Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 259 Referee, we give up!

Seeing Tai Long pass the two and go straight to the back, Jing Ling and Huang Yuan attacked more frantically.

Jing Ling was fine. After several contacts with Tang San, he also found that the opponent had no intention of using soul skills, even the first three soul skills in the intelligence.

But even if he didn't use soul skills, Tang San's strength was great, and his movements were quite flexible.

Of course, in terms of speed alone, as a quick attack soul master, he was still faster than the opponent.

But this Tang San was obviously not comparable to those ordinary control soul masters. The pressure of fighting him was no less than a head-on collision with a strong attack soul master.

Fortunately, the opponent still lacked skills that could directly determine the outcome. As long as he played his advantages, even if he was hit, he could rely on the skeleton martial soul to resist for a short time. The defense attached to his martial soul itself was not weak.

But Huang Yuan's situation was not optimistic.

In terms of martial soul strength, he is weaker than Dai Mubai, not to mention that the opponent is stronger than him in soul power and soul skill enhancement.

The two of them kept exchanging soul skills, and with the exchange of fists and feet, Huang Yuan was constantly beaten back.

If he had not been hit by Jiangzhu's healing skill at the beginning, he would have been directly eliminated after a round of skill exchange.

But even so, he is now struggling to hold on.

Because Dai Mubai on the opposite side didn't know what was wrong, his fighting style was also extremely fierce, and the malice in his evil eyes was even stronger than theirs.

He relied on the defense brought by the first soul skill and the enhancement of the third soul skill to almost completely give up defense, even if he had to take Huang Yuan's damage, he had to attack forcefully.

And Huang Yuan could only exchange injuries with the opponent under the enhancement of treatment. The clothes on their bodies could no longer be seen directly, and the blood also dyed the ground of the ring red.

In the venue, after a brief silence, warm cheers broke out.

This is the opening match, which is more exciting than the previous round-robin matches. The spilled blood stimulates everyone's brain and makes them crazy.

As for what grudges there are between the two teams, except for a few people, the audience doesn't care.

On the stands, Emperor Xue Ye was a little surprised.

The feeling given to him by the participating students this year is completely different from that in previous years.

Seeing that he was a little confused, Xue Qinghe turned his head and whispered a few words.

After listening to the prince's explanation, Xue Ye showed a look of sudden realization, nodded, glanced at Yu Yuanzhen who had no expression, and seemed to be thinking.

And Han Li also turned his head to look in the direction of Ning Fengzhi.

"No wonder Sect Master Ning asked your daughter to join the Royal Fighting Team 2. His sense of smell is really sharp."

Hearing his words, Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment, and didn't react to what he meant for a while.

Hearing his words, everyone in the stands cast their eyes over.

Han Li smiled, but didn't act as a riddler, pointing to Tang San who was still fighting in the field.

"If I'm not mistaken, this control-type soul master named Tang San is not simple. He uses two self-created soul skills at once. He is really a genius."

"In addition to his own great power, he can fight against a quick attack-type soul master without using his martial soul with just two self-created soul skills. Congratulations to Master Ning, oh, and congratulations to Your Majesty."

It seemed that Han Li only remembered at the end that the student he was talking about was the captain of the Royal Fighting Team 2, and the Snow Night Emperor was temporarily added.

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the stands became strange.

On the ring, Tang San used the Ghost Shadow Tracking Step and the Dragon Control Crane Capture, which was actually quite concealed.

Most of the time, he was concealing his movements, and only used them when he really couldn't avoid it or when he was making certain attacks.

In the eyes of others, he was just a little faster in reaction, but with Han Li's reminder, a group of people looked at it with a magnifying glass.

This observation, hey, you really don't say it.

With their experience, they quickly determined that what Han Li said was indeed correct. Although Tang San tried his best to conceal it, they still found clues.

His footwork and the way he guided others' attacks in battle were both very advanced and extremely adaptable.

Now, everyone looked at Tang San with a little heat.

The Snowy Night Emperor, who had originally focused on Yu Yuanzhen, also cast his eyes on Ning Fengzhi.

He had been wondering before, how could Ning Fengzhi be willing to send his precious daughter to an unknown academy.

Even if they were all very talented, with the strength of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, they could just recruit them directly, there was no need to do so.

Now, he finally understood that Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, not only wanted people, but also had his eyes on people's self-created soul skills.

Fortunately, Qinghe did a good job this time. Now he is the captain of their Tiandou Royal Academy's second team. It seems that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect's recruitment did not work.

It will be necessary to let Qinghe remind him later to be careful of Ning Fengzhi.

As for creating his own soul skills, he is not in a hurry. Although Xue Ye is also jealous, he also knows that such things will not be easily revealed by anyone, and there may be some restrictions related to martial souls.

As long as he is still in Tiandou, it will be fine. In the future, he can help him build a family and be used by the empire. Anyway, their Xue family is not known for their combat power. Even if they get it, it will be useless if they can't produce a Titled Douluo.

But we must not let the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect get it easily. In recent years, their hands have been extending further and further. Even if they are allies, we must be on guard.

When Qinghe attacked other people, there might be the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect involved. However, now that Han Li is involved, the degree of this must be controlled well.

He sighed in his heart. The throne of Tiandou is not so easy to sit on.

Qinghe, while your father can still hold on for a few years, grow up quickly and become the pillar of Tiandou.

Facing the dirty water thrown by Han Li, Ning Fengzhi smiled faintly:

"Han Shengzi has a good eye. If it weren't for you to remind me, I wouldn't have discovered that Rongrong's classmate has this talent. I have to ask Rongrong later."

He didn't explain too much. He naturally knew that Tang San had created his own soul skills. He even made some indirect inquiries through Ning Rongrong, but then he decisively gave up.

Tang San's "Tang Sect" rhetoric was obviously a perfunctory statement that Tang Hao had deliberately taught Ning Fengzhi. With the existing Haotian Sect, what's the point of talking about establishing the Tang Sect?

However, in Ning Fengzhi's eyes, neither Tang Hao nor Tang San were the kind of people who would stay at ease. It was only a matter of time before their identities were exposed.

By then, Xue Ye's suspicion would naturally be lifted, and even if he explained it, would Xue Ye believe it?

They have been "old friends" for decades, so who doesn't know who.

As for the Spirit Hall, to be honest, he even wanted to laugh when he heard Han Li's provocation.

He was a little looking forward to it. When Han Li learned about Tang San's true identity, he would think of what happened today and regret it so much that he would want to slap himself twice.

You know, this is the closest opportunity for their Spirit Hall to find Tang Hao and his son, but he used it to do this kind of trick.

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi didn't take the challenge, Han Li also smiled and didn't care.

He was just saying it casually, and was also paving the way for Qian Renxue's subsequent actions. The result was not important.

The stands fell silent, and at this time, on the ring, although Huang Yuan's side was already bleeding, both sides were actually quite satisfied.

The most proud one was of course Tai Long. After receiving Ning Rongrong's amplification, he, who was relatively clumsy in the past, now has a good movement speed.

At this time, he was already grinning, approaching Jiangzhu, who was constantly retreating but had reached the edge of the soul skill amplification range.

He was very familiar with Jiangzhu's skills and knew that if she withdrew from this range, Jing Ling and Huang Yuan in front would no longer be able to obtain amplification.

But if she chose not to retreat, then when he approached, what could she, a healing soul master, do to resist his attack? In short, no matter what she chose, failure was already doomed.

He, Tai Long, was the controller who accelerated the changes on the field at this moment.

As for the other four people, heh, it was still the same as always, always reacting half a beat slower. Don't you think it's too late to support Jiangzhu now?

Especially the defensive spirit master whose spirit was a shield, he didn't know to follow Jing Ling and Huang Yuan to the front, nor did he know to protect Jiang Zhu, but he was giving priority to protecting the control spirit master he liked. He was really hopeless.

Mocking his old teammate in his heart, Tai Long's movements were not slow at all, and his fist with spirit skills hit Jiang Zhu fiercely.

Get out of here.

Then, he saw Jiang Zhu, who was panicked before, smiled at him and shouted: "Retreat."

Just when Tai Long was still in a daze, he heard Tang San's shout from behind: "Get out of the way."

But his fist had already been swung with all his strength, and under the dual inertia of speed and strength, it was not so easy to change direction.

He saw that Jiang Zhu's waist was wrapped with the spirit of the control spirit master of the original team - hollow vine, and he retreated quickly to the back under the pull.

The defensive spirit master he had been mocking, however, released his shield spirit. Behind him, two amazing spirit energy balls flew out quickly and shot at him fiercely.

At the same time, the hollow vine under his feet was also growing rapidly, blocking his left and right turns.

The hollow vine, which was not known for its toughness and would break at a pull in the past, now became Tai Long's biggest obstacle.


The exploding energy ball hit Titan's body, blasting him up and throwing him backwards.

Tai Long didn't understand until then why that guy made his shield a circle larger than usual today, and why the control spirit master was in the back row, it turned out to be to cover this attack.

Then, he lost consciousness and his body slammed heavily on the ground.

On the opposite side, even Huang Yuan, who was covered in scars, smiled after seeing this scene.

Without waiting for Tang San and the others to attack again, the Blue Tyrant Academy members looked at each other, nodded, raised their right hands at the same time, looked in the direction of the referee, and shouted loudly:

"Referee, we admit defeat."

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