Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 222 Yang Wudi, you don’t want to

Chapter 222 Yang Wudi, you don't want to...

Flanders still has a martial ethics. Although he did not choose to use his martial spirit to travel on the way back, he even chose a leisurely walk. He was in a good mood and walked around the training ground for a week before entering the training ground from the side door.

But after the training, he kindly revealed the news of Yu Xiaogang's injury to his beloved disciple Tang San.

He is a kind person and can't bear to see his old brother suffer.

As for why he chose to end the training, nonsense, of course it was to obey the order of His Majesty Haotian. He promised him to take good care of his son.

So "nervous" that he thought of another happy news.

He went to Qin Ming tomorrow to tell him about Tang San's joining the Royal Fighting Team, and Tang San had nothing to do with him.

Now, he even expected Yu Xiaogang to succeed quickly. In comparison, Ning Rongrong, the troublemaker, looked a little handsome in his eyes. Of course, Ning Rongrong herself was very beautiful.

It would be best if Xiao Wu could be taken away with him. Well, Ning Rongrong could also be taken with him. As for Dai Mubai, he still had some feelings for her, so it was okay for her to stay.

Thinking of this, Flanders suddenly became happy. He was usually stingy and wanted to invite Zhao Wuji to drink. He would treat them as guests.

It seemed that it was not impossible. Just celebrate. Of course, Zhao Wuji had to pay half of the wine money.

So, he disappeared quickly, leaving Ma Hongjun and Oscar looking at each other in bewilderment. The master was injured, and the teacher/dean seemed very happy? ——

On the other side, in the Xingdou Great Forest.

Seeing Han Li and his group suddenly appear in front of them, Yang Wudi and Bai He stood up straight at the first time.

However, after seeing the age of the few people, they relaxed a little, but they did not completely relax their vigilance.

This is the Xingdou Great Forest. Although it is not deep, it is also in the mixed zone. It is naturally not a good thing to be able to appear here and approach them quietly.

The most important thing is that in the Xingdou Great Forest, except for people they know, most people rarely approach other humans. This is also a tacit understanding.

Because in such a place, the danger brought by human soul masters is no less than that of soul beasts, or even greater.

"I wonder what you mean?"

Yang Wudi stared at them coldly, as if he would fight if they disagreed.

"Senior Yang, don't be nervous. We have no ill intentions. As for the purpose of coming, didn't we say it at the beginning? Do you need help?"

Han Li smiled and pointed at the Minyi clan member named Bai Ming who was still lying on the ground.

"Do you know me?"

Yang Wudi felt the goodwill released by Han Li, but did not accept it immediately, but continued to ask.

Although he was a little famous, he had disappeared for many years, and it was rare for people to recognize him at a glance.

"Of course I know him. Yang Wudi, the patriarch of the Poyi clan, how could I not know him?"

Han Li replied with a smile.

This was a lie. A few minutes ago, he really didn't know him. After he detected him with his mental power, he just felt that he looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

It was not until he heard the conversation between the two parties that he confirmed their identities from the names they addressed each other. As for the familiarity, it was not Han Li's illusion, but he had indeed seen someone with a similar appearance.

That person was named Yang Wushuang, Yang Wudi's younger brother, and was considered the number one general under Yue Guan. He had appeared when trading medicinal materials before, but he didn't care at the time.

"May I know who you are?"

Yang Wudi's face changed, but his eyes were different when he looked at Han Li.

He could accurately point out his identity, so he must have the support of a force behind him. Ordinary young soul masters don't have this habit. He hasn't appeared in public for a long time.

"I am from the Wuhun Hall."

Han Li did not directly state his identity, but only reported the force behind him. He also wanted to see the reaction of the two.

"So you are the scum of the Spirit Hall, how dare you appear in front of me."

In just a moment, a black gun appeared in Yang Wudi's hand, but he did not attack directly, but looked around quickly.

In his opinion, with the age of Han Li and his friends, there must be masters of the Spirit Hall following them, who might be secretly observing their every move at this time.

"Senior Yang, are you looking for other people? I can tell you, there are none, there are only a few of us this time."

Han Li looked at his actions with some amusement, and said very calmly.

But his words did not make Yang Wudi relax, but more alert, it was a lie, he would be a fool if he believed it.

To be honest, if there were no other tribesmen, and Lao Bai Niao also had an injured tribesman lying on the ground, he would definitely kill Han Li in front of him at the first time, which has become his instinctive reaction.

Even if the Spirit Hall actually ignored them a long time ago, they still instinctively rejected the Spirit Hall because of historical issues.

