Slaughter didn't dare. Its situation was quite special. It didn't dare to leave here. It was parasitic on Tang Chen's existence.

Although its strength is not weak, if it leaves here, Tang Chen may escape from its control. It has fallen in love with this feeling of being superior. Losing everything would be more difficult for it to accept than killing it.

And it actually has its own ambition, it wants to become a god.

Although it still can't tell whether its immediate superior is the Shura God in Tang Chen's memory or the god who once secretly helped it, because since that time, it has never received any revelations. .

Fortunately, the best news is that the inherited artifact of God Shura is still in its hands and has not been touched by anyone. This is another reason why it has always rejected the birth of a "killing god" in the killing city.

As for what he and the woman in black gauze once said, just listen to the reason why they were afraid that the God of Death would come back to cause trouble and release the combat power of everyone here.

What a joke, which peerless Douluo or one with a divine weapon would care about the number of people.

Unless Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi can drag their inheritance temple here to besiege it, it will not be worth mentioning to the people on Douluo Continent.

"Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

The Slaughter King's face darkened. Just because it was unwilling to take risks, it didn't mean that it couldn't take risks.

"You really don't dare."

Han Li replied with a smile, and at the same time, four colors of light shone on his body.

They are blood red, brilliant gold, milky white and vermilion, but the aura is extremely weak.

"Divine power! There are still four different auras, and you are also the inheritor of the gods."

The armrest of the Slaughter King's seat was crushed into powder by it, because there was also a Shura divine power that it was familiar with and couldn't be more familiar with.

"Isn't it strange? The mainland is not only the city of killing but also the place where the gods are inherited."

Han Li spread his hands and looked at the King of Slaughter with a gloomy expression.

"This is impossible. At least it is impossible to obtain the inheritance of God Shura. You have never even entered the hell road."

The King of Slaughter retorted instinctively.

"Who knows? After all, I can absorb the energy here too."

Han Li's smile was very bright, like a sunny and cheerful boy, but his words were like a thorn, piercing the heart of the King of Slaughter.

"Are you forcing me to kill you?"

The King of Slaughter suddenly raised his head and stared at Han Li, as if he might take action at any time.

"It's your right to take action, as long as you dare. I think you should understand what the aura on my body represents. Tsk, four gods, oh, even excluding God Shura, there are still three. I don't know if you can bear it. Pay this price."

Its actions did not frighten Han Li, but made him even more arrogant. The biting dog did not bark, and the more it barked, the more it proved that it had no confidence.

"good very good."

The King of Slaughter directly tore off the disguise and stopped making any cover-ups.

"I have to thank you for all this. I just came here to practice. After all, I am the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace. I even greeted you in advance."

Han Li shook his head and continued: "Originally, everyone was in peace. You were your King of Slaughter and I was my Holy Son. But you gave me a big gift out of hand, which made it difficult for me to handle it."

After hearing his words, the Slaughter King's breath became a little unstable.

Hearing what Han Li meant, it was even the power of the Shura God that was delivered to it personally. At this moment, it felt a deep regret in its heart.

Then, it was suddenly stunned for a moment. It heard the implication of Han Li's words. He didn't seem to have the intention to choose the inheritance of the Shura God.

It took a deep look at Han Li, knowing that this might be the purpose of the person in front of it.

"You made a very smart choice. What do you want?"

The King of Slaughter regained his composure.

"I don't want anything. I just want to get out quickly. I'm different from you. In the outside world, I live a glamorous life. I don't want to be trapped here like you."

Han Li tapped the table with his fingers. There was even some disrespect in his words, but it made the King of Slaughter relax a little more.

Did he think that after choosing to inherit the inheritance of the Shura God, he would be trapped here?

The King of Slaughter's mind turned quickly, analyzing the meaning of Han Li's words.

Is this really the case? The King of Slaughter carefully observed Han Li's every move and noticed the impatience in his eyes.

