Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 202: Illusion, returning to the past life, where the dream begins

After Flanders left, Oscar also stood up.

"I'm going back first, you guys can chat."

After that, he went straight upstairs to his room without waiting for anyone's answers.

Ma Hongjun originally wanted to follow Oscar and run away, but under the double gazes of Tang San and Dai Mubai, his long-standing lust for power made him unable to hold on, and he sat down again.

"Xiao Wu, go back and rest. You have been tired for a long day."

Tang San turned his head and looked at Xiao Wu beside him tenderly.

"Then, brother, you should also go to bed early."

Xiao Wu glanced at a few people in confusion. To her, everything that happened today was sudden.

"Okay, let's go."

Tang San, with his usual smile, urged Xiao Wu to turn around three times in one step.


Xiao Wu responded, speeding up and disappearing up the stairs.

There were only four people left at the table downstairs. The lights were bright, but it seemed a little dark at this time.

"That bitch needs to die."

There was a muffled sound on the table. The sound came from Dai Mubai. His expression was very ferocious. He had already smashed a hole in the table.

"She can't be found at all now. You heard what Dean Flanders said just now. It's like she disappeared out of thin air."

"In a place like Tiandou Academy, don't you think it's strange that she just disappeared?"

Tang San glanced at the incompetent and furious Dai Mubai indifferently, and said pointedly.

This was something he only realized later. If Zhu Zhuqing's previous actions could be understood as her wanting to die together, but after Dean Flender appeared, her behavior became a bit more difficult to reveal.

You know, under the circumstances at that time, it was possible for Flanders to get angry and kill her directly. What did she want?

Even if Zhu Zhuqing was dissatisfied with Flandra's deviant behavior, she probably wouldn't have reached this point. If she really wanted to die together, pretending to agree and taking the opportunity to kill the fat man or him would be her best choice.

Therefore, in Tang San's heart, he believed that there must be someone behind Zhu Zhuqing controlling everything, otherwise she wouldn't have such great confidence.

Hearing his words, Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, but then he shook his head and showed a wry smile: "It's impossible, I know both our families very well, and they will never send anyone to protect us. "

"If there is any possibility for me, it is completely impossible for her. Even if she had defected to Davis before she came, it would be impossible. My father would not allow it."

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Tang San also frowned. Could it be that he had guessed wrong? Is there really no one behind Zhu Zhuqing?

Then, he noticed a hint of joy on Yu Xiaogang's face, as if he had thought of something.

The next second, he heard Yu Xiaogang speak: "Xiaosan, Mubai, maybe there is no need to look for her anymore, she should be dead."

Although he said "should", both of them heard the affirmation from his tone. Yu Xiaogang seemed to be very sure that Zhu Zhuqing was dead.

"There are some things that you'd better not ask. You'll know when it's time to know. You just need to know that she is dead."

Yu Xiaogang regained his former self-confidence and became energetic.

When he was in Soto City before, he learned from Flanders that Tang Hao had appeared to warn Zhao Wuji.

And now, it is very reasonable for Zhu Zhuqing, who had fought against Tang San and humiliated him, to disappear.

To be able to make a person disappear quietly in a place like Tiandou Royal Academy where there are three Soul Douluo, the strength can only be that of a titled Douluo.

And now, the only one who can appear around them is his idol, Tang San's father, the former Haotian Douluo Tang Hao.

It seems that the idol has been hiding in secret to protect his son, and Zhu Zhuqing's disappearance also proves that he supports his approach, but it is a pity that the martial soul fusion skill has no hope.

Well, maybe it's time to think of a way to let Xiao San join the first team of Huang Dou.

Only in this way can he and Xiao San prove themselves. It seems that they have to communicate with Yu Tianheng, his nephew.

Also, Qin Ming on Flender's side is a good breakthrough point. Flender's handling of things this time is a bit uninteresting, so just think of it as compensation for their master and apprentice.

Tang San observed his expression thoughtfully.

Okay, let's see if he, um, does the teacher have any other opportunities, but he won't be involved this time. If it still fails, don't blame him.

You know, until now, his hands were still aching.

Damn it, when the healing soul master came before, he forgot to ask him to heal him too.

"Okay, let's all go back and rest."

Yu Xiaogang turned his attention to Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, obviously speaking to them both.

Although Dai Mubai wanted to ask him about the source of his intelligence, seeing his posture and looking at Tang San again, and considering that he was indeed exhausted both physically and mentally, he still chose to leave.

Not to mention Ma Hongjun. As soon as the master finished speaking, he stood up and walked upstairs as if he was running away. Although he was forced to stay, he did not speak a word the whole time.

But what he didn't see was that Dai Mubai and Tang San had a cold light flashing in their eyes when they looked at his back. For them, he chose to take sides but did nothing. It's a betrayal in itself.

As for the betrayer, after they each suffered different degrees of blows, he was not hurt at all, and even wanted to stay out of it. This alone was enough to make the two dissatisfied.