"Can you tell me? Why are you so repulsive to the Spirit Hall?"

Han Li didn't care about his alert behavior at all, and continued to speak gently.

"By the way, the people behind you can leave early, of course, he has to stay."

Han Li pointed at Bai Ming who was still lying on the ground.

To be honest, Han Li's original intention was good, to comfort Yang Wudi, but these words, falling into Yang Wudi's ears, were naked threats.

The clansmen behind you can go, but all your strong men must stay with me, the Spirit Hall is going to kill them all.

A trace of sadness surged in his eyes, and he held the gun tighter, but still nodded to the clansmen of the two clans behind him.

In response, the young people of the Poyi clan and the Minyi clan also cast hateful eyes at Han Li and his friends, but still chose to obey Yang Wudi's decision and slowly backed out.

Han Li looked at the reaction of the opposite side with some doubts, just let you step back, some things are not suitable for you to listen to, is it necessary to be so hateful? Why do you still make it seem like a life-and-death separation?

Until the figures of the clansmen disappeared, Yang Wudi shook the tip of the gun, made a fighting posture, and looked at Han Li: "Come on."

Come on? What are you coming for?

Han Li finally realized that these affiliated clans were too hostile to the Spirit Hall. They thought he was going to take action. But didn't they think about why they let the others go?

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to take action."

Han Li waved his hand, maintaining his previous posture without any intention of fighting.

"I've said it before, let's talk about it. Why are you so hostile to the Spirit Hall?"

"Humph, what's there to talk about? When you, the Spirit Hall, massacred our people, you didn't show any mercy."

Yang Wudi snorted coldly, but he was still looking for enemies hiding in the dark.

"Massacre? Clan leader Yang, you can lie to others, but don't lie to yourself. Whether there was a massacre or not, as a witness, you know better than anyone else. Why are you still talking nonsense?"

Han Li frowned. He heard the inside story from Guang Ling himself. There was indeed suppression, and they were expelled. There was a bit of venting, but the massacre was fine.

On the contrary, when the four affiliated clans were expelled, many of them did not cooperate at all and took the initiative to attack the Spirit Hall, resulting in some casualties.

Compared with Yang Wudi's words, Han Li naturally believed what his master said.

Yang Wudi was stunned, but still said stubbornly: "The Spirit Hall killed my people, this is a fact, my son and brother are also dead."

"Didn't you kill a lot of people from the Spirit Hall? Don't say it so nicely. Besides, how can you be sure that your son and your brother are dead?"

Han Li knew very well that the two sides had completely different positions on this matter, so it would be better to be more direct.

"What did you say?"

This time, it was Yang Wudi's turn to be a little excited, and his hand holding the gun was shaking.

In his heart, his son and brother had died that year, but now, he heard about them again.

His dead heart beat again.

"Old goat, be alert, don't forget, he is a member of the Spirit Hall, maybe he is deceiving you."

Bai He, who was standing aside, saw that his old friend was acting a little wrong, and hurriedly shouted.

"Well, you're right, I was lying to him, I don't know any Yang Wushuang and Yang Yan."

Han Li glanced at Bai He, nodded in cooperation, and almost said yes, yes, yes.

"Are Wushuang and Xiao Yan really still alive?"

This time, even with Bai He's reminder, Yang Wudi was a little uneasy. Yang Yan was still young at the time. If he followed the standards of Douluo Continent, he could be considered a "late-born child". Even in the four major clans, most people were not very familiar with the name Yang Yan.

"Of course they are alive. They live much better than you."

While speaking, Han Li stared at Bai He with disdain. It was rare for a soul master family to be as messed up as them.

Bai He felt a little uncomfortable with his gaze, but he glared back again.

"Then why didn't they contact me for so many years?"

Yang Wudi lowered the spear in his hand with some disappointment. The Po Yi clan was brave and forward, but in the face of family affection, they still became weak.

"It's not their fault. They naturally don't allow you to contact them. And, to be honest, you have to thank them. If you hadn't joined the Spirit Hall, do you think that with the strength of your four clans, you could really escape the Spirit Hall's pursuit?"

"Just because you can run fast? Or because you are Tang Hao's uncle?"

Han Li's words were directed at Bai He. To be honest, he was a bit of an eyesore here. He really looked down on Bai He. If he wasn't with Yang Wudi, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to him.

Hearing his words, Bai He's face turned pale with anger.

What do you mean, I stood with the old goat and didn't say a few words, but why were all the ridicules directed at him? Is this reasonable? He is a quick attack spirit master, not a defensive spirit master.

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