Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 169 Leaving, Inner Alchemy and the Special Killing God Field

"Okay, let's go down, don't let Sister Yan swallow the inner elixir on impulse."

Han Li turned his head to look at Dugu Bo and greeted with a smile.

"Inner elixir? You mean that golden-red bead just now? Is it similar to the poisonous elixir I made before?"

Glancing in the direction of Dugu Yan, Dugu Bo asked curiously while falling downwards.

"It's similar, but it's a little different from your poison elixir. The inner elixir is the essence of its body. Haven't you noticed that all the beasts we kill here don't have soul rings born?"

Han Li landed in front of Dugu Yan and took the inner elixir from her hand that she was reluctant to part with.

"Give it to me first, and I'll return it to you later."

Han Li glanced at Dugu Yan's expression and handed it to Dugu Bo again.

"Can you feel it? Does Wuhun feel it?"

Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment, then he came over and used his martial spirit aura to touch the inner elixir. Then, he was dumbfounded.

"Such a high essence? I feel like my martial soul is being suppressed. Why didn't I feel it when it was alive?"

"It may indeed be a little higher. As for the others, I don't know. After all, they are ancient beasts. I will tell you after I study them."

Han Li knew very well that this was not the ancient world in his mind. It should be a product from other worlds, but it was still better than the Douluo Continent, which was restricted at all levels.

Seeing Shui Bing'er also bringing Xiu'er over, Han Li continued to introduce: "A strange beast from the ancient times, the ten-headed blazing sun snake. It is extremely poisonous. An adult can be over ten meters long and possesses the strongest fire venom among snakes." , after ten thousand years of cultivation, he can achieve the inner elixir, which is hidden in the nine heads behind his back. When the inner elixir comes out, the sky and the earth will be pale. If he obtains the inner elixir, he will become the supreme among the snakes."

"Supreme among snakes, supreme, supreme, good."

After listening to his introduction, Dugu Bo murmured.

Then he looked at Dugu Yan with a happy face. This time he didn't have to worry at all. His granddaughter would definitely be much better than him in the future.

"This can make my martial soul undergo another qualitative change?"

Dugu Yan poked the golden-red inner elixir with his finger, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, it can save you a soul ring. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to become a natal soul ring."

"However, I will study it first and give it to you when I get out."

Han Li took the inner elixir and played with it again, then turned his hand and put it away.


Dugu Yan nodded obediently. Although her instinct made her feel a little reluctant, she still chose to believe in Han Li.

Han Li looked a little funny and pinched her nose: "This is related to everyone's subsequent strength improvement. I will pay you back in three days at most, no, five days."

Dugu Bo on the side heard his words and was thoughtful. He had guessed a little bit about Han Li's thoughts.

"Okay, get ready to go, I already miss the blue sky and white clouds."

After hearing his words, the spirits of several people were also shocked. This was not only Han Li, they also missed him dearly. The gray sky and blue-purple environment everywhere in the Killing City all year round really made people feel good. stand up.

Han Li looked at the people who were in high spirits, took out three longzhi leaves that he had left before from his wristband, and handed one to each of the three women.

"Keep it in your mouth to speed up the recovery of soul power. For the rest of the journey, remember not to stop the operation of the Blood Demon Art. If there is anything wrong, speak up immediately and don't be careless at all. Do you understand?"

"Old man, you have to have some spare energy, and remember to use the power of purification to see if something is wrong with someone."

Han Li's expression became more serious and he warned several people respectively.

"no problem."

Several people nodded, knowing that they had entered the end of the test.

"That's good, let's go."

This time, Han Li did not go to the front, but took the initiative to come to the end, so that if someone really couldn't hold on, his field could be the last to save him.

If possible, he still hoped that they could carry it through the last part of the journey by themselves.

Otherwise, even if you really get the Killing God Domain in the end, it will be just a parallel import, and you will be vulnerable to a strong enemy.

The few people continued to walk forward, the temperature continued to get higher, and the dark red liquid flowing in the abyss on both sides gradually became clear from being vaguely visible.

However, fortunately, the strength of several people is not weak. Except for Xiu'er, the martial soul attributes of others are somewhat resistant to this environment. However, with Longzhi Ye to supplement the soul power, Xiu'er also decisively supports the soul power. The shield does not care about the slight loss of soul power.

As they walked, the people who were running the Blood Demon Art gradually discovered that the murderous intent and negative emotions in the air here were much stronger than in the killing city.

Under this situation, the burning sensation constantly aroused the emotions in their hearts, making people more and more impatient. The murderous intention was also ready to stir up under this situation, constantly disturbing several people.

"Concentrate, slow down, treat it as cultivation, don't worry about safety issues, and stimulate the growth of mental power as much as possible. After you go out, you won't have such a good environment."

