Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 17 Everything is ready, meeting Qian Daoliu

Seeing his casual movements, Guang Ling and Qing Luan looked at each other, but did not hit him. Instead, they praised him: "Not bad, and your mental power has also increased significantly. You are already close to a regular soul master."

There was obvious joy on Guang Ling's face: "Not only that, but it also makes up for your lack of combat power in the early stage. As long as you polish your archery skills with me, even with this single soul skill, you will not be weaker than those so-called genius."

Qingluan also nodded, obviously agreeing with Guang Ling's statement.


Han Li also smiled and replied. He was originally prepared to give up his early combat power, but now he can strengthen his combat power without giving up. He is naturally happy.

"Here, change to the ice and fire blade and see if the same is true."

Guang Ling urged impatiently.

Han Li also wanted to know what would happen in the Ice and Fire Blade mode, so he switched forms directly without any hesitation.

Two scimitars that were more dazzling than before appeared in his hands. Han Li looked up and found that the soul ring was still well behind his head, but he saw that there were two rings at the end of the handles of the two swords. An illusory small yellow ring hangs on it like a decoration, which is also very inconspicuous.

He raised his hands to signal, then closed his eyes and felt the changes in the ice and fire blade.

Half a minute later, Han Li opened his eyes again and waved the ice blade and the fire blade in his hands towards the open space in front of him. An icy blue sword energy and a fiery red sword energy appeared out of thin air and collided with each other again. There was a violent explosion.

Han Li looked at the distance and said: "The increase is the same as that of the ice and fire bow. It is currently only 30%, but it has added the sword energy that can attack from the body. However, currently I can only control it within five meters, and the strength is not enough. The consumption is much higher than that of arrows, and now I can only swing about twenty swords with all my strength."

The corners of Guangling and Qingluan's mouths twitched, "It's only five meters" and "It's not strong enough", so they didn't know what to say.

From their point of view, although this sword energy is not as good as some of the third soul skills of attacking soul masters, it is not far behind. The key is that there is no cooling time, which is incomparable with soul skills, and they can all be counted. It's a self-created soul skill.

No, it is self-created soul skills. As Han Li's strength increases, whether it is sword energy or the perfectly mixed ice and fire energy arrows that he has never used, although they are derived from the function of the martial spirit itself, they are all in line with the self-created soul skills. category. Don't you see, there are a lot of weapon souls and soul masters. If it weren't for soul rings, they wouldn't be able to launch out-of-body attacks.

"Well, not bad. Compared with me when I was young, you are considered qualified."

Guang Ling controlled her expression and said calmly, but she didn't see the contempt in Qingluan's eyes.

If Han Li hadn't been there, Qingluan would have said, "Haha, are you worthy of your Guangling's few moves?"

Guang Ling was really lucky. Seeing Han Li running to show off his new skills to Xiu'er, Qingluan looked at Guang Ling who was grinning silently laughing, and felt sad for the first time in his heart. Why did he just I can't accept this kind of disciple.

Fortunately, he had watched Guang Ling grow up, so it didn't matter at all. He comforted himself.

Using his brother's dignity to stop Guang Ling's "madness" behavior, Qingluan pointed at Han Li, who had already pulled Xiu'er over, and asked him to calm down.

"Teacher, now that my soul ring has been absorbed, can the things I talked to you about yesterday be put on the agenda?" Han Li looked at Guang Ling expectantly.

Guang Ling looked at Xiu'er who obviously didn't know anything, sighed, and then pointed at him.

"I just finished absorbing the soul ring. Go take a shower and change into clean clothes." Guang Ling glanced at Xiu'er again and continued: "Let her go with her. Your idea is very good, but I'm not sure whether It's feasible. No one has tried it before you. It's just right. Take her with you and let Da Cang Feng take a look. Anyway, the promise will be used. It's better to be more thorough. With Da Cang Fang here, even if it fails, it won't affect the future. ”

"Thank you, teacher. I'll go right away. Please tell me what to do, sister Xiu'er."

It was the first time that Han Li showed his emotions so openly. After giving Xiu'er a hug who didn't understand what they were talking about, he quickly rushed towards the shower room, and he could still faintly hear his laughter. came.

Xiu'er saw the two titled Douluo looking at her, and then glanced at Han Li who had already run away. She wanted to turn around and catch up, but she didn't dare, so she had to stand there helplessly.

"Let me tell you."

Qingluan took the initiative to take the words, looked at the confused girl and began to explain softly.

Soon, Han Li changed his clothes and walked to the hall, and found that the three of them were already waiting for him. Xiu'er's eyes were still red, and she had obviously just cried.

As soon as he appeared, Xiu'er rushed towards him, tears welling up again.

Han Li hugged her, patted her back repeatedly, and softly comforted her, finally making her stop crying. Controlling the not very strong fire element, he again evaporated the tears on the front of his clothes. He looked at his teacher and his uncle and expressed his gratitude softly.

It was obvious that Sister Xiu'er didn't mention anything like "Young master doesn't want it" or "It's not good to do this". These two people put in a lot of effort. Although they had already asked for it last night, the effect was much better than he imagined.

"Let's go."

When Guang Ling and Qing Luan saw that the two of them had regained their energy, they didn't say much. Each of them rolled up one of them and quickly headed towards the enshrinement hall.

In just a moment, the four of them arrived in front of the enshrining hall. Guang Ling and Qing Luan put them down and walked slowly inside.

Han Li led the very nervous Xiu'er into the hall. As soon as he entered, he saw that everyone was staring at him. Even Qian Daoliu opened his eyes for the first time.

Hmm? Is there something wrong with me?

Han Li looked himself up and down and didn't notice anything unusual.

"Well, okay, Xiao Li, put away the external soul bone on your head. It's just a little thing. What's there to show off? What? Are you afraid that others don't know that you have completely merged?"

Guang Ling had returned to his position and said with a light cough, but his voice was obviously heavier when it came to "external soul bone" and "complete fusion". Everyone knew that he did it on purpose.

"Hmm? Okay, teacher, I forgot."

Han Li then noticed that he had never taken the external soul bone back into his body after absorbing it before. This external soul bone was not old, so after simply absorbing it, it merged with him, just like a part of his body. He was so excited that he didn't notice it.

Guang Ling was obviously showing off on purpose, and Qing Luan naturally understood what he meant, so he just cooperated a little, which was harmless.

As for the "complete fusion", Guang Ling was not afraid that someone in the Worship Hall would take action because of this, and they were not that bad, so he was still showing off. It was completely fused as soon as he got it, which also meant that the two were extremely compatible, what is talent and luck (leaning back).

It must be said that Guang Ling is really good at attracting hatred. With a simple sentence, he attracted everyone's attention. Even Jin Yu had the urge to beat him up, but he saw that there were two children present, so he forced himself to hold back.

Everyone present had read Han Li's intelligence, and naturally knew that there was a semi-awakened raccoon maid beside him, but it was obvious that she was not qualified to come here.

Not to mention that Han Li was smart, even if he was ignorant, Guang Ling and Qing Luan would not let him be presumptuous, and now that this girl appeared here, there must be something else.

Seeing that everyone was curious, Han Li did not dare to play dumb, and took the initiative to walk a few steps in the direction of Qian Daoliu and bowed.

"Master, Han Li has something to ask for. I wonder if I can use the condition you mentioned before?"

After Han Li finished speaking, the atmosphere in the worship hall became strange.

Thanks to Yin Dou and Wu Yuanchanglong, the two big guys for their two monthly tickets. The author kowtows, bang bang bang~!

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