Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 233 Tang Sect Killer's Showtime, Tracking and Disguise

After entering the city, Tang San found that Yu Xiaogang got off the car in a place with few people.

He looked around again, and after realizing that no one was paying attention to him, he took off the mask he had been wearing and blended into the crowd.

Tang San didn't follow too closely, and the medicinal powder could still last for a while. As long as the effect of the medicine hadn't worn off, he didn't worry about losing it.

Then, he discovered that Yu Xiaogang first purchased a large amount of daily necessities, then made some disguises, and began to ask questions in front of several famous medical stores in the city.

This made Tang San a little confused and confused about what he was doing, because he neither went in nor bought anything. He just asked a few questions, then turned around and left, wandering around several shops in this way.

Finally, Tang San couldn't bear it anymore, and after Yu Xiaogang left again, he got closer.

"Excuse me, what was the person asking just now? I also saw him in the previous medical store."

Tang San pretended to be curious and pointed at the back of Yu Xiaogang who had not yet disappeared.

"Oh, you are talking about that distinguished guest. He is asking my soul master about the cost of home treatment and whether he has any experience in helping people set bones. It should be that a companion or family member is injured and it is inconvenient to come to the store."

The service staff used to receive customers in the treatment shop said casually that he worked here and had never encountered any weird inquiries.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Tiandou City. It is not uncommon for many nobles who cannot afford to support soul healers to pay people to come to their homes for treatment.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tang San and showed a formulaic smile: "Dear guest, I heard that you have visited many treatment shops. Do you want to come to our place to try it?"

"My lord is also quite famous in Tiandou City. Even though he is just a soul sect, he is quite good at healing in that area. I will guarantee your satisfaction with just one soul skill. What do you think? Do you want to go in and have a look?"

What he said was very explicit, but this is the characteristic of their store. There is no way, who knows that his master Soul Sect is good at this.

He had often heard his master of the soul sect lament before that if it weren't for his special soul skills, no one would be willing to openly let him take refuge. Why would he open such a shop to act as a contact point and earn some extra money at the same time.

After all, their customer stickiness is really not that high.

"No, no need."

Tang San felt a chill, and subconsciously took two steps back, turned around and left quickly.

"Hey, guest..."

The clerk was about to stop him, but thinking of the store's rules, he stopped angrily.

It's a pity that he missed two customers and his high commission was gone. I just don't know if these two customers will come back again.

After being delayed by the clerk, Tang San quickly followed Yu Xiaogang's footsteps again.

Then, he watched Yu Xiaogang enter the area where the nobles lived. After turning left and right, he came to the back door of a house, took out a key and entered.

After Yu Xiaogang closed the door, Tang San walked out from the shadows and looked at the mark on the side of the house, which was the mark of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Tang San thought for a while, but did not enter. After walking around the house, he came to the main entrance again.

After he revealed his identity as a student of Tiandou Royal Academy, he pretended to be looking for someone but couldn't find the way, and asked about the situation of the house.

From the patrolling guards, they only knew that this was an asset of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. As for the owner, they didn't know.

However, it seems that no one has been seen coming in or out for many years. It is only opened every year when the servants clean it regularly.

After getting the news, Tang San said goodbye to the guards and returned to the back door. He was sure that this house should be the property of Yu Xiaogang.

Moreover, it should have been purchased by his family for him, and no one usually lives there. However, it seems so good, why did he suddenly leave the college and come here?

Tang San was a little confused, but now that he knew Yu Xiaogang's residence, he looked at the time and saw that it was almost noon.

So, he decided to return to the academy first. He had to go back and inquire about the news to see what happened.

After confirming the location again, Tang San stopped a carriage and hurried back to the academy.

This time, as soon as he stepped into the training ground, he found that all eyes were on him, with different looks, and Flanders was already there.

"elder brother."

Xiao Wu looked at him worriedly, as if she wanted to say something, but she saw Flanders waving his hand.

"Tang San, come with me, I want to tell you something."

Tang San nodded thoughtfully and followed Flanders to the side.


Arriving at the corner of the training ground, Tang San greeted him familiarly. Even though he had already arrived at Tiandou Royal Academy, he still habitually called Flanders the dean.

Watching him salute and hearing his address, Flanders saw the "Twenty-Four Bridges on a Moonlit Night" and couldn't help but feel dazed for a moment, as if time had flown back to before.

However, he quickly reacted and said with a smile: "From now on, please call me teacher, Shrek Academy no longer exists."

Tang San shook his head, and replied seriously: "A name of dean means dean for life. Even if Shrek Academy has been disbanded, you will always be my dean, and I will always be a member of the Shrek Seven Monsters."

Flanders was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything, just smiled.

Although he was very satisfied with what Tang San said, after experiencing the incident with Yu Xiaogang, he no longer cared about what others said. What mattered was what he did, wasn't it?

"Then it's up to you. It's just a title. It doesn't matter."

Tang San looked up with some surprise at the dean who was different from what he remembered. He nodded, but didn't continue, waiting for the following text.

He didn't wait too long. Flanders just adjusted his mood slightly and looked at Tang San in front of him again.

"Tang San, I guess you should have known it?"

"Know what?"

Tang San looked at Flanders with a confused face, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Huh? Weren't you with Yu Xiaogang just now? Didn't he tell you that he had been dismissed by the academy?"

Flanders looked at Tang San with some surprise.


Tang San was surprised, and at the same time noticed that Flanders's address to the teacher had also changed to the full name.

"What did the teacher tell me before?"

While being surprised, Tang San couldn't help but think of what Yu Xiaogang was going to do on this trip.

Flanders' eyes flickered slightly.

Sure enough, how could his disciple disappoint him? After hearing the news that the teacher was dismissed, the first thing he did was not to ask the teacher, but to ask whether his job was done. They are indeed master and disciple.

Flanders controlled his expression and did not show any obvious emotions. He continued, "I thought he had told you that Yu Xiaogang was dismissed because of this matter."

"Before him, I also went to Qin Ming for this matter. As a result, I didn't expect that the Zhilin Education Committee was also there and heard the conversation between me and him. I continued to hide in the dark until Yu Xiaogang brought Yu Tianheng to the door."

"The most important thing is that the control-type soul master of the first team is the nephew of the Zhilin Education Committee. He thinks we are engaging in unfair competition."

"And Yu Xiaogang said some inappropriate words during the process. I won't say more about the details. I think you should be able to guess what the result will be."

At this point, Flanders couldn't help shaking his head. They had hit a wall. He actually expected this to succeed.


Tang San couldn't help but clench his fists. This was too unlucky. Besides, when Yu Xiaogang proposed the plan, he didn't do a background check on the other party in advance.

He was really incapable of success, but more than failure. He was given hope but failed at the last minute. This made him feel more uncomfortable than having no hope.

Flender calmly took in Tang San's reaction and sentenced him to death in his heart. He was a cold-hearted person, and the idea of ​​staying away from him was reaffirmed.

Tang San took a deep breath and finally suppressed his anger in his heart. He realized that he shouldn't have this reaction, and then he hurriedly looked at Flender.

"Thank you, Dean. Although the matter failed, Tang San will remember the kindness in his heart. Also, is the teacher okay?"

A hint of worry appeared on his face just right, and there was also a trace of affection for Yu Xiaogang.

Ha, Flender sneered in his heart. The acting skills are in the same vein. If you like to act, then I will accompany you to act.

"Weren't you with him just now?"

Flender brought up the question that Tang San had not answered.

"No, but I did go to see the teacher just now. After he returned for the second time, he asked me for some money, saying that he was going to take care of things, and then he left in a hurry."

"After the teacher left, I was afraid that the money was not enough, so I chased him, but I couldn't find him. I thought it was almost noon, maybe he would come here, so I came back."

Subconsciously, Tang San concealed Yu Xiaogang's whereabouts. His intuition told him that it was best not to let Flender know about this.


This time it was Flender's turn to be stunned. He looked at Tang San with some pity.

From his perspective, based on his understanding of Yu Xiaogang, the guy probably ran away again, and before leaving, he also pitted his only disciple.

Even if they were of the same kind, it seemed that Tang San's disciple was still a long way behind Yu Xiaogang. However, why did he want to laugh a little? No, hold it back, after all, Tang San was still his student.

"Did he say anything to you?"

Flanders was ready to help Tang Hao find this guy. He had not forgotten the look Yu Xiaogang gave him before he left.

He couldn't do anything to Yu Xiaogang, but Tang Hao was different. Besides, how could the main culprit run away? Although he had fulfilled his promise, Tang Hao's psychotic behavior might not necessarily mean that he would not be angry with him.

"Before leaving, the teacher told me to believe him no matter what happened."

Tang San answered honestly.


Flanders gave up asking, knowing that Yu Xiaogang should have done some work before leaving. It seemed that it would be difficult to get relevant information from Tang San.

"Forget it, then you should practice well."

Flanders was about to let Tang San leave, but he remembered something and added: "Tang San, although there is something I shouldn't say, as your former dean and current teacher, I still want to remind you not to trust Yu Xiaogang too much."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that I have severed my relationship with him now, and we will be strangers in the future."

Looking at Tang San who was still preparing to refute, Flanders patted his shoulder and left the training ground first.

He still had to go find that guy. Even if it was to deal with Tang Hao, he had to put on a show.

As for Tang San, he had already reminded him, and this guy was not an easy target either. He had a strong background, so he didn't care about the follow-up. It would be best if they fought, as long as they didn't spill blood on him.

However, he had already left, but he didn't see Tang San's changing expression.

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