Yes, the two killing gods who walked out of here in recent years simply obtained the killing god domain, and did not obtain the qualification for inheritance.

Judging from Han Li's previous combat performance, he already has a domain, and he was only twelve years old when he came into contact with three gods, including the ice and fire domain, which was perfect for him.

It was just a simple domain. The Killing City was really just a place for training for him, but it was a little nervous.

And as long as the Shura artifact was still in its hands, others would never be able to pass the Shura God's assessment.

Combining its own observations with Han Li's performance, the King of Killing became more and more certain of its guess.

If it was really as it thought, Han Li's performance was all reasonable.

"If you want to get out quickly, you can, but in addition to the murderous aura, you can no longer use the ability to devour everything."

The King of Killing figured everything out and quickly entered the negotiation mode.

"If you hadn't done something secretly, I wouldn't have done it at all." Han Li said sarcastically.

The King of Slaughter was in a good mood and didn't care about his attitude: "Then everything will remain the same. I won't interfere with anything you do. After you leave, it's best not to come back."

"Wait until I get the domain and leave. I won't bother to come here again even if you beg me."

Han Li stood up and walked out without looking back.

"No need to see you off. See you when we win."

The King of Slaughter stood up only after Han Li's figure disappeared from its mental range.

Ignorant human, you don't know what you've missed, but it's okay. Only when there are more such fools, it will feel more at ease.

He hid in the darkness again and laughed "ho ho", and then the laughter became more and more intense, making the black-veiled woman outside the castle tremble again.

At this time, Han Li, who was walking leisurely towards the residential area, also showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

A beast is a beast, even if it is covered with a layer of human skin and imitates human thinking, it is still a beast.

In the final analysis, this stupid bat can't even see its own position clearly. Not to mention that it doesn't know that soul beasts can't become gods. Even if it can, it can only be used as a whetstone at best.

As Tang Chen's whetstone, the Shura Demon Sword has been kept in its hands for so many years. Although Tang Chen has not woken up, it is Luosha who is calculating him. If Tang Chen can take the initiative to get rid of the interference, Shura may not give Tang Chen a chance.

What's the result?

This bat that picked up the bargain not only became the king of the mountain, but also wanted to become a god, and chose Shura. Han Li can only wish its dream come true.

As for its thoughts, Han Li can guess a little bit, but if the gods really want to pass on the inheritance, the inheritance artifact is in your hands, can't He do anything?

In the God Realm Center, several people from the God Realm Committee and the newly arrived God of Emotion Rong Nianbing.

They watched Han Li and the King of Killing reach a deal calmly, and also saw the performance of both parties after they separated, and shook their heads slightly.

Han Li did not receive any inheritance from any god, and they knew this better than anyone else, so they were amused and impressed to see Han Li using just a little bit of divine power to trick the King of Slaughter.

"Xura, it seems that he is not ready to inherit your throne, and your previous inheritor has not yet completed the assessment. Otherwise, I will give him a legacy?"

Rong Nianbing looked at the expressionless Shura, but his mind became active.

He had just seen Han Li's performance in the Slaughter City. Although he didn't know how Han Li did it, his chanting and skills were all imitated from him, but this just proved that he was destined to be with him.

He had long wanted to give up his throne and run away. Now someone came to his door, and he was a genius in the Douluo plane. With so many people paying attention, he must be good. This is undoubtedly a bargain.

Besides, you took the initiative to pull me here, so it shouldn't be too much for me to intervene, right?

Hearing Rong Nianbing's words, Shura turned his head and glanced at him.

"As long as you enter the City of Slaughter, you will be participating in my assessment. When he fails, I will not stop you."

"God of Emotions, it is against the rules for you to intervene now. As the God of Law Enforcement in the God Realm, can I think that you are challenging the authority of the God Realm Committee?"

Hearing his words, Destruction on the side could not help but twitch his mouth. Do you remember that you are the God Realm Law Enforcer now?

The awakening of the plane consciousness was an accident, but do you want to guess why we are gathered here?

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