Dai Mubai was completely in a bad mood, and walked upstairs without even saying hello.

After confirming that the two had left, Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San again.

"Xiao San, don't worry, I have other ways. Since this team can no longer help you, why not try to change a team."

"I'll go to Tianheng to ask, and then let Flanders find Qin Ming. The two of us still have some face, and then maybe you can directly join the first team, so that you have a better chance."

"Don't worry about it this time, I'll come forward, you just wait for my good news."

It seems that he also noticed Tang San's distrust of him, and Yu Xiaogang performed particularly hard at this time.

"Then I'll trouble you, teacher."

Tang San's heart was moved, and his dissatisfaction with Yu Xiaogang also dissipated a little, but he still remained quite vigilant. Fortunately, he didn't have to take action this time, at least he wouldn't suffer any unexpected losses.

"Okay, you go back and rest too. Remember, temporary gains and losses are nothing. The one who laughs last is the winner."

Yu Xiaogang reminded him again with concern, fearing that there would be a rift between him and Tang San.

"Well, I know, teacher."

Tang San chose to believe it again. After all, if Yu Xiaogang could really succeed, it would also be of great benefit to him. If he failed, he wouldn't have to endure it.

On the surface, the two of them had returned to the harmonious state of master-disciple relationship before.

What they didn't know was that Han Li had already been above the villa at this time, and had seen all the reactions of the few people.

"Does Zhu Zhuqing count as being killed? Yu Xiaogang thinks it was done by Tang Hao? Well, let him be proud for a few days. I just don't know how he will react after Tang Dachui comes back and they exchange information."

Han Li thought of Tang Hao, who he had just explored not long ago and was still wandering in the Sunset Forest more than a hundred kilometers away, and a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes.

Watching Tang San bid farewell to Yu Xiaogang and walk towards his room upstairs, Han Li also quietly landed and sat on the roof.

The evening was still long, and he had enough time to play with him.

Tang San, who returned to the room, did not start practicing immediately, but fell into silence.

He stared at his hands, which were still a little painful, as if he was checking the injury, but the murderous intent in his eyes from time to time meant that he was not as calm as he appeared.

After sitting at the table for a long time, Tang San returned to the bed and entered the state of practice.

And Han Li had already secretly used his authority to temporarily block the luck fog on his body, activated the soul bone skill, and covered the entire villa with a higher mental strength.

As Tang San's soul power began to run according to the route of Xuantian Gong, Han Li on the roof also modified his soul power flow route synchronously and started the trial run of the new program.

After the synchronization was carried out twice, he was satisfied to record it completely.

After his short test, in terms of pure cultivation, there was indeed an improvement, but it was not a big one. Of course, this was for him.

You know, Han Li has gone through ice and fire forging, and even mastered the origin. All the meridians are already in a state of unobstructed. Even so, there is a certain improvement. If it is replaced by others, the effect will be more obvious.

"The basic cultivation method has been completed, and the rest is not suitable for use now. It seems that I have to enter the illusion first."

Muttering in his heart, Han Li increased the output of spiritual power and constructed an illusory spiritual world. To be on the safe side, he dragged everyone in.

In the room, Tang San's soul power flow speed became slower and slower until it stopped actively, as if he had entered a dream.

"Tang San, get up and eat. If you go too late, there will be no food in the kitchen. Today's task is very heavy."

Tang San heard someone calling him, and the accent was very familiar. At this time, his consciousness was still a little hazy.

"Oh, okay."

Like a conditioned reflex, he answered and opened his eyes.

After seeing the quaint residence, he was a little stunned for the first time. He felt that everything in front of him seemed familiar, but strange.

No, am I not practicing?

Well, what practice? Today's work has not been completed. If it is not done well, the elders will be angry.

Tang San quickly got up, and two different voices sounded in his mind, which gave him a headache.

However, he saw the person who called him just now walking out, and hurriedly followed him.

After completing the assembly of the hidden weapons for a day, Tang San dragged his tired body back to the room.

What made him feel fortunate was that although there was a voice in his mind from time to time, and he said inexplicable words, his body was not affected. Instead, he was very familiar with the work and completed the work smoothly.

Moreover, after a day, he also figured out his identity, an outer disciple of the Bashu Tang Sect.

"If only we could be like those inner disciples, and learn martial arts, we wouldn't have to work so hard."

The man who woke him up in the morning sighed casually and fell asleep.

Tang San sat at the table with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Yes, he could learn martial arts, and as long as he learned these, he wouldn't have to work so hard.

No, he shook his head again. He knew how to do it, and he was going to find a chance to look through the techniques. Oh, wasn't he prepared long ago?

Two different thoughts came into his mind, mixed together, making him a little confused about what was wrong with him.

Just when his head was splitting, the two consciousnesses seemed to reach a consensus - go to the library, where you can find all the answers.

Yes, the library, martial arts, inner sect.

Thinking of this, he walked out of the room a little upset and ran towards the location of the library in his memory.

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