Han Li's voice rang in the ears of several people, making their somewhat erratic thoughts stabilize again. Outside their bodies, the white murderous aura mixed with a touch of red became regular again.

In this way, Han Li suddenly turned into a training place through the narrow passage that he should have chosen to pass quickly.

As the blood pool below was less than fifty meters above the road below them, Han Li realized that he had also been affected to a certain extent.

However, it was still too weak. Han Li's mental power was just a wave, and his mind became pure again, and he continued to protect everyone.

So far, among the three women here, Xiu'er performed the best. Perhaps she had killed a lot of fallen people, or her mind was the purest. Whenever she was a little swayed by murderous aura, she would look back at Han Li, and then regain her clarity and continue to move forward.

On the contrary, Dugu Yan and Shui Bing'er, who received Dugu Bo's purification power twice, were considered to have caught up with Xiu'er's progress.

In this way, the five people walked for nearly four hours, not a very long distance, until they stopped at the edge of the blood sea in front.

The blood sea in front of them kept churning, emitting high temperature and visible evil breath, making people feel like they had come to the legendary hell.

A thousand meters away, an elliptical light curtain composed of white light stood quietly, waiting for the arrival of the tester.

Han Li checked the status of several people and found that only he and Gudu Bo were still able to move.

The three people in front could only barely stay awake at the edge of the blood sea. If they wanted to fly like before, it would be a bit difficult.

It was not bad. At least they could stay awake here, which was enough to prove that their mental strength had improved a lot, far beyond the current realm of several people.

"Let's go, old man, stay here. Sister Yan and the others won't improve much in a short time. We should go out."

Han Li looked at Dugu Bo on the side.


Dugu Bo glanced at his granddaughter who was still insisting, a smile flashed across his face, and he used the power of purification to bless the three people again, then picked up Dugu Yan and flew towards the light curtain on the opposite side.

Han Li also picked up one in each hand, and the green wings shook, and fell towards the opposite side.

Just like that, the distance that was like a natural chasm for others was easily crossed in front of the few people who had the ability to fly.

In front of the white light curtain, Han Li looked back at the hell road that was still full of blood and various negative emotions, smiled at a few people, turned around and walked directly through the oval door.

The moment he stepped through the door, Han Li suddenly felt that he had entered a wonderful world.

There was a snow-white void all around him, and then he found that all the void and coldness were pressing towards his body, and in this process, the murderous aura in his body was also fully activated, and was transformed by an inexplicable force, trying to dye him white.

Han Li raised his eyebrows, Shura, my friend, it's a bit too much.

He simply mobilized the murderous aura and blasted against the white murderous aura. Every time he tore a piece of it, he mobilized the blood evil art to swallow it. Gradually, the white murderous aura actually fell behind.


In the void, a voice came from nowhere, and it seemed that it was very dissatisfied with his actions, but a pattern composed of pure white murderous aura appeared and flew directly to him, allowing him to completely take it away with blood-red murderous aura.

Han Li blinked, lowered his head, and began to comprehend the patterns and rules that already belonged to him.

After an unknown amount of time, Han Li finally mastered it completely, and formed a blood-red "Han" with satisfaction, and then arched his hands towards the top of the space.

The next second, he felt that he was kicked out heavily and returned to reality.

Opening his eyes, Han Li saw the other four people standing in front of him, staring at him with some worry.

"Ha, I'm fine, I just studied it."

Han Li smiled, stretched out his right hand, and revealed his special mark.

In the curious eyes of several people, the blood-colored handwriting in his hand began to change, and changed into the appearance of several people, vividly, and the area around him was also blood-red.

"Is your domain really the same as ours?"

Dugu Bo also opened his domain, white murderous aura enveloped him, and a small white sword appeared on his forehead. He looked at the changing lines on Han Li's palm with some uncertainty.

"Almost, almost."

Han Li took back his domain and laughed. It would be better not to attack them for the time being.

They didn't ask any more questions. To be honest, they just wanted to find a place to rest.

There was another problem. Even if they all got the domain and had the Blood Evil Art to help control it, if they walked on the street now, they would find that they were really murderous. A random glance could stop a child from crying.

They couldn't find it themselves because they had been together day and night and couldn't notice it at all.

"Rest first. According to the agreement, Master and Uncle should be here too."

Han Li murmured in a low voice, then raised his right hand to the sky. A two-color lotus flew up to the sky and became bigger and bigger.

In a camp not far from here, Guang Ling sensed the fluctuation of energy, looked up, and saw the two-color lotus in the sky, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Let's go, Qingluan, Xiao Li and the others are out, let's go pick them up."

That's what he said, but Guang Ling didn't wait for Qingluan to stand up, he spread his wings alone and rushed towards the place where the lotus rose.

Qingluan stood up, shook his head gently, and turned into a green light to chase after him.

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