Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 21 Bibi Dong's scheming and Guang Ling's ability to hit the right spot

Soon, they arrived at the place where Guang Ling was retreating. The majestic soul power surged around with a little chill, making Han Li and Xiu'er feel slightly suffocated. They opened their mouths unconsciously, wanting to get more. oxygen.

Seeing this, Qingluan quickly formed a soul shield in front of him, and the two of them returned to normal.

Han Li suppressed the horror in his heart. Although he had successfully become a soul master, in his understanding, Douluo was still the sewer, the existence that everyone ridiculed. Now that he had experienced it personally, he immediately stopped scorning him.

"Uncle, is there so much noise about Master's breakthrough?"

He looked at the blown clouds in the sky, observed the objects around him that were being destroyed under the pressure of the overflowing soul power, and his throat that seemed to have been strangled just for a moment, and asked with a dry mouth.

"Well, to be precise, only after level ninety-five, the breakthrough at each level will be like this. When your second uncle broke through, the movement was not as big as that of your master. This should be related to him comprehending some elements. I don’t know what your uncle said.”

Qingluan looked thoughtfully at the breath of ice and light in the air, and slowly answered.

"Is that so?"

Han Li silently wrote down his words, stopped talking, and waited obediently.

The three of them were the first people to arrive here. Fortunately, Guang Ling had already ordered everyone in the mansion to evacuate before retreating, so they would not come close at this time.

As the gushing breath continued to intensify, several more people came closer one after another. It was the other worshipers, but Qian Daoliu was not present.

"Why are they here too?"

The lion turned his head and motioned to the three people who had just arrived at the top of the mountain, with a little doubt in his voice.

The other worshipers shook their heads. No one answered, but they had no intention of saying hello.

Han Li followed the gazes of several people and his eyes narrowed slightly. Although no one introduced him, he still recognized who it was at a glance.

The leading woman looked very beautiful. She was dressed in a golden long dress that fit her perfectly from head to toe. The dazzling dress shone with jewels and had more than a hundred red, blue, and gold gemstones on it. Wearing a nine-curved purple gold crown on his head, he holds a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless gems.

This kind of dress looks very sacred on the sacred mountain that looks like day. In addition, her appearance is extremely beautiful, and her fair skin seems to be glowing. The first impression is not inferior to the first time she sees the angel statue. It makes people feel like they want to worship.

Who else could this be but the current Pope Bibi Dong? But unfortunately, Han Li did not take this trick. Instead, he raised his vigilance to the highest level and did not dare to let his eyes stay too much. He cast his eyes on the two people behind her. .

Yue Guan, Ju Douluo, his extremely bright red dress is full of gold and silver lines, and a gem the size of a baby's fist hangs on his chest. Matching his charming face, well, it is indeed difficult to distinguish between male and female. When Han Li turned to him He glanced at me and smiled and winked.

Gan, Han Li was overwhelmed with emotion, and quickly shifted his gaze to look at the other person, only to find that he could only see a blurry black figure. Even though it was as bright as day, he could not see any details clearly.

Ghost, Ghost Douluo? It's really magical, Han Li sighed, but stopped looking at it, retracted his gaze, and looked forward.

But after he withdrew his gaze, the three people opposite him looked at him and Xiu'er. Speaking of which, this was the first time they had seen this lucky boy in the intelligence actually rise to the top and become Guang Ling's disciple, and Guang Ling's move to mobilize the family of followers could not be hidden from them.

It seems that Guang Ling is very interested in this apprentice, and the fluctuation of soul power in his body must have just broken through, right? She just didn't know whether it was level 13 or 14. After taking a look at the little boy, a thought flashed through Bibi Dong's mind, and then she stopped paying attention. He was just a kid who had just become a soul master, and he was not worthy of her attention.

At this moment, Guang Ling's retreat place erupted with stronger fluctuations. The room collapsed directly in the surging air waves. A crystal clear bow slowly rose into the air, exuding strong ice elements and light elements, almost illuminating it. It lit up the sky of the entire Wuhun City.

"Hahaha, I successfully broke through to level ninety-seven."

In just an instant, the radiant bow disappeared, turning into a blue-white light and falling back to the ground. Guang Ling's figure emerged from it, with a very arrogant smile on his face.

"Congratulations, fifth brother."

"You kid, come on, stop showing off and take your breath back."

"Guang Ling, you are really lucky, but you don't know when I will be able to break through."

Several worshipers here kept congratulating Guang Ling and turned a blind eye to his provocative smile. They had long been used to it.

The three people in the distance also slowly approached here, as if they were also here to congratulate them.

"It seems that the strength of the five worshipers has increased a lot. Congratulations."

Not far away, Bibi Dong's voice came over, but there was no hint of joy in her voice.

Several worshipers looked at each other, cupped their hands, and all said, "I have met the Pope."

Han Li frowned, pulled Xiu'er back a few steps without leaving a trace, landed behind the worshipers, blended in and bowed.

Bibi Dong didn't pay attention to the greetings from several people, but turned his gaze in the direction of Guang Ling.

"Fifth Worshiper, as a colleague of the Spirit Hall, I wonder if you can share your experience of breakthrough. You know, Elder Ju and Elder Gui have been stuck at level 95 for a long time. I hope they can give me some pointers. If they can understand everything, the Spirit Hall will be stronger."

That's right, this is the purpose of Bibi Dong bringing the two of them here. Although she also knows that the hope is slim, she will not give up without trying. This is also the reason why she ordered in the name of the Spirit Hall instead of the Pope. Guang Ling doesn't care about her identity.

Hearing her words, Guang Ling's face flashed with anger. They are not related to each other, so why should he guide them? You, Bibi Dong, are so shameless, and you use the Spirit Hall to suppress him.

Then he thought of the scenes where he was defeated in the repeated conflicts, and he suppressed his swear words and responded calmly: "Pope, didn't you also break through the limit of level 95? Why don't you personally instruct the two elders? Are you reluctant? Or are you afraid that the two elders will join the Worship Hall after breaking through?"

Hearing Guang Ling's words, Bibi Dong's expression did not change, but her hand holding the scepter tightened a little.

She was not worried about joining the Worship Hall after breaking through, but Guang Ling's words accurately hit her pain point. Did she not want to instruct? She didn't know how to do it. Although she had achieved the peerless Douluo, the path she took was completely different from others. Her strength was completely based on absorbing the soul ring of the second martial soul and forcing a breakthrough. In addition, although the Rakshasa God Test did not give her much help, it still gave her the green light to break through at this level, so she had no so-called comprehension at all.

In other words, her second martial soul is the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor. After devouring Qianxunji, plus the superimposed soul rings along the way, she inadvertently met the requirements, but she was affected and didn't notice it at all. She was now only thinking about destroying the Qian family inheritance and dealing with the divine test. How could she have time to consider these things? Anyway, she had already achieved it.

But she didn't expect Guang Ling's unintentional words to put her here at this time, making her unable to move forward or backward.

For a while, the scene fell into a weird atmosphere